WILL she ever propose to me...

February 21, 2010 4:59am CST
well i am having this friendship with a friend of mine. .. she shows affection for me and feelings that she loves me .. but doesnt even say so . .. . i donna wanna ruin the friendship but ..i try my best that i waould probably say yes to her if she proposes ...but she just cant do it .. . and things are just gettin worse .. :( help me...wat should i do..
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30 responses
21 Feb 10
Some people find it difficult to say, "I love you," and even more difficult to say, "Will you marry me?". Deeds speak louder than words, reeezoso, so take note of what she does more than what she says. Does she break dates? Does she treat you with respect? Does she try to pick fights? Is she affectionate? If you have the answer to questions like these, you will have more idea of what is going on in her mind. However, communication is the bedrock of a good relationship. If you can't discuss such matters with her, I fear it indicates that you might not be totally suited. Sit down with her and have a heart-to-heart talk about where you both see the relationship going. If she isn't interested in marriage and you are, then you are wasting your time. It's hard to break off a relationship but sometimes it's wise or you'll be setting yourself up for a lot of pain in the future. It could be that you haven't been clear in your intentions and she is confused or even that you are rushing things and she needs more time to sort out her feelings. Total honesty and communication are vital for a healthy relationship. I hope this helps, and good luck. You sound like a very nice person so I'm sure you will make some woman very happy - but prepare yourself for the possibility that it might not be this one.
• India
21 Feb 10
well i will try ma best to stick up wid ur plan :)
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
21 Feb 10
hi zoso! this is a pretty complicated situation i can understand, i guess you both like each other but afraid of admitting it to each fearing what the other will think, i would suggest you to continue to stay in contact with her and be very friendly to her, maybe someday one of you would get the opportunity to say to the other what you feel about them :) .. nothing will get worse .. just be good with her and someday she or you might get the nerve to admit .. so at the moment just let it go the way is going and try not to make her uncomfortable around you and i am sure one day she would say yes even if you slip your tongue .. stay in contact and make her smile ;) .. good day.
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@voldrox (7191)
• India
21 Feb 10
rachel right ?? ..
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@rsa101 (38293)
• Philippines
22 Feb 10
Well I think if you were the guy it is supposed to be you who should initiate the effort no matter how she changes topic you are the one that should do it and not you waiting for her to express her feelings. I think if I were the girl then I would not express my feelings to you as well. Once and for all I guess you two need a more serious talk about what you feel about each other and try to settle things if what both of you need is friendship or the next level.
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• Brisbane, Australia
21 Feb 10
Generally girl do not approach first, so in your case you have to take initial stage. Meet her at one of her favorite places and start general discussion about relationships and all and just ask her about her thoughts and reactions.
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• India
21 Feb 10
well okie ...i will try as per you told me... lets see wat happens next :)
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• India
21 Feb 10
see in your case you are afraid that you will be rejected and if this happens than you will not be even friend of her. in my opinion its not the case dear as you should clear this thing with her because she may also be waiting for your proposal or she may be waiting that when you will tell to her about this. so you clear with her and than only you will come to some response. and thing about friendship than if you try to propose her with clearly and coolly than if even she says no than also your friendship remains.
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• India
21 Feb 10
ya wateva happens i just donna wanna lose her a a friend
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• India
21 Feb 10
i think girl is not going to propse you. you will have to approach her and propose her.
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• India
21 Feb 10
well i did tried dat... wheneva i do...she tries to change topic .. and i dunno wat has got into her. ..and wat are her intention or she just confused...
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@urbandekay (18278)
21 Feb 10
You must signal to her that your feeling are more than that of friend so she has time to adjust to the idea before you make a move on her. This is by no means easy for the inexperienced male to do. You must learn to read her emotions, empathise and create intimacy in small things between you. Then when the time is right you must make some romantic gesture, this will also signal your intentions. Faint heart never won fair lady but also remember that, softly, softly catchee monkey all the best urban
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@illfavors (590)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Be honest with her about how you feel. Let her know that you want to take the relationship to the next level and see how she reacts. Being honest and communicating is the best way to find out if she feels the same way as you do.
