is tiger sorry??
United States
18 responses

• United States
19 Feb 10
tHANKS FOR RESPONDING. I bet he wishes he'd behaved himself. Have a great weekend.
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@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
19 Feb 10
I don't think I can really judge rather he is really sorry or not. However, whether genuine or not, it's the best apology I have ever heard! He did not try to blame anything on anyone else. He took full responsibility for his own actions. I have to applaud that at least! He didn't say things like, "I'm sorry if you were offended by..." you know? He just said, "I was wrong and irresponsible." That's worth a couple of positive points!
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• United States
19 Feb 10
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@GardenGerty (162685)
• United States
20 Feb 10
That is true. He did not blame his wife or the other women. I say the proof will be when he is back out of rehab, and living the life again.
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@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I guess then we might know, but we may really never know for sure!
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• United States
20 Feb 10
He better stay zipped up.
. thanks for responding. Happy weekend to u.

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• United States
19 Feb 10
I always heard great minds minds run together,

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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
19 Feb 10
I think that if he hadn't been caught, he would still be living it up. I think that he has been forced to face the music and anyone would be sorry if they had to do that. If he had come forward on his own about the issue..that might be different but he got busted..then he was sorry.
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• United States
19 Feb 10
Hi Jen, I agree w/u 100 %. I always heard u play u pay. He's paying now in alot of ways. Happy weekend to u. Thanks for responding.
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@melloncollie (661)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
well he should be. for all the women he victimized and all the sponsors who signed out on him. and most especially his wife and kids.
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• United States
20 Feb 10
Thanks for your response & welcome to mylot. His wife & kids i am sorry for but not him. Hope u have a good weekend.
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@GardenGerty (162685)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Only time will tell if he is truly sorry. You can tell in his eyes he is not so happy go lucky. I liked the fact, though, that he got on to people who were making things up to make an even bigger story. I was impressed that he said that Elin never has hit him. (much as she might want to.) Even though he is famous, this should not have been a public thing. His family did not need to be dragged through the mud, and as he said, people should not be following his wife, and baby girl to preschool. That is just sick. The press is always fanning the flame, and also boring us normal people to tears.
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• United States
20 Feb 10
Good morning GG, thanks for your response. U made alot of good points. I feel very sorry for his kids but i don't feel sorry for him at all. U are right the press can drive me nuts w/all their fanning the flames of a mess like this has been. Have a great weekend.
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@BarBaraPrz (48956)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
19 Feb 10
I don't understand why everyone expects an apology. The only people he owes an apology to is his wife and the other women.
Has it really been three months since it happened? How time flies when ya don't give a shift.
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• United States
19 Feb 10
He sure didn't owe me one. I don't feel sorry for him at all. I hope he has apologized to his wife but don't think that would solve anything for me if i was the wife. Have a good weekend.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I bet we all have things in our past we should or could have apologizedfor ....I do think he is sincere....and still in all wished he had kept his pants on....but I guess really the forgiving is up to his family...his wife in particular....personally I wouldn't be so forgiving....and he wouldn't want to pull his pants down because there wouldn't be anything left to show!
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• United States
20 Feb 10

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• United States
20 Feb 10
Hey Niel, thanks for your response.
U & wifey have a good time. I think he's sorry he got caught & messed up so many lives.

