Why do religious people judge so much?

@Masihi (4413)
February 20, 2010 1:01am CST
Recently I lost a really good friend due to her judging me over a very private issue I as dealing with. She's confided in me so I figured it was safe to confide in her. To make a long story short she first warned me I was wrong, then told me I was being dishonest with her, then brought 4 other people and explained my "sin" then when I told her to stop judging me, she got very angry at me and in the end I lost her as a friend. It really hurts because it's like I'm a Christian, and I do struggle with things, but I try to obey the Bible, but why do religious people expect other religious people to be completely perfect or sin-free? Why not accept each other where we are and help us go through our private stuff as a friend should? Anyone else feel like that?
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23 responses
• Marikina, Philippines
22 Nov 10
Oh my gosh! I have encountered that situation before, but not for me, to my friends. They don't want me to have a friend who is a lesbian or a gay and they don't want me to talk to that kind of people--- homosexual, because they see it as "evil" and they always telling me that those people are going to hell and if I talk to them and become my friend, I am going to hell too! Another is our neighborhood. When we all eating our lunch, all they have talk about is our neighborhood about a guy being a gay and that he is going to hell. I just kept quiet all the time. I heard a hundredth times "about going to hell" and it is very annoying! Even in television--- they keep judging people "about going to hell" and I was being judge too when I asked a question about God. They did not even answer my question, but in fact, they just told me that I was blasphemy God. I was told not to ask question, but to have faith and I was told that I was possessed by devil. I was possessed by devil and that's why I have lots of questions about God. I was being judged too.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
26 Nov 10
Yes, that can be uber-annoying. You can't change people only G-d can. The only tihng you can do is to pray, and be a true friend. Action speaks louder than words. Your judgmental friends are very wrong in spouting out all that "going to hell" stuff. While it's true the Bible says the homosexuals won't enter the kingdom of heaven, there's always people who repent from their sin and allow G-d into thier lives. Also our Messiah Jesus says "judge not lest you be judged" and "wipe the mote out of the your own eye before you take the speck out of friends' eyes" Recently I been going to a Bible study, it's very encouraging to be around good, solid Christians who are down to earth and accepts me for who I am. I'm disabled, and not accepted in most social circles, but this group of Christians are lovely people, I truly do feel comfortable with them. I myself still have questions about G-d and the Bible and all that stuff, and I really do like to learn, especially the biblical history. I guess you can never stop learning because there's so much to learn about, it's a constant journey for life, that's what make Christianity so interesting and fresh, because there's always a new lesson! :-) Feel free to add me as a friend, and we can learn stuff together
• United States
21 Feb 10
I always wondered this myself because Christianity has the "Golden Rule" and the quote "Judge ye, lest ye be judged". Yet, the majority of Christians never follow those quotes or rules. Another thing, hypocrisy. I find it so funny that Christians are allowed to judge people, but Heaven forbid anyone judge them. Many people in my family claimed to be Christian when they didn't even know what it meant. They would go on shoving the Bible in front of my face, and yet, they themselves there followed the teaching they threw in front of me. To me, religions are cults. Religions are hypocritical. I refuse to be part of any religion that forces me to do things that I cannot do. I refuse to be a part of a religion where people tell me to do thing that they themselves cannot do.
• United States
21 Feb 10
Sorry, I meant "they themselves could not follow the teachings they threw in front of me".
• United States
21 Feb 10
You are asking for someone to believe in God, when there is no proof of one. I believe that there is something out there, but how you call it "God"? How can you give it a name and say that is judges people? What if it doesn't even care who we are? What if there is more than us out there and we are just a piece of the universal puzzle? Religions are made to keep people in line, to control human beings. What if we broke those religious chains? There is so much in the world and in the universe that we cannot see and comprehend it all. Religion cannot explain it all.
• United States
21 Feb 10
It is obvious that you haven't been to the place that you need something other than yourself. As you go thru life things will get more and more difficult. It happens. Then you may hopefully look at this in a different light. And no, cults are cults and religion is religion. There is hope in God and there is no hope without God. When ou feel like you can't take anymore, call out to God and you will find you do need more than yourself.
