Finding love after beign rejected.

@sofear (42)
February 19, 2010 3:45pm CST
How can one believe that they will find love after beign rejected several times.It kind of lowers your self esteem and you start thinking that maybe your not good enough for anyone.I would like to know from you guys that have gone through this.How you met your amazing life partner after suffering a massive heart break,when you felt like you will never try to love again.When you felt like you will never put yourself out there again.
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2 responses
@bird123 (10642)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Being rejected is a good thing isn't it???? Yes, I think so!! It guaranties that you aren't stuck getting your heart broken by the wrong person. The only one that needs to tell you yes is your true love. True love has no timetable. Sometimes it won't show up until later in life. You must always be open, for true love tends to show up when you least expect it. Did you say that you might not be good enough?????? Humbug!!We are all good enough when true love shows up.They love you no matter what. Just try to run them off. YOU CAN'T!!!
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I think everyone has been rejected in love at one time or another. One thing to remember is that saying: you kiss a lot of frogs before you meet the real prince. I don't think either that one should let a rejection lower their self-esteem, what it really means is that person just wasn't right one for them. Just like when we go to the store to buy a dress, shoes, or something, we search, try on, and all that before we find that really special item that we really want. Love is a little like that too..we search, try it on, and if it doesn't 'fit' right, then why buy it (or marry it?!) It's often that one person feels the love for another, yet that person just doesn't love them back, or doesn't love them back in the way they want to be loved. In my way of thinking, that would be far better to be rejected than to accept a love that is less than what we want. Rejection hurts, for sure, but that doesn't mean that real special love of our life might not come along later when we least expect it.