D you like to listen to the sound of nature?

@leateagee (3667)
February 20, 2010 9:00am CST
The sound of nature is a natural music. It's so relaxing. These sound may come from the rain, waves of the sea or the birds singing. My favorite is the sound of a heavy rain fall and the water rushing from it. I could feel the coolness and the tranquility of the surrounding. Whenever I am lonely or feel like going back home to my hometown, I feel like crying so before the tears go out of my eyes, I immediately listen to the sounds of nature. This technique distracts my tear glands from producing more tears. A few minutes ago, I just applied this technique. Now, I feel okay though not great but at least I am not crying. How about you? Do you like to listen to the sound of nature? Which one do you like? When do you listen to it?
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22 responses
20 Feb 10
Hi leateagee, I love the sound of nature too, when I am walking in the countryside, I love the sounds of birds and the breeze makeing rustling noise throught the tree, and the sound of the stream nearby, it is so peaceful. Don't worry about the tears, sometimes its good to shed some tears as it is all cleansing. Hugs. Tamara
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
25 Feb 10
Thanks. Whenever a tear falls it is light showing that a person is weak. I know it is good to cry but being too soft always is really not so good for me. Maybe I'm to hard on myself. Thanks for sharing!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Feb 10
I love the sounds of nature but only when I am out in it. I dont like the recorded sounds. I think it is great that it works for stress relief for you. I would rather be out there, THAT is what relaxes me.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
25 Feb 10
Of course reality is always better than the copies. These copies have had alterations but at least we have something to listen to to make us imagine or bring us closer to the places or things we wish. Thanks for sharing!
• United States
20 Feb 10
I love the sound of nature. It is indeed its own music! But I don't like it on cd! I like to be out in nature taking it all in! That's what is most refreshing. Maybe I should try to listen to the cds. I think I'd rather buy a fish tank though. They say that is soothing and at least I could watch the fish. That would be nature-like!
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Feb 10
Well, being out here in the wilderness of buildings and noisy cars, CDs are good alternative already. Yup, a fish tank is better than nothing. I have one at home. Its fun and relaxing to watch them swim. Of course nothing beats being one with nature. What would you say if there are "green houses" in big cities? I think that's a good idea.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
20 Feb 10
I love the sound of wild animals going to the drinking holes in the mornings. The wind rushing threw the trees and the river singing as it moves along. Nothing can be better than that. TATA.
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
25 Feb 10
I could imagine you are describing a real event there. These sounds are really amazing. Thanks for sharing!
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
20 Feb 10
Yes, I do like listening to the sounds of nature. In fact, many people do too. Just browse any audio shops and you won't be able to miss out the rows of CDs featuring nature sounds or music of tranquility. I guess many people use these music or sounds to wind themselves down, to ease their tensed up minds and souls. The one I like best is the sound of sea waves. It makes me feel like I'm floating on the sea and just drifting about under the warm sun and listening to the chirpings of the seagulls flying above. Sounds tranquil, isn't it?
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Feb 10
Oh, that is so descriptive. You just actually made me imagined the real thing. The sound, the smell, the feeling of being there is so real whenever I am listening to it too. It relaxes and makes me live longer because makes me sleep. No need for a pill. Thanks for sharing!
• Brazil
20 Feb 10
i can't stand the sound of mechanical grindings and cars and planes and all unatural things. I love to go camping on weekends and I can guarantee you that there is nothing more refereshing than sleeping in the wild with nothing to here but animals and the wind whistleing through the trees.not to mention the sound of the water from a nearby river or the sound of the rain! I just love water related sounds, it's too calming.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
23 Feb 10
Yes, it is true. For the new generation, it is difficult now for them to appreciate the sound and the feeling of being with nature. One of my wish when I grow a little older to have a frequent visit and encounter with nature. The city life is tiring. Thanks for sharing!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
22 Feb 10
I love the sound of nature. I love the tranquility it affords us. The way it makes us feel after listening to it. From birds, to horses, to the sound of the wind blowing, to the sound of rain against a metal roof... All of it is beautiful and so tranquil! I'm sorry that you get sad thinking of home, but am glad you've found something to distract yourself until you can get back to being happy again!
