Why is it that some people think that they know everything about everything?
By jugsjugs
@jugsjugs (12967)
February 19, 2010 6:47pm CST
Have you noticed that there will always be people in life that think that they know everything no matter even if the truth about something is written in front of them.I know a few people like this and from now all i am going to say to them is take a look on the internet to see what it says as you think you know best that way it saves alot of dissagreements to do with things.I wish there were a few people that were looking on the internet before they just jumped in and said what they think is right rather than not knowing the facts behind things and these are people that have a pc so they have no excuses.Do you know people like that,the people that think they have been there and done that and think they know everything and know nothing.
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76 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I don't know. These kinds of people annoy me too. As I said in another discussion today (apparently, this is the day on MyLot to post discussions about annoying know-it-alls) I get more than my fair share of joy in giving such people their comeuppance. I know it's not a very charitable behavior, but I can't help myself. I figure they deserve it for being so obnoxious.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
These types of people are put on the planet i think just to keep us on our toes aswell as wind us up aswell i think.I think that there seems to be getting more people out there that think they know everything about everything.I think sometimes these people should look things up on the internet as then they may get their facts abit right.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
20 Feb 10
I have met more than a few. There are many reasons for this behaviour, and onr common factor is inflated ego.
When the ego takes over or controls our thinking our minds become insulated against other opinions or view points. Even if the facts are in written form, the brain picks up only what concurs with any ingrained opinion. I saw a lot of this while being a student nurse at St. Bernard's Wing, Ealing Hospital.
Narrow mindedness in thinking is also a major factor, which may or may not be driven by the ego.
Back in Malaysia I have also met people who are like that. It is these type of people who think that they have the right to impose their thoughts on other people. It is a sad fact, because the world can become a better place without this attitude.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Feb 10
I think that it would pay for peoploe like that to look on the internet rather than just thinking they know everything as this is what can cause people problems as they tell people things that are not true and in some respects this can cause other issues aswell.Alot of these people have the internet so it is about time they were to read up on a subject rather than guessing.
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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
20 Feb 10
There are always at least two sides to a story. Even on the Internet there are fake facts. Personally I would not take any information from the Internet as the complete truth, unless there is corroboration from other reliable sources. There is a lot of misinformation floating around.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Feb 10
I would always go to a site that is a good source of information if it was todo with benifits then i would go to the gov site if it was health i would go to the nhs site,if it was for animals then there is a site linked with the rspca aswell as a vet site.That way i know the info would be correct and so would the other person.

@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
20 Feb 10
We are dealing with one of those people right now. No matter what we say, she just dones't listen to logic. We tell her that there is a problem with the toilet, and she tells us it's our problem that we did it. She thinks our bathroom is too messy for a plumber to come and fix the toilet, but if he came when our toilet was spewing raw sewage, then nothing's too messy. LOL Some people justdon't get it.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
You should tell her that you are going to get the enviromental health to take a look at the loo as that way they will do something about it as it is a health hazard.Where i live we get those people in if we have a land lady or a company we are renting from and they fine if the problem is not sorted out.Lol.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
20 Feb 10
My dad used to get upset if anyone corrected his spelling because he thought he was the world's best speller. But once in a while he made a mistake and if someone showed him the word in the dictionary, he would close his eyes and put his hands over his ears because he was more interested in being "right" than in knowing the facts. But he did not live long enough to experience the PC or internet. His sons were very interested in astronomy and used to talk about space travel and he would interject saying "They will never put a man on the moon!" I once told him he should join the Flat Earth Society.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
You are funny.It seems to me in schools the teachers either do not correct spellings or they do not even look at the childrens work so in years to come there will be plent of people who can not spell.Your dad sounded a great bloke,my dad passed away two years ago and thinking back he used to get me todo all of his forms and there were even times he asked me how did you spell something.
@psycospaz (320)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Oh I know one person like that! It drives me absolutely batty just talking to him, from one conversation to the next I never know if I am going to end up in an argument because he wants to dispute what I am saying. And then-
- when I get the fact to prove that I am right and know what I am talking about and he is wrong he says that the information was changed over the years because the scientists in California wanted to make more money. And yes that is how every argument ends because there is no way I am going to dispute that logic.
I think all the people like that should be gathered up and put into a camp where they can argue amongst themselves and always be right.