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@urbandekay (18278)
20 Feb 10
I wonder if you are confusing judging the person with judging the act? The first forbidden the second not. It is not fully clear exactly what her actions were but would you not want a friend to tell you if she thought what you were doing was wrong? If so, why ask her opinion? all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Feb 10
I do however agree that some religious people can be judgemental or that religion attracts some very judgemental people. all the best urban
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
20 Feb 10
Actually it was pretty extreme. When I told her that I intended to deal with the situation she accused me of being dishonest and that I was not dealing with the situation. My husband, who usually doesn't get involved in women's fights was actually going to step in and put an end to this if she kept on upsetting me, that's how bad it got. I'm so thankful this is over, sure it hurt still but a huge major lesson on taking people in confidence, for sure. And I'm very blessed to have a loving and supportive husband, too! :-) It happened about a month ago and it really just blew me over, I didn't know what to think, lol.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Mar 10
Some people just likes to throw stones. What can one do? Do we really need those kind of friends? If those are the only people in a religion, maybe one should find another religion. John 8:7 (New International Version) But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
10 Mar 10
Using religious truth in the right way takes some doing. It takes some time and practice so that it up-builds others and not tears them down. Unfortunately we all fail at times because we respond in an emotional way. I do believe that religious error must be exposed for what it is, though we should try to do it in a kind and loving way. Have a great day!
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
Hello Masihi, Two words for those people: Literal and Hypocrite I wonder what vices of those people had been doing besides Judging you for things that you did because of you're decision. Here's a Very important tip. You can have friends "BUT YOU CAN'T SHARE ANY PROBLEMS" until you have determined that they are open minded and can be trusted.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
26 Nov 10
Yes, and so I've learned to keep things more private. Right now I only have 2 people tat I can freely talk to and take their advise, and they've remained solid people, and that's all I really need, I wish I would've learned this lesson years ago. On the other hand, I also realised what this person's character was, and to be honest, it's best not to have those kinds of people in my life. I'm over it now, thank G-d. :-)
@TAZNEM (656)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
i think its natural to religious people to TELL and POINT OUT what your doing wrong or against traditional morals. in fact almost all of them are like that. however not all religious people are judgmental. i think being judgmental is not related to being religious. there are many people who are judgmental but aren't religious you know. in fact being judgmental isn't religious at all cuz religious people should understand human weaknesses they give advices to fix and remedy the problem not add further aggravation
• United States
21 Feb 10
True, true, very true. My best friend works where there are many people. She is a christian, but sometimes as my true christian friend I have to rebuke her when she is telling me something ugly about someone. I will say, why do you say that? Did you see him/her doing that? Or did you justlisten to what someone else said. You're judging the person by what you heard. And, when I am getting down and out and saying I don't knw what I'm going to do about this or that, she reminds me of the words of encouragement from God. And I feel better. If you keep yourself around people who feel the way you do whether positive or negative, that's the way that you will remain.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Feb 10
Being a Christian means being supportive and being kind to others. Even pin pointing to your brethren where he or she is falling in her or his Christian life. But that does not mean abandoning them or cutting off a friendship. Trying to lead a good life is one thing but judging others is another. We should not judge others.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
22 Feb 10
Hi Elizabeth. I do not want to judge you. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. All we can do is to ask GOD to forgive us when we do wrong and to do the best that we can. A lot of religious people have mistreated me in the past also because some people lied about me.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I don't know why but I do know what you mean. Of course not all religious people are this way but.. Of all the people I know..those that are the most religious are also the first to judge others and are the most prejudice. Obviously she wasn't the friend you thought she was. We all struggle in life to get it right whether religious or not. All we can do is be true to ourselves and others and try to make the world a better place. When all is said and done I firmly believe that we judge ourselves much more harshly than anyone else does. As I always say.... "Why can't we all just get along?"
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
20 Feb 10
Exactly! We should be able to get along and respect each other - and I believe that we all should work out our own salvation. That doesn't give us the license to do bad things or anything, we all need to better ourselves to be productive members of society.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
22 Feb 10
I'm paraphrasing this: When the bible tells us to prop each other up, it does not mean for us to prop each other up in wrong doing. Did you realize what you were doing was wrong? If you were just confessing (or bragging about) your sin, you were confessing to the wrong person. If you were asking your friend for help to do better, she was very much in the wrong. If you did not realize what you had done or were doing was wrong, Your friend should have suggested that you study together.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
22 Feb 10
You say she warned you you were wrong. Where you wrong? Where you being dishonest? Remember what the apostle Paul said, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted." Galatians 6:1 NIV As Christian to Christian, what do you think she should have done?