@danoluma (817)
• Kenya
20 Feb 10
Oh how I love the sound of nature as you call it. I love relaxing at the beach listening and feeling the waves come and go! i feel like they take away all the bad things and leave you so refreshed. I also love the sound of the wind blow its such a wonderful feeling! I hope you enjoy natural music.
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
21 Feb 10
I envy you for being able to relax at the beach and even feeling and hearing the real sounds of the waves. Every summer going to the beach is one of my priorities before but now the beach is a hundred miles away. But my screen saver is the different views of the beach. Thanks for sharing to me your love for nature's sound. Happy every day!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
20 Feb 10
well, maybe yes for me. maybe, because i want to always get home in the province. where the house is situated by the beach. and when the waters is high and the waves give more sound to the waters that touches the walls. i wish i can stay longer at the province but i have work in the city.
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
21 Feb 10
That is one reason I love going to the province every summer so that I could have a real experience coolness with nature especially the beach. I also go hiking and do some mountain climbing though not so high. I just want to be inside the forest or read a book under a tree on top of the hill. hhehehe. I miss my childhood days with my grandparents. Thanks for sharing! Happy every day!
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
21 Feb 10
As far as I am concerned, I think I like to listen the sound of nature so much which can give me a very quiet place to enjoy most. If there is no the sound of nature ,I think the world must be so boring for people to live in. Besides, listening to the sound of nature will contribute a lot to people's health. Listen ing more the sound of nature, a longer life will the people be.
• India
20 Feb 10
toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, i can't live without original nature music, have you heard about enigma music, deep forest they all of are electronic musical project, they also using some natural musical instruments like shakahuchi fluit immeensely and fabuously used by enigma music , if you had not listen search and listen they are creating original natural music like indian music maestro A R RAHMAN
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@leateagee (3667)
• China
21 Feb 10
Wow, so there is so many other artists that have different ways to produce or record natural music. Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, I will search for those names. You sound so in love with these music. Thanks again!
@Aaleexix (2290)
• India
20 Feb 10
Redeem and beats of natural sound is more musical than any other music created by human. In silence and with concentrated mind if we listen sound of nature than we find peace of mind. Early morning and after the sunset in lonely place I enjoy the sound of the nature.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
21 Feb 10
Indeed you're right. The sound of nature relaxes us and gives us peace of mind. I'm glad you enjoy it too. Thanks for sharing! Happy every day!
• India
21 Feb 10
Hi friend, I'm always love hear nature sounds. I love the see waves and rainy and some bird sounds. and always i want to hear the thunder sound. Thunder sound is my favourite sound.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Indeed! it makes me feel so refreshed and relaxed. When i do listen to the sound of nature that is keeps my mind clear and im able to focus more on what im doing. But lately i also tried listening to contemporary music and some classical ones while doing something keeps me relaxed too and helps keep boredome away ;)
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I love the sounds of nature. I like to listen to the birds singing, and the sounds of other animals as well. I also like the sounds of the waves on the beach and the sounds of streams and rivers in the mountains.
• Singapore
21 Feb 10
Sometimes I do. They make me feel relaxed and peaceful. Whenever i need to calm myself down, i take a deep breathe and listen to nature. I'll feel better afterwards.
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
i love the sounds of nature, the sounds of birds, the winds and the movement of the leaves, specially the waves of the ocean. it helps me feel so relax specially if im stress and have lots of thinking inside my mind. it helps you to calm your mind and alo good for meditation.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I am in love with God's art and music. Nature is so close to me I can't imagine Earth being all barren and lifeless. Nature's sound is much more arousing than the sound of cars. With this you get to reflect about life. My daily routine is sit beside my dog, stare at the skies, and listen to the birds. I also daydream, and then suddenly I am flying away. I can't describe the feeling it gives me...I love listening to it more than the human voice.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
the most beautiful music is one that is natural. the tip-tapping of raindrops on the roof. the whistle of the wind. the swishing of a brook. the rapping of the leaves. all these, and the balmy scent of the woods, the freshness of sea breeze in the morning and the freshness of dawn air. all these makes for a perfect setting to enjoy nature. i sure love natural music, leateagee. but i miss it. i now live in the city.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Feb 10
I love the sound of the beach waves and the crickets at night time in Boracay. The sound is very soothing to my mind and soul. I love to go back there again soon with the one I love.