Is Atheism Just Anti-Christianity
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
February 22, 2010 9:29am CST
Atheism is suppose to be the non belief in deities, so all deities would be included. So why do Atheist always seem, at lest to me to be trying to debunk Christianity? If you go onto YouTube you can find countless videos of Atheist debating Christians, making fun of Bible stories, and pointing out the contradictions in the Bible. I wonder why groups like the Rational Response Squad, a group that has the blaspheme challenge where people submit a video denying the existence of the Holy Spirit do not have an Islamic blaspheme challenge. Are Atheist scared of death threat made by Muslims? What about Hindus and all their God/dess, or Buddhist and their little chubby golden guy? Why not go attack those all religions like Atheist attack Christianity?
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26 responses
@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
23 Feb 10
The reason that Christianity is attacked is because Christians are the truth, and the truth is a very powerful tool. So these people are not afraid of the other religions because they have no truth, and therefore not a threat to them. Christians don't prescribe wars, or any kind of ill will against any other religion, but other religions use force to control their beliefs. This threat of killing and maiming others are totally of evil design, so evil fights back with terrorism and threats, and when that doesn't work they claim they are being picked on as a race. Islam is just another religion of false love towards fellow man and will do anything to discredit Christians. The fear of Christians is nonsense and being used as a way to force others into their den of sinful blasphemy against the one true God. God has rules and rules of God have no place in any culture that strives to conquer the world, so they make their own Gods and their own rules to condone their actions of war and terror. If their own Gods were as powerful as they claim, they would not be as concerned about Christians. They think if they can destroy all non believers of their religion, then the rest would be afraid of them and go their way. But as history has it, Christians have been persecuted for thousands of years, and we are still here. Others will die for some idol made of gold, but we Christians will die, before denouncing our true God and Jesus Christ, and if they think they can get rid of us that easy, then bring it on, I am with Jesus, and Jesus is with me, no matter how I die or when, I will live either way.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
23 Feb 10
Prove to me that Christianity is the truth, and Islam is not, or show the Vishnu is not a god, while Jesus is the son of God, or that when we die, we automaticly go to a magical heaven or evil hell, and not get reincarnated into another person or animal.
Christians do prescribe wars. The Americans attacking Iraq though George W Bush was a Christian nation attacking a Muslim nation, which Bush even saying that God wants them to attack the Iraqis. The Yugoslavian wars of the early 90s was a war of the Christians attacking the Muslims, taking away everything they had and killing them in cold blood. In WW2, Hitler prescribed the direction of killing off the more Jewish countries, and pushed his Christian soldiers further by reminding them how the Jews killed Jesus, and how they were fighting for Jesus.
Now, if you lived in a muslim country, and didn't harm anyone, and followed your prayers to the east 5 times a day for your God, then the Christians believing in another god came into your country, ransacked you and destroyed all that they could, how would you feel about it? I have a feeling you can't grasp what that direction would be like, since you can't believe that anything is right besides Christianity.
These are the reasons that Atheists like myself are so opposed to directions like Christianity. Accept everyone, and don't just go against them because of their religion. Everyone is human.
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@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
23 Feb 10
I don't have to prove that God exists or for that matter that you exist. Your just feeling out of place, but thats not my problem, it's yours. I have been in this world 55 years, and never had to prove anything to some wet behind the ears kid. If you don't believe in something thats your perogitive, but don't use the same old line "prove God exists" I heard it all before. All you kids believe in some illusion of happyland somewhere for nothing, Heaven cost nothing more the faith, but Hell could cost you your soul. So if you want to play on a train track while texting, then so be it, but I'll use my time wisely, thank you very much.
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@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
23 Feb 10
And don't give me some bull about Christians starting wars. Christians are not in charge here, the government is, and the bible says to do what our government laws says to do, up to the point of going against the laws of God which supersedes any laws here on earth. So if you want to follow the governments laws and rules of war, don't expect a Christian to follow, if they are truly Christian. There are many people who have no interest of religion, but are just using Christian beliefs to make a mockery of Christians. My bible says that "a good tree will bear good fruit, But a bad tree will bear bad fruit" as is with false Christians. They are just trying to pull the wool over your eyes. They are not any Christian believer.
@Galena (9110)
22 Feb 10
I think probably the reason so many atheists are particularly anti Christianity, rather than anti other religions, is because it's most likely to have been Christians that give them a hard time about being an atheist.
I've never given an atheist a hard time. very few atheists give me a hard time for being Pagan.
whoever tagged this discussion "atheists hate god" are missing something. they don't hate God, they just don't believe in any Gods.
it's like saying someone that doesn't believe in unicorns hates them. they don't hate them, they just don't believe in them.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Feb 10
It's more a matter of people responding to what they feel their culture is more influenced by. Take atheist Pat Condell from YouTube - sure, he bashes Christians, but he downright rips into Muslims. His views cross the line into hateful bigotry.
Most YouTube atheists are from the Western world, which is dominated by the Christian religion. Therefore, that makes Christianity the more likely target, just because that's what dominates their society.
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@greatsasuke (472)
• United States
22 Feb 10
It may seem that way, but I think atheist will also negate any kind of God (whether personal or impersonal and from any kind of religion or belief system) . I don't think all atheist look down on religions, though. For example, Buddhist are considered atheists and they seem to respect other peoples belief systems and moral codes. In fact I believe a true atheist should not care if other people believe in God or a savior, because if they are happy with their belief system, why would they bother to bash others belief systems? Maybe they aren't happy? That is another question in which to ponder.
@dolphinlady128 (72)
• Australia
28 Feb 10
The true meaning of an atheist is that of a person that denies or disbelieves the existence of supreme being or beings.
So I guess this would include all religion. An atheist just doesnt believe that there are power larger than us, that there is this God, or Goddess or Budha or Moses or whatever that has power and can help us or "control" our lives etc.
Since Im not an atheist, I dont know why some people attack Christianity but not other religion. But in anyhow, I dont think it is right to attack any religion at all. Every one has the right to what the believe in. If an atheist doesnt believe in anything, it is their own choice. But then others can also choose what to believe, it is also their own choice :) No one should attack other religion.
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
28 Feb 10
If a person merely say He does not believe in God; for that matter God of Christians, Muslims or Hindus, then I would say he is not an anti Christian. He is only professing his non-belief. If he attacks a God of a particular religion, be it of Christian, Muslim or Hindu then I would say he is anti Christian, anti Muslim or anti Hindu. Likewise, member of any religion should not attack an atheist if he says that he does not believe in God. As it depends on an individual to believe in any religion of his choice, it is up to an individual to believe or not to believe.
@urbandekay (18278)
22 Feb 10
A tactical decision? Christianity is the largest and quickest growing religion, with the strongest theology, take out the strongest and the weak will fall.
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Feb 10
Well, only by immigration, conversion rates are very low, world wide Islam is the forth fastest growing behind Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Bahaism. In Britain those converting away from Islam is large.
all the best urban
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Feb 10
Simple.Some Chiritians try to get Everyone to believe what they believe, And when you don't , they tell you are going to hell. I know not all Christians are this pushy. But if you don't believe in Any G-d, this behavior can makle you want to lash out. I think it is wrong to force some to believe in anything. And I believe to demean a person's beliefs is Equally bad. Not everyone believes in G-d or Jesus OR Buddha, etc. Trying to get all people to believe in just one thing will Never work. True Atheism is the non belief in Any G-d. Not just Jesus alone.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Feb 10
I never said I was a atheist. I'm Jewish. Giving the word of G-d to a person who is open to it i great but one should never force or bully people I believe religion is a personal choice and not having a religion is also a valid choice. Christians are correct in their beliefs but for a non Christian , The path to Jesus is not for them , period. Discussing religion isn't Only for the devout. If a non Christian couldn't discuss or even listen to a religious discussion , how would they learn about it? I believe All discussions should be open to all. What is needed is respect for each others choices. Just like your username . It' My Choice. I'm Jewish. I would Never , ever asume that everyone follow my path. It is my choice. In other words I will never be welcome in a Christian Heaven. It's not for me. but just because it isn't for me I Don't and Won't put it down.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Feb 10
"But if you don't believe in Any G-d, this behavior can makle you want to lash out"
This goes for anyone, really - not just those who don't believe in a god. A Jehova's Witness came to my mother's door one day while I was visiting, and I answered it for her. I stood patiently and heard her out, thanked her for the reading materials she gave me, and we both went on our way. She sounded far too nervous for me to be mean to, nor did I really care to challenge what she believed or belittle her for it.
My mother, a baptist, was chomping at the bit to come outside and yell "We know God, now go away." I know she's not the only religious person who belittles other religious people for their beliefs. So what does that say when it's the atheist who has more tolerance for the beliefs of other's than the Christian? Not much - only that one person has more tolerance and patience than the other. I don't mind hearing people talk about their religion, but my patience stops when you tell me I'm going to hell. Threats do nothing but make me like people less, and the quickest way to make an atheist verbally attack you is to bring the prospect of hell into the conversation. There's something about an unforgiving, hypocritical system of divine judgment that pisses a lot of us off - especially when it's wielded as a threat in theological conversations.
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@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
23 Feb 10
Your totally off base. People can not be convinced to any belief if they don't believe at all. How is trying to give the word of God so damaging to you? Can words knock your eye out? If you don't believe in any God, then fine, go your way and stop reading religious posts. Nobody is forcing you to listen or read a Christians comment, nor are they trying to convert you. Either you know the truth or you don't, why do you think this spreading of Gods word is important to a Christian? Because as believers in Gods truth, it is our love for fellow man and to help save him from himself. As long as we tried to tell you the word of our God, we have done all we are to do here on earth while we are given another day here. What if the Christians are right? And their God wants to accept you into his kingdom, but your lack of acceptance will keep you from him, or even worse actually allow you to fall into Hell. None of this will hurt you if you believe in a greater power other then yourself. But in the impossible chance that there is a Hell, and all you had to do on earth is have a relationship with a creator, so he can protect you from Hell, you just blew your chance of life after this world is through with you and you are in Hell. Would you not just acknowledge a true God, instead of nothing at all, in which case you would have nothing to plead your case to. We are not being threatened of being sent into Hell, we are being