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• Pakistan
21 Feb 10
Man..I am sure same thing your girl friend is discussing with her close friend too. what you are you doing....what is the point of ruining the relations. Like if you feel that your girl friend is hungry and you ask her for something to eat but if she is not hungry what will happen...will she break relations with you that why you asked about something she really doesn't need. If you have feelings about her...just put your worries aside and go to her and say that I have a problem and i wish if you have the same too...she will ask you oh everything ok with you...whats the problem...tell her I am in love with you...do you have the same problem...I bet if she feels the same, she will give you straight forward answer, yes or no... But here you must be little smarter...ask in such tone which neither very serious nor very funky...if things go wrong..like she says NO..then you can pretend ah i was kidding...if she says Yes..then rest is upto you ...that when you are taking her to your bed..lolz
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Are you ready to be married, take charge of a family, and be the provider for your home? Are you ready to be a man? If not, then you need to tell her it's been fun, but she needs to move on. That way you are not toying with her emotions, and playing with her feelings. If you are, if you are ready to make a commitment and be a man, then tell her straight up. Make a choice dude. Either do it, or do not. You are the male. You are supposed to pursue her, not wait around on your butt until she acts like a man, and asks you out.
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• Philippines
21 Feb 10
if i got it correctly, u have a friend that has a girlfriend whose in love with you? you need to talk to your friend, sounds easy but hard to do. right? but thats the only way for you to express what you have inside, all you have to have is to accept whatever it takes. Were all human weak and can fall in love without knowing were hurting someone....
• India
21 Feb 10
girls generally dont propose...its you who have to approach..if you feel that she has feelings for you ands she shows it then what are you afraid of??just go and propose her....
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@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
22 Feb 10
You should be the person to ask first. I think that is the best thing you should do. You wouldn't get the girl if you won't do something. Do it now or you might regret is later.Good luck and best wishes!
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• United States
22 Feb 10
You need to tell her to be honest about her feelings for you. You need to get everything out in the open so just ask her where she stands.
• United States
22 Feb 10
I had to re-read your discussion a couple of times because in my country the male does the proposing. If you are both female then I suppose the female who has the male role would make the proposal. In other words females do not propose marriage.
• United States
22 Feb 10
What bother me is that you need to act like a man (if you are one) If you are female then the question is weird. (You sound very young!) By the way have you ever stopped to think that she does NOT love you and you just cannot or will not believe her.
• India
22 Feb 10
yeah i kno .... but she just dont accept the fact shes in love.. dat s what bother me ... :(
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Feb 10
You want to go from friendship to marriage? I don't think that's a good idea. I think your friend also does not like the idea. From your writing you don't seem like marriage material top me. You seem way too immature. For a start, it's not the woman who generally proposes.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
Ahem...your discussion heading is "will she ever propose to me" A proposal is generally considered to be one of marriage. You also spoke of love and that she would change the subject or turn away (or something)..to me that sounds like you're not even good friends so why you would think she wants to progress is beyond me.
• India
26 Feb 10
well whos thinking of marriage all of a sudden.... i mean just move a step up from the friends level...nothin more :)
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Feb 10
Is it customary in your country for the woman to propose?
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Feb 10
Why dont you propose to her???
• India
24 Feb 10
NO ... well whoever can do dis ...
• India
24 Feb 10
well buidling up d guts to do so
• China
23 Feb 10
maybe i'm too traditional, but in my mind, i still think u, the man, should propose first. now that she has showed her feelings to u. now, only u can show urs feelings or love to her, and propose to her, then u can be together happily. best wishes!
• China
24 Feb 10
what? whom will she propose to?
• India
23 Feb 10
thnx for ur valauble advice ...will try to adhere by ur side... well guess wat...shes gonna propose on easter today to d one .. damn im flyin...:P
• Philippines
22 Feb 10
what do you mean, you expect a girl to propose? are you a girl or a man coz if your a girl and your friend is a lesbian then i can understand but if your a man then i dont think you will expect a girl to propose lol. besides knowing that she likes you then if you like her then go ahead you will be the one to tell he what you feel and not to wait for her. better do it now before someone else comes and will take you out from the picture.
• India
22 Feb 10
well ..i kno that.. but she just cant accept the fact .. that shes in love.. but her body langugae shows shes into me.. cant sta y away from me even for a minute... donna kno...what lately has got into her..
@Raniaa (66)
22 Feb 10
y i think she propose you.a basic important comunication you and him.so be spirit and don't be sad :-)
• India
22 Feb 10
well okie .. . ya she's tryiin but dunno what hindering from accepting the truth ,... :hmm..
@Raniaa (66)
22 Feb 10
i fill no problem during proper