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@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Feb 10
It makes me angry when people go on about things that they do not know and when they arer told the facts they still disagree as they are always right even if this has come off the interenet or a professional person.One of these days i can see me saying here is a site read and then tell me if the site is talking rubbish.
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@psycospaz (320)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Depends on the person you are trying to convince but most times, when I over sites or evidence he does say it is complete rubbish! OHHH do the people you know tell you that if they are proven wrong they will admit it?
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@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
hi jugsjugs,
in my family's line of business we have an employee exactly like that and at most times it's quite annoying really! A classic example is I am talking with someone else and she buts in and even if she does not clearly know who and what we are talking about she keeps responding or pretends she knows even if its clear she does not. The most annoying part is that she parrots everything you say!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
Oh yes i know someone just like that as well and they also get the wrong idea what the conversation was all about aswell.I think it is funny when they repeat things that they have heard to the wrong person aswell as they have got the wrong end of the stick.Then i get to find out what they have said to who and so do everyone else and then i usually show or tell them what it was todo with.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I sure have noticed a few of them. It can be pretty uncomfortable even being in the same room with Mr. or Ms. High and Mighty. I avoid them whenever possible. It does not do them any good to tell them. They will probably tell you they invented the internet.
Of course, sometimes you get more than one opinion when you look on the internet, so it pays to research things really well before committing yourself or putting your foot in your mouth, not that that type cares, they do it all the time.
I know it would be refreshing to be able to get a word in edgewise,especially when it is something you actually DO know about. I think we all can sympathize with you on these royal pains.

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@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
I think that even if it was told to them about things from someone high up or even from an expert they would still think that they were right and the other people on this planet were wrong,lol.It angers me soo much that these people do not have a clue what they are on about.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Feb 10
There's only one person in my life who I know is like that, thank goodness. Her husband told everyone at a dinner one day that he didn't have to have encyclopedias anymore cause he had S_______.
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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
people come in all shapes, sizes and kinds. it is just how we take them that can either make or break our day. just because they're around doesn't mean we have to deal with them. simply ignoring them would do the trick

@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I know that feeling. My sister-in-law and my cousin-in-law are two great examples of this. I remember when my husband and I were engaged. My fiance, his mother and I were looking for places to live before we got married. His mom owned a trailer and my fiance had lived with his mom. She was elderly and needed care. I had been renting an apartment and was tired of paying rent because the money was not going anywhere. My fiance and I wanted a place of our own and wanted my future mother-in-law to live with us. My sister-in-law felt that my husband and I should not have gotten married because she felt us being together for three years was not long enough for us to know each other (mind you she married her husband six months after knowing her husband) and she felt that I could not handle being a full-time student and a full-time wife (I am pleased to say that I am graduating college this April with honors and plan to go to grad school). My husband's cousin felt that we should not buy a house because we could not afford it and our credit was not good. I am not sure how she could have assumed that my credit was bad because I would never have shared personal information with his cousin. It was not any of her business.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
I think there are people out there that will always think they know better than others aswell as know more about a person that the person knows about themselves.I think by even showing that things can work that winds them up even more so they do try something else or say something else.
@itzmee1009 (362)
• Australia
20 Feb 10
hi friend,yes there are some people like what you said,they used to think that what they said is truth and they alone know everything ,if the person is that kind he is the biggest fool in the earth,because what we know in this world is only very very small amount,no one can know all the things ...
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@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Feb 10
I just wished that people like that who thinks they know and they have not looked to see all the facts would at least look things up before making themselves look like total know nothing fools as sometimes this really gets my back up.One of these days i am going to print off the facts from the pc and then ask them had they seen the facts.
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@joseline0568 (355)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
Dear Jugsjugs
I have encountered these people from time to time. I'm with Human Resources and sometime gets a bit annoyed about some individuals telling me how to do my job when they have little or no background about HR. The topic varies from salaries and wages to how to discipline people, giving their opinions (when they don't know what the infraction's background or getting to hear the other side of the story). They often sides with friends who have made the mistake of violating the rules and then pressuring HR to change its decision (esp. when it does not favor them or their friends).
Sometimes I just want to challenge them to assume my job to get a feel of what I often go through.
@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
It angers me to think that even when the facts are there they still seem to think that they know better than the professionals.I think that having reliable sources helps as that way if you doubt anything then there are always reliable people aswell as sites that you can get the info plus more info off if you want or need to rather than thinking someone is right all the time.I think that in the future i will be showing the facts as i think that way it will be better as well as i do not have a job to lose.
@joseline0568 (355)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
I agree with you on that one. I have adopted an attitude that "if you are not happy with what I do, then present a better alternative, if not shut up..." stance.
Even though I have the experience in doing my job, I am still very much open to learning. Some people do not have this - if they knew something they though they knew all....jeez!
@abitcurious (1422)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
probably because they want to hind the fact that they are really not that smart? I've known some people like that but this kind of aggressiveness is just a front.
@abitcurious (1422)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
and always getting on the offensive to shy away from you winning an argument

