How Long Does It Take?

United States
February 17, 2010 6:21pm CST
How long does irt take you to finally get comfortable at a new job? I mean to where you want to start putting pictures and plants and some personal things on your desk?
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6 responses
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Mmm it depends what type of job it is. I'll usually go slow. See if I like the place, what the other people are like and then when I think its safe and Im pretty sure I'll keep the job, I'll start by bringing in a plant but no photos. I dont like to mix my private life with my office life. Ive worked in one girl offices as secretary and I used to bring a plant, a radio, some dishes as Id make a lunch and of course a change of never knows.
• United States
18 Feb 10
I just started this job in a call center 3 weeks ago but I don't feel like associating with any of those people. I miss my old job so bad all my co workers and friends they were like family to me. But thre is nothing I can do since they shut down now I feel like I don't want to put anything on my desk at all just in the three weeks I have been there he has hired so many people and they don't show up at all. The pay is not good at all but I took it because they are the first ones that called me and I am so far behind on bills from not working for so long I had to take the first thing that came along. Now I have a feeling I am not going to like it there.
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• United States
18 Feb 10
Yeah that is a hard situation. I would say maybe bring a couple of pictures to look at while you are working...maybe that will help keep your morale up just a little bit. What kind of job is this? It's so hard to find jobs now, I'm having a hard time since I was laid off. But if you aren't happy there, just keep looking for a new job and just work this one to make some type of money until you can find a better job. I know that doesn't help much now, but hopefully you'll find something that you like a lot better. Good luck with that!
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Im so sorry about your situation Jaher, maybe you can look for another job at the same time while you keep that job as security. Dont give up, Im sure you'll end up finding something. Keep in touch with your last coworkers, you never know if one of them finds a job, maybe they'll have an opening for you. Network, tell everybody you know that you're looking for a job. Let us know if you ever find another one. Good Luck and as we say here, "break a leg" (its for good luck)
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
18 Feb 10
It really depends on the job. I would say maybe the 2nd week you are working there. Because that first week you will figure out if you like the job or if it's not for you. I started putting pictures up at my old job within a few days of me starting, not all at once, like I slowly built it up.
• United States
18 Feb 10
I was going to comment the same thing as above but it has been a long day so the comment is for you too in above.
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
20 Mar 10
i don't know. i wouldn't want to work some where that i have to sit at a desk all day or most of my work day.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Feb 10
Like the others have said, it depends…I’ve been in jobs where I wouldn’t even bring my own mug from home because I knew early on that this was not the job for me and that I probably wouldn’t be there long. I don’t know if there is a time limit. I think that when the job is truly ‘yours’ and you know it inside and out and you are totally comfortable there that is when you may feel like personalising your desk. Mind you, you don’t have to wait until you are super comfortable there, you could bring pictures of your family or something just for comfort for whenever you have a bad day...
@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
Getting comfortable on a job really depends on a lot of things. First, the type of work you are in. If you know your job very well, you will feel comfortable very easily. If the job you applied for does not suit you,then you will really have a hard time adjusting. Next, the work environment is also important for you to be comfortable. If your workplace is very chaotic you will never adjust in this environment...
• United States
18 Feb 10
I think it depends on the job and if I like it or not. It always helps if the other employees are welcoming...I'm not sure I would take photos in though.