Do you have any online friends?

@wigima5 (904)
United States
February 19, 2010 5:29pm CST
With all these social sites, and mylot, I'm sure you have met a lot of great people on here. I personally have 3 great friends I met online. and they're always loyal and there for me. And a few other ones in addition to that that I talk to. So, do you have any great online friends? howd u meet them?
6 responses
@kar295rocks (2116)
• India
20 Feb 10
Oh that is very nice of you to have procured three chums via the internet! I have also gained three friends and the credit for that goes to mylot as they all are mylotters! Two of them are from India and the third from Pakistan!
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
27 Feb 10
That's cool. And it's pretty good because it helps to broaden your horizons and talk to someone from another part of the world.
• Australia
20 Feb 10
hi friend,when i am started looking for online money making,i also started working on some of the social networking sites,there i got some really good online friends,i gave my personal email too.but i have not meet them yet..but for me they are least consideration only when compared to my schooling,and office friends
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
20 Feb 10
yes, I'm planning to meet my online friends one day. :D yayyy.
• United States
20 Feb 10
No. I'm sorry to say that I don't, but I don't have a good personality, so it makes sense.
@anday0108 (628)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I have met a few friends online and as it is, online friends just come and go. However, I have one online friend I usually chat if I have the chance to and have also talked with her on the phone. Other than that her, I have none since I am quite picky when it comes to making friends online.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
20 Feb 10
I met a very good friend here at mylot. He is funny, loyal, witty and great fun to chat with. I won't change that for aything. It is really nice to make friends this way. TATA.
• Indonesia
20 Feb 10
i have a lot of online friend, if i want to meet them , i will go to their place even we didn't know each other face before