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
I sympathized your situation because I am a christian, too. Being religious does'nt make you a christian. We should understand that their religiosity thinks that they are more righteous than the others so they become judgmental. As for christians, we no longer judge others because only God will judge us.
• Bangladesh
2 Mar 10
Hey Masihi! I think you've got some wrong idea about religious people. I'm also a religious person and always will be. I don't know how many religious people you've met, But I've met so many people from different religion till date. I don't feel any problem with someone's religious belief, but if ever he/she tries to establish any dishonest deed as an honest one. Because what is basically bad is always bad how pleasant it seems. When I find out something harmful in someone, I try to correct him/her with much care and patience showing a practical example and it works. I don't have to scuffle with anyone to prove him/her wrong. None is expected to be totally sin-free, but we can try stay as much as possible. That's the reason to live in peace. Have a peaceful life.
@MimiRemo (418)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
Well, I could say that is a disheartening fact. There are so many religious people who regularly goes to church, who are conscious of their wrongdoings, and have strong faith in the Bible. But they also scrutinize other people who are not as religious and did not personally do wrong to them...and is that not a sin? In some ways, they do not practice what they preach, and tend to disrespect and others. Oh, God bless them.
@MimiRemo (418)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
*and hurt others
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Feb 10
Hi Masihi, I don't think we can judge all Christians by the acts of a few. That would be like saying all Muslims are terrorists. It's true that some Christians forget the commandment of Christ to judge not, but others are far more kind and understanding. We all struggle with things and sometimes the Christian who judges most are doing things that they would never want the rest of the world to know. Being a Christian is a lot more about acting like Christ than about proclaiming to the world that one is saved. Blessings.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Hi, Masihi. I don't know why they are like this either. It is like all that religion that they so claim that they have, has gotten to their head! And it makes them think that they have the right to judge and condone someone else. It is not fair to you and to others that they behave in this way. Your friend should stick by you and help you through your problems. When you tell her something in confidence, she should have kept your conversation to herself very private. I would be honored as a friend, if my friend trusted me enough to tell me her deepest secrets. You are not a bad person. She is not really a Christian if she looks down on you like that. The only true judge that can judge you is God Himself. No one else can. They don't have that right! To God, you are his child and anything that you have hidden is fine with him. He wants you to come to him with opened arms. You need not be ashamed of your problems, because God will never disown you as your so called Christian fellowman have.
@benny128 (3615)
21 Feb 10
well people in religion have very strong views I know my ex mother in law was a catholic never missed church and went there 3-4 times a week. I think many religious people are so immersed in religion and have their views embedded in them to an extent where their views are the only ones that are right. So I think everybody should just believe in what they believe in but not to have any moral views on other people. I was brought up as a christian and one of the prayers starts forgive me lord for I have sinned that phrase I find offensive as I have not sinned I live my life the way I think is right and proper. So people need to be less judge and jury and just get on with living their lives.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Hey, if I can find something wrong with you, doesn't that make me look better, more righteous???? Won't God find it easier to deal with me than those rotten sinners that I can clearly point out!!!! Yes, I told you so. My pointing finger is 10 feet long. Well,well, it does seem like God has alot of work for you to do. Get your private issue worked out then through love and kindness get your friend back. You aren't through working on her yet. Over a quiet friendly meal, tell her the consequences of her actions. Do this in the most loving and kind way. Be the great teacher that I know you are. The greatest love you can have for someone is to point them in the right direction regardless of the adversity it takes..........Hmmmmm???? See, you look better in God's eyes than you thought. He just has work for you to do!!!
• India
21 Feb 10
True friendship will never be lost. It may be for a short span of time.On, realization you both will be back again as friends.
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
hi masihi i understand completely how you feel.My dad is like that with me as well.It is like he is perfect and i am a sinful woman who should be thrown in the pits of hell for being this and that. Those who consider themselves righteous in every way tend to be blinded on how they treat other people believing that what they are doing is good regardless if they are sounding like the very thing that they abhor. I guess your friend is too wrapped on her belief overlooking how she is treating you.Friends are expected to be honest to you but there are limits and ways on how to be honest. Treating other people like they are lower than dirt is unacceptable and uunethical for me so i think its better to just forget about her.she is not a friend and for me she isnt even religious.