Architects too busy for mylot?

@rene12 (794)
February 20, 2010 1:00pm CST
Haven't heard from architects recently from the discussions and architecture interest is empty. May I know who are the remaining architects here in mylot? Be proud and speak out that you are an architect whether a student, apprentice or a professional :D
1 response
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
I just did a search for this group, and thanks God that there is an architecture interest here in mylot. An architect here and would like to welcome myself in this group. Im not really that busy for mylot, I take 2-3 hours mylotting everyday. Happy mylottting to all architects here.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
27 Oct 10
It is good to know that we are now increasing in number and I am lucky to have time for mylotting :D
• India
6 Jul 12
I am bachelor of Civil Engineering and I am afraid to start such a discussion here because I know that I will non of them here. I think there are very less people here who are from any Engineering stream. It was nice to read this discussion.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
25 Jul 12
I think they are too busy in their works since I had experiences working with civil engineers and they work till night and the only thing they can do next is to sleep which means they don't have time to go online but anyways, they might be here but you guys can't find each other since mylot is full of different people with different occupations :)