do you think barak obama is going to be president of USA in 2011

February 18, 2010 9:55pm CST
i could listen a lot of rumor that 52% of US have no desire to make Obama again president of US. what is your opinion? do you think that Barak Obama should be president of US. Would it be fair for all of you if he again comes in power.
2 responses
• United States
19 Feb 10
President Obama was voted in in a landslide. The people who voted for him come from many different stripes. These are not the people who participate in polls and for the most part are politically apathetic. They are not going to get invovled unless aroused. The conservatives and tea party people better be careful to arouse this super silent majority. President will win again in 2012 and unless someone does something stupid. He will be president in 2011.
• India
19 Feb 10
i hope it will happen as you desired. i love to hear it from you, that a revolutionary person has probability to become president again. i think he deserves this post and has proved his position.
@cintoy (1011)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 10
I believe there can never be a perfect leader/ruler/ president. we can not expect anyone to be perfect in everything as he is human. There will always be weaknesses. Some decisions are good for some people while it disadvantage others. Then those in disadvantages will say he is not good in becoming president. My opinion is that the country should be a better place to live in. not a place we can pamper ourselves. There can always be changes or strategies and structures between different presidents. I am not American, but for all Americans, either Mr Obama is going to be in power again in 2011 will be fully your decisions. don't judge him to be beneficial to you only but judge him whether his decision is beneficial to US.