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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Hi Anti. The way I am looking at this Tiger Wood thing is.. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Tiger go and sin no more.
All have sin-ed and fallen short of the glory of God. As for being a role model Tiger is of flesh and blood. You should teach your children not to put trust and faith in man (humans), trust in God he will never let you down. I know his fans are disappointed but goodness they act like is the one who walked on the water.
Yes I think he is sorry and I think they are really over doing it. I don't believe he owes no one but his wife and family an apology. He should confess and repent and if God can forgive and forget that is all that matters.
As for the news media they are trying to make money that is their job. If Tiger never plays professional golf again he still have more money than those that are trying to get him to apologize to the public. Some will never forgive him because they don't have the authority that God does.
I pray that he has learned his lesson and now is ready to get on with his life and seek God's word.
Go Tiger Handle your business to your family, friends and God. Not to the world.
Man in the flesh will never understand I hope Tiger does.
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• United States
20 Feb 10
Good morning Chevee, thanks for responding.I don't think his life will ever be the same & don't think it should be. He messed up big time & i do not feel sorry for him at all. I do feel sorry for his family. Happy weekend to u.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Feb 10
I really thought he was sorry for everything that happened. It sounded heartfelt. My favorite part was telling the paparazzi to stay away from her wife, kids and her mom. They didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who did wrong. I thought it was a very good speech and he touched on all points and I'm so happy he didn't say sorry to the 14 tramps that bedded him. They all knew he was married with kids and they allowed the cheating to go on. If all 14 girls had said "NO" to him this would never have happened.
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• United States
20 Feb 10
He would have just found 14 others. I don't think the girls are to blame. He was the one who instigated the relationships, he was the one who was married & should have acted like he was instead of being the playboy. Don't know if the girls were tramps or not but know that He's a tramp to.thanks for responding.
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• United States
20 Feb 10
He shouldn't have been asking. Should have been faithful to his wife. He is a dog.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Feb 10
Tiger was a dog but if the female would learn to keep their legs closed knowing that he is married man they are no better. If females learned to say no there would be less men cheating in the world. That is my opinion. It takes two and the females are just as guilty has the married man.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
19 Feb 10
Well for a start i do not think he is sorry and i do think the only thing was that he was caught aswell as all the publicity as well that went with all the scandal.I do not feel sorry for him and if i was his partner then i would get shot of him not take him back as once a cheater always a cheater i would say.I would think that his wife would never trust him again and they say where there is no trust there is no love.
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• United States
19 Feb 10
I agree w/u, he's just sorry he got caught like i said. Thanks for your response. Hope u have a good weekend.
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@MrKennedy (1978)
19 Feb 10
Although we will never know if he is more sorry about getting caught red-handed rather than sorry about what he did, it has really ruined the guy's life. His reputation has been dragged through mud, and the innocent, never-do-wrong Tiger we once all knew no longer exists. This incident will be a dark shadow that will forever hang over him
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• United States
19 Feb 10
This will follow him to his grave. What a dumbo. Thanks for your response. Hope u have a nice weekend.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Hi Jo!! I do think he's really sorry. I watched him give his speech (if you will) and I saw the grief in his eyes so I do believe he's sorry. He just let the fame and money get the best of him and his family and thought he was invincible but he found out that he's not all that and bad things can happen to good or bad people. I hope he and his family get back together and make ammends. I really do. He obviously loves them and wants them back so they can be a family again. I see it this way, he didn't have to give a news conference but he did and he laid everything down on the line. Not many can or will do that. Now I may be wrong but I do believe he's really sorry.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Well, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt is all. I'd hope I'd get the same treatment if I were in the wrong but that's not always the case. It's really hard to say if he's really sorry or sorry that he got caught but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, at least for now. We'll see how he does then we can get a better picture of him. I hope you have a great weekend too!! Hugs!!
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• United States
20 Feb 10
Hi Cats, U are an ol' softie which is not a bad thing for sure. U have your opinion 7 i have mine they are just not the same, lol. Thanks for responding. Hope u are are having a great weekend.

• United States
23 Feb 10
Thanks for responding. He's definitely messed up his life big time. Don't know why he thought all that bull wouldn't get out on him. Have a great day.
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
20 Feb 10
i think he is sorry for what he has done.i hope he remembers and he won't do it again. i think the women was just as wrong as he was. i bet they will never say they were wrong or say they are sorry.
• United States
20 Feb 10
We usually agree
but not this time. lol. Sure the women were bad to but they weren't married. I'm sure they were seeing dollor signs. he has really messed up his life & his wife & childrens.

@wigima5 (904)
• United States
19 Feb 10
NO NO NO, he is not sorry. As ALLLL people who apologize after getting caught, he is just trying to do this as a publicity stunt in order to get fans back. I actually would have MORE respect for him if he DIDN'T apologize. I think that what he did is a subject between just HIM and his WIFE. Why is he apologizing to us?? It doesn't make sense at all, which is y i hate these pointless apologies. apologize to ur wife, tiger. He probably DOES feel bad about cheating his wife, but mostly is embarassed. maybe he's changed, maybe he's just doing it to win back ppl, but public apologies r pointless.
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• United States
19 Feb 10
I don't think anything he says will change the fact he has royally screwed up. Thanks for your response. Happy weekend to u.
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