Unwanted Behavior of teenagers

@cycomz (72)
February 18, 2010 9:08pm CST
Greetings, creatures under the blue sky. It is very evident that many parents have problems dealing with their children, especially the teenagers. I work as a High School teacher, and also designated as guidance counselor. Sometimes, it's annoying because every once in a while, students are admitted in my office for misbehavior. Sometimes, they have fist fight. Other times, the students speak back to their teachers and turns the class into burning arguments. There was once that a mother came in my office asking for help. She can no longer guide her son because he doesn't listen to her anymore. It was the first time that the mother herself came into my office. Usually, it's the teachers who brings the students in my office. Whatever problem arises from these students, I found one common factor. Talking to these young teens at their level and interest, they comfortably share their own sides and reasons. And whether you will agree or not, the root of the problems always brings our conversation to their individual family. Even if the fist fight started with an unpleasant answer from another student to his classmate, their "fearless" behavior always makes me conclude that they are seeking for what we call "HOME", not the place because it's house but the state of feeling of being with the people around them. Students, whose parents criticize instead appreciate them, tend to do things that makes everyone notice them. Usually, it's were problems start. No matter how hard a school helps their students, as long as the parents, brothers, sisters, relatives or even "friends" could not give or just show a HOME, these students will continue misbehaving, taking actions by instincts, to gain attention from everyone who could possibly give them what they are always looking for -- HOME. Have you noticed these things in your own school, community, or even church? Why do you think teenagers misbehave?
2 responses
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
..hi.. yes.. and you're right.. one of the most common reason why students behave that way is family problem.. there are those who are deprived of attention from their parents, others are spoiled that they are used to getting what they want.. Most of the time, parents forgot their child's need of affection and attention.. they thought that by giving all the material needs of the children and pampering them of anything that money can buy, they've already fulfilled their responsibility as parents.. This is why children who lacks attention from their parents seek that attention to other people like in school.. They do something unusual that could draw the attention of anybody.. Maybe, it will be nice to schedule some parenting seminars to parents also to remind them of their roles and obligations toward their child.. that their child doesn't only need material things but what they need most is the feeling of belongingness and love in their homes.. and a home is composed of the father, the mother, the children, and love..
@cycomz (72)
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
Thanks for your response. It is really hard if we schools try to education teens, while their parents are ones un-educating them. They think it's alright to scold their kids. They think shouting at them would make them a better person. Small things they may be, but criticism and appreciation makes a big difference in teens behavior.
@dinnuu (13)
• India
19 Feb 10
its quite common during the teenage.. and its not their problem at all..