@tdiamond33 (330)
• Canada
20 Feb 10
I absolutely know what you are talking about. I had a good friend that I knew from junior high and anytime someone disagreed with him, he would justify his point until everyone eventually agreed with him. Mr know it all. Well to make a long story short, we no longer speak because if there is one thing I can't stand, it is someone always thinking that they have all the darn answers.
@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
I think that it is great that we all have internet as there are alot of things that you can find out on there rather than people making out as if they know everything especially if it is a reliable sorce to get the info from as that way it saves time as well as all the disagreements.I have found out lots of things just lately todo with ADHD as well as all the treatment for that as well as all the things to let my son avoid.I know what you mean.
@mandybeau (279)
• New Zealand
21 Feb 10
Oh, you must be talking about Hubpages Darkside, He is right, even when wrong, the most boring pain I have ever struck, he actually stalks the net to correct people, so I deliberately give him heaps of mistakes to correct, such as this poorly written piece with its ubiquitous grammatical mistakes. Problem is I have a few sock puppets, the one that is nice to him he is so friendly to it is sickening.
I imagine him sitin all alone at night banging on the Keys. lol
Ignre them they usually go away with this one exception.
How are you jugsjugs what have you been doing lately
@GreenMoo (11833)
20 Feb 10
The internet is about as full of incorrect information as many people who have this trait! Anyone can put up a website, and what they write there isn´t necessarily correct!
I know people, like you do, who think they know everything about every subject under the sun. Even if they don´t, they manage to spout enough fluff to make it sound as if they do. It´s really boring for the rest of us, but they just can´t see it! Sometimes I wonder how long they could keep going for, if noone interrupted them!

@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
There are legit sites that i have got from professional people like an ADHD specialist lead nurse aswell as the dr as in a reliable source.There are other sites like the rspca that are reliable there is the nhs that is another reliable source there is a number of sites like the gov sites that tell you about where to get help for benifits aswell as how to pay certain bills and where to pay them.They are the type of site that people should look at not the unrecognised ones.There are also other ways of people finding out facts aswell after all there are librarys that have books written on subjects.I think that there are alot of people that think they know yet they do not know anything todo with the subjects discussed,it would save everyones ears if they were to not say anything.

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
20 Feb 10
these are the people who are higher in ranking office positions and i hate them sometimes. you want to tell them that this should be the way it is but they won't listen, because they thought they are higher than you and you have know less than they know.

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
21 Feb 10
actually, i have a different story about this. in the office, get annoyed with co-workers who always come to me or passes tasks that supposedly i don't have to do or certain task will be assigned to me. those are ones who are in the high position, that one time or the other, sees me to do their supposed work, or task, based on their position. i can't understand why they come to me or point fingers to me though it shouldn't be me doing that. so i say unto them, "ok, ok, me again. i know it will be me. i know you know i know everything here!" i could be angry because i feel they are just passing their work to me. though i know i can do their works, but it's their job, in line of their position.
@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
Alot of these people think that they can be at the top of the ladder in a job but they are the ones who say they like the job they are in.As well as if they have a good job they are the ones that think they know everything aswell as have done everything so they can answer all the things as they think they are always right.I think there are people out there in good jobs but do not know much about anything other than the job they do.

@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Feb 10
Yes, I have. there is a great article on Associated Content on the subject. A rant. Some people just have to put their two cents in. For attention or whatever. It sort of reminds me of the mail carrier character on Cheers. He was halarious. He could really reel you in for afew minutes until you realized he didn't have a clue.
“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” Isaac Asimov.

@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Feb 10
Annoying, frustrating, overbearing, minipulative, one-minded, selfish, nerdless, geeks, etc.

@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
I know what you mean,i do try to switch off or try to find something to do or some where else to go rather than hear it all now as i find that way i do not get high blood pressure through wanting to say something.I think that one day they will think before they speek that way perhaps then it will not be like that as much then.
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
Yes! And, unfortunately, my husband is like that... You know he makes you look and feel stupid, thinking that he knows everything under the sun. I hate it, really. He doesn't know how to compromise. And that's giving all of us inside the household a big headache... And, there's no stopping him. No one and no proof will make him realize that he's just human and can make mistakes too. That's why when sometimes he makes a fool out of himself, I really try to ridicule him. It might be the only way...
@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Feb 10
The funny thing about men i think is that they have got to be right about everything even when they are in the wrong.In my house it is the same with my husband,but i love to prove him wrong as that way he shuts up for the night,lol.Even if we have a disagreement he will be the one that has done nothing wrong and what ever the problem was is always down to it being my fault.lol.
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
I agree... Why is it like that? Even if they are the ones who has a problem, it always seems that we are always the ones at fault... I really don't understand. It's so unfair, and I often think that I don't deserve any of these. They have a way of turning around the situation, that whatever happens, it is always our fault. Argghhh!!!