R U an Aries?? Gemini?? or Leo?? Let's talk!
By Duglaiglas
@Duglaiglas (150)
United States
February 21, 2010 4:07pm CST
Speaking with friends (named above).... they have interesting views.
"What does the world need RIGHT NOW??" I want to compare your thoughts with theirs.
"What type of role would you play in making the world - the kind of world YOU want it to be... if you could have your way??"
This can be an subject from polotics, to internet stuff, to religion, whatever is on our brain. I believe there are simple things that annoy us all. And, those things can be common or specific to an individual.
One of my "pet peeves" if you will is when things don't work well. So, I'm always ready to trash the old and replace it with the new. But, this is not about my thoughts... yet. It's about how you see things. Things that work and things that don't work... how does it relate to you??
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
5 responses
@bamikalipal (588)
• Philippines
22 Feb 10
Hi Duglaiglas,
Thank you for accepting me as a mylot friend. I am a Gemini and you?
In my opinion, the world needs people who care about their families, friends and neighbors in particular and for the world in general. I'd like to be a role model to the people around me; to share what I have and what I know.
Because I am human, there are times when other people's actions hurt, annoy, offend or frustrate me: when my good intentions are ignored or laughed at; when I see kids stay out late at night to drink, then go to bed at the break of dawn, to be waken up at lunch time, then back to bed or to their usual routine of doing nothing; when people are devoid of plans and goals for the day and long-range plans for their lives; when people know nothing about common courtesy and simple decency; when they have no respect for other's property. The worst thing for me is hearing people ask, " what's in it for me?" instead of "what can I do to help?"
On several occasions, I've written letters or given advice that are either ignored or with this kind of response, "You're not even my mother." You see, I talk about my ideas and opinions, but I make it clear that I am not robbing them of their right to choose what they want to do. I don't even make follow-ups. It's a take-it-or- leave-it attitude on my part. For those who value my advice, well and good.
Each of us must develop our potentials to the fullest, help others in every possible way, develop positive traits of kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy and patience. Tiny as we are compared to the big picture, whatever we do affects our big wide world.
Have a joyful day, Duglaiglas!

@bamikalipal (588)
• Philippines
22 Feb 10
Thanks for your reply, Duglaiglas, super great to have you as a friend, too. You have sensible ideas and I intend to follow your advice to improve our situation here in our community.
You are absoltely right! Setting one strong example can say more than a thousand words. I'll start doing that. Maybe I can "drop" a pencil(lol) and ask a kid to pick it up. Then say, "thank you," with a smile. That should teach him and his friends to do the same each time someone does them a favor.
I can be the first one to say, "Good morning" to those who have never thought about it. Maybe after a few times, they will learn to say it to everyone they know.
When someone does something right, I can inspire them by saying, "Wow, that was great, keep it up."
Instead of my "take it or leave it" attitude, I must try to inspire and motivate others in a constructive way. Your suggestions have opened my eyes to better ways of doing things.
Now, this has nothing to do with our present discussion, but it does. Am I confusing you now by acting like a Gemini? Bwahaha.
I had logged out of mylot and had planned to delete all my Spam mails. I don't know why I did what I did, but today, I went through each subject. I found the subject: New Comment - R U An Aries??... What in the world is this mail doing in the Spam List??? Jeez, had I deleted it, it would have been a tremendous loss to me. Your ideas are so valuable that I wouldn't miss reading your comments for the world. T'was my lucky day today, wasn't it? So, here I am, talking to you and I know, sometimes I talk too much.
Have a beatiful day, Mr. Scorpio. ?
@bamikalipal (588)
• Philippines
23 Feb 10
Good morning Mr. Scorpio,
I've just opened my computer, went to New Mail and found your comment. Thanks for your prompt response and generous comments. That's what I love about mylot, I acquire better ideas and more effective ways of doing things, especially from you. Learning from the younger generation is a good way to be able to deal with kids at "home", it lessens the gap between their ages and mine.
Wow, what a brilliant idea, your Mom, stopping at the door, to teach you to be gentlemen. Indeed, you have turned out to be what she intended you to be through her loving guidance. Kudus to your Mom!
10-4, let's team up, along with other mylotters, to make our world a wholesome place. "In union there is strength."
Go ahead and share your great ideas with our other friends. From mylot, we don't only "acquire", but most importantly, we are able to "give" by sharing. "Two heads are better than one." What about thousands?
Have a joyful and fruitful day, Scorpio.
@Duglaiglas (150)
• United States
22 Feb 10
AAaawww!! thank you!
(Don't leave us just yet... just throw us aside from time to time; then come back)
I appreciate all your comments - and no, you have confused me. That's pretty hard to do... I love the details and length of converse. Quick Gemini - love it!!
Yes... the pencil thing is great (and kinda funny) - non threatening.
As a woman, you have all the gentility that any people would love to help.
Man actually kinda need that.. even as little boys. Example: My mom (my bro and I were teens at the time) would stop in front of a door... and we didn't know why at first. Thinking: what is she doing?!? Then she'd turn, look at us and (kindly) say..."Open the door!" She was teaching us to be gentlemen (and appropriate with her - being a lady). We started to catch on & learned very quickly!! Hahaha.
The "good morning thing" - ABSOLUTELY... I go to work and say good morning to EVERYONE!! And, if I work with them closely; I kindly (quickly) lay my hand on their shoulder (joint) and say a bright (quick) hello (and keep going / don't stop - maybe a smile)... EVERYDAY!! People can't help but light up!! I have a great "accord" with co-workers; many have turned into friends.
Saying, Gmorn; I do that partly b/c I don't want any drama in my day. The other half is me REALLY TRULY being nice and considerate. It really, really, really is contagious - watch & see!! It's important to let them know by action (1st) and words (2nd) = even when they do something good or right!! You got it!!
If you do this bamikalipal - you will make your world and mine a better place.
Let's double team the world with our kindness & brilliance!! LOL!!
(now I must go comment About a birthchart question)
have a great (BRILLIANT) and awesomely beautiful day!! wink.
Mr. Scorpio(?) - over and out!! hahaha (?)

@Jet3010 (32)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I'm a Leo and I have to say that my world would be one where everyone does their job. No one has to pick up the slack for others and everyone completes their tasks in a timely manner. Alas, this will never happen so it just lives on in my mind as a utopian fantasy.

@Duglaiglas (150)
• United States
22 Feb 10
Hey Mady2791.
Are you a Leo too??
What would you like to do - how would you see that aspect eliminated??
I think (def./ for sure) some people work faster and/or better than others.
And, I'm pretty cool with that. But, there are those who are all about the job and not so much the process. It's gets kinda grey there.
My friend mentioned above... he's all about the status and appearance of the job; where I'd be more about the process. I'll get it done... but, I will work it in a way that me interested. And, I don't lose focus easily.
do you deal with a lot of deadlines??
@Duglaiglas (150)
• United States
22 Feb 10
Hi Jet3010!
I hear you... appreciate the comment.
Don't give up hope just yet!!
My Leo friend is one who is very child-like; he (in my opinion) is a workaholic... but, he's always talking about deadlines he's close to NOT meeting. You could straighten him out!! LOL. I often tell him... as an activist mindset, some people don't mind you blowing the whistle - but you have to let them do the same for you. I'm not sure why he feels he needs to do it all alone. To me, believing people are unreliable is actually like shooting himself in the foot. Leos can embrace a cause and display to "beauty of the finished product" - He don't get it!!
So... it's kinda funny that you mentioned "in a timely manner".
Are Leos very concerned with time?? or is it more completion?? or something else??
I could use his mouthpiece to hearld a few things I'm doing - but, I don't think he sees beyond himself very much. Like he... uhmm, how can I describe? What would you call a mixture of ENTREPENEUR and HUMANITARIAN?? That's what he needs to see.
(Leos in a more supportive role... is that doable?? hahaha.)- the world could use.
Thanks jet3010 - would love the see your thoughts on that.

@Dumpertaker (1187)
2 Mar 10
I am a Gemini, and I guess like the twins, I am almost always in two minds about things...
Should I do this?
Should I do that?
It really does get annoying, I just cannot make a snap decision!
@themdno (402)
• United States
2 Mar 10
I am an Aries, born on April 19th so I'm on the cusp of being a Taurus. I am against organized religion, I think spirituality is a good thing, but I think organized religion is pretty much evil.
I also have a big problem with politics in general, because everybody tries to demonize the other side, or just get what they want without worrying about what's right or wrong. I think if you look at things like abortion, it makes it a lot easier to make a good decision when you look at both sides of the argument, and have an open mind. If you are on one side, that's fine, but at least open your eyes to be able to see another person's view. If I think differently then you, you shouldn't demonize me, or disregard all of my opinions on the subject.
I think that if people tried to see things through each others eyes, we'd be much better off, but that's just my point of view.
@ATrain (56)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I'm a Taurus. If I could have things my way, I would want everyone to get along and be tolerant, and I would try to tolerate hypocrites and crazy whackjobs. That would be my role, I guess.
@Duglaiglas (150)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Hahaha; That's awesome Atrain.
(caught me by surprise... but, the thoughts I want to hear; REAL ONES!!)
Thanks for sharing... continue!!
Do you think there's some specific things that keep us from being better??
To me, it seems everyone is 'just being tolerated' - like I'm gonna run you over if you don't acknowledge me.
The word, hypocrites is pretty much assimilated into our society.
What is everyone being hypocritical about... we're freer than we've ever been, in a sense. Is it that hard to be true... to one's self or others??
Cannot wait to hear your next reply.
@ATrain (56)
• United States
22 Feb 10
I guess if people are just tolerant then they aren't respecting each other, and that may be what we need. As in, like actually acknowledging them as your equal. I think we can do this through making sure everyone is educated and that the world is more peaceful and free. This may be possible some day, but it may just take a while.
I would agree that the word "hypocrite" is indeed ingrained in our everyday lives. People will never say and do exactly the same thing, but I think people need to feel they can be honest about their beliefs. Politicians lie to deceive and gain more support that they may not otherwise have. It will be difficult to fight this unless incentives are changed for politicians.
And corporations and the free market can be constructive or destructive, depending on the way they operate. Again, I would say governments should change incentives to match the situation.
I guess that this would be ideal, but I'm sure that if we can make even small steps in this direction the world could be a much better place. I don't have specific answers on everything and I wouldn't know where to start anyways. But there are plenty of people smart enough to try to solve these problems.
@Duglaiglas (150)
• United States
22 Feb 10
Exactly.... tho' my patience doesn't allow me to wait on them.
I'm a scorpio (*Sag Asc) BTW.
I always, always make sure that I'm acknowledging people; a waiter/ess at a restaurant, a person on a biz call, a young person going down the street.
In that way, I'm less likely to be disrespected or tolerated.
Appreciation is a skill.
Courtesy & kindness is a habit.
Being true to me - is a lifestyle choice.
As a Taurus - we're astrologically compatible (opposite signs) which is generally supposed to be true; but, imagine the diffeculties... you're going to handle things much different from me. And that's ok! But - as I believe is true of every person on the planet... there's a balancer nearby. Someone who helps, supports, corrects, and challenges - whatever.
It's that thing right there that I think people don't conceive.
Corporations, politicians, etc included.
I don't support destructive, abusive, coersive, hypocritical things.
I go to a restaurant - and I'm not greeted/treated well... I may never go there again!! And, I leave a complain card (speaking hypothetically).
The world is crazy enough without encouraging "more stupidity".