Any suggestions on how to lose weight fast?

February 19, 2010 2:40am CST
Who likes to be an obese? Personally speaking, I am not fat but you know women, they never get satisfied with how they look. At times I feel like I am one of those women that gets insecure if my pants get tight or if my shirt is already too tight and my stomach is marking when seated especially at the sides-I am really guilty of that. As of the moment, my partner and I are on a vegetarian diet. Even though he does not like it well he aint got a choice. Any suggestions? aside from exercise oh please..I am a couch potato and I dont like to move that much.=)
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6 responses
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
19 Feb 10
Quick weight loss is not permanent weight loss and typically you will not only gain the weight that you lost back but you will generally put on a couple of extra lbs as well. When you lose weight quickly, it is water weight and generally a loss of tissue like muscle etc not fat. I know that you don't want to hear it but you need to eat sensibly and you do need to exercise, an appropriate combination of cardio AND weight training. Working out with weight will tone your muscles and muscle requires more calories than fat so you will not only be stronger, you will be able to eat more. Vegetarian isn't always friendly to weight loss. Are you eating a lot of starch. Bread, potatoes, pasta are all meatless but weight loss is still a simple equation of calories in must be less than calories burned. One of my friends has been a vegetarian for years. She gained 15 lbs in the first 3 months because she was eating a lot of starchy food. The weight came off when she relied primarily on veggies and fruits but she does have to get regular B12 I think that's the one) shots because you can only get it from eating meats. She actually got very sick a few years into her vegetarian lifestyle because she was vitamin deficient.
• United States
20 Feb 10
I think that if you take a good multivitamin you are probably covered for most things that you don't get through your diet. Check though to see what the daily percentage is of B12 to make sure that you get 100% of it. My friend tells me that the shots burn. I would also make sure that you research proteins. Plant proteins are very good for you and you can do things such as combine beans and rice to create a protein that only exists when the two are combined. Are you eating eggs and dairy. I just saw something on one of the Doctor shows indicating that eggs are a perfect protein and that if you don't have any cholesterol problems, a female can eat 1 egg per day and a male 2 eggs per day. I do agree with you that all in all, a vegetarian diet is much healthier than our meat based diet. For lack of a better terms, I call myself a fish vegetarian. I eat 5 times a day and four of my meals are vegetarian and for dinner, I have a piece of fish. Those omega 3's are very good for you. Please rethink exercise. I don't like to exercise either but I exercise 6 days a week for 45 minutes. I just consider that my job is to keep myself as healthy as possible and exercise is part of the job
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
Oh I see. Like how many milligrams of multivitamins per day? Will generic multivitamins do? Like how often? I also a not the person who is fond of taking vitamins as well. If ever I do, it will be more of vitamin C and E, sort of antioxidants since I am a smoker. Oh, that was one of the reasons that i quit going to the gym is because of smoking. Any more suggestions?
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I liked your response. I believe that vegetarian diet is healthy and probably just vitamins intake will and the lacking vitamins not found in the veggies I eat. What do you think? Like supplements, what do you think?
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
19 Feb 10
There is no special diet or weight loss magic pill, believe me if there were I would be getting stock in the company. I am obese and NO I don't like it one bit. I have been working out regularly in a gym, cleaning house, running errands, son to games and practices. Still haven't lost anything. Also watch what I eat, when I eat, smaller portions and trying to get more fruits and vegetables in my diet. It will take determination and dedication to meet your goals and will take time. Anyone won't lose overnight. You will have to get motivated to even maintain your weight, its not good being a couch potatoe. You have to move and do various activities to have a healthy heart.
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
True it's not good to be a couch potato but that is the only way I feel relaxed especially during my days off from work. If I don't feel lazy, then I go swimming but hat is very seldom. Any more suggestions?
• United States
20 Feb 10
You can do simple exercises at home instead of being on the couch while you watch TV do some sit ups, crutches, even jumpingjacks to get your energy motivated. Once you start this you will feel much more energized and better about yourself. I also have a tight schedule with my son, his appts, meetings, my schooling but I had to be determined enough to do it. I also take B12 tablets, multivitamin (just the flintstone ones or gummys) and B complex vitamin. Since I don't drink alot of milk I take 2 chewable Tums a day. I can tell the difference when I am not taking my vitamins. Meditating is a good relaxation technique and good for your body also along with stretching and Yoga. Just one small step will go along way and make sure you are taking care of yourself also and not losing the benefits your body needs for nourishment.
• Malaysia
23 Feb 10
Hi mavieserrano728, I did gain 40 pounds in one year unstoppable although I did try my best to stop it. So it is horrible for me. Recently, I found a way to loose weight naturally and easily. I did try for it and I reduced 2 kilos in one week. This is my second week and I'm trying my best to control everything on what I eat. But based on the diet rule we don't have to so hard die control on what we should eat for. The main key is use promogate. Well, if you want to use this diet, i did make step by step how to do this diet. Check on my profile link and download the file :)
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
Have you tried the 3-day diet? This type of diet requires you to eat specific types of food. The weight loss is triggered by the chemical reaction of the food you eat. I don't have the complete list right now, but you can search for it online. The best result would be losing 10 pounds in 3 days, though my sister was able to lose i think around 4-6. It's also pretty good as it even involves vanilla ice cream, so you won't feel completely deprived. HOWEVER, for best results, you need to do a bit of exercise. I'm not saying you have to hit the gym or anything, just do something to make yourself a bit more active, like say marching in place while you watch TV instead of just lying on the couch. Or taking a walk outside. Or, why not stop using the remote and actually getting up to the TV to switch channels?
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
I have not tried yet the 3-day diet. In fact I am pretty scared that after I try this diet, I might crave 10x because I will feel deprived. I am not the type of person who feels like exercising. I will instead do other errands that would me make me productive. I used to go the gym. I was very motivated at that time, but when I stopped I lost the motivation even if the effect will be very rewarding. That is the thing I find difficult as well, to gain my motivation back. I think.
• India
19 Feb 10
Go to gym regularly and do physical exercises regularly................
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I am not really into exercising. Probably going to gym might help but I feel like I am in a tight schedule. But going to gym will be one of my future interest. Previously I was going to the gym but again I am really in a tight schedule.
24 Feb 10
I think we have the same problem. My friends say that im not fat but i cant help but feel fat! And i think to some extent it's okay to feel that way because you want your body to look great. Being a vegetarian can make you lose weight drastically if you partner it with exercise. I did so by just jumping on the trampolin while watching television. It's nice to keep the body moving especially for toning. But if you just really want a slim figure without the exercise, it's best to drink hot water with lemon in the morning for regular bowel movement! :)
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
Yeah one thing I noticed is that when I started the vegetarian diet, my bowel movement got affected. Now, I am starting to eat rice again because I am having that feeling of deprivation already. I have been in a vegetarian diet for 2 weeks but I feel like I am giving up already because I feel like I am not losing weight anyway. Help!