Will Schwarzenegger be back

February 21, 2010 11:31am CST
Now from what I understand is that Arnie Schwarzenegger having served two terms as governor has to relinquish the post this year. Being from the UK I am not up on how all this works, so apologies if I got this wrong. But what will he do next? Will he carry on his political career and run for Senate or will he return to making movies? Although I know he has a small part on the soon to be released Stallone movie “The Expendables” I can’t see him making a movie comeback, it's been too long. So personally I think he will somehow try and continue with a career in politics.
1 response
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
21 Feb 10
Honestly, from what I understand he was a much better actor than he was a governor. The sad fact is now that his governorship may have ruined his acting career though as WELL AS his future political career. People loved "AHN-ald", the "terminator"...the "governator"..not so much. He has been weak, ineffectual and not very focused. He ran California in to the ground economicly and they may well now wind up being a "serf" state under federal controll if it has to be eventualy bailed out. Who knows, if he turns out a couple good movies...people here seem to have short memories, maybe his acting career will come back as good as before.
1 person likes this
22 Feb 10
I think he would struggle now in the movies, he's been gone too long and with out poiltics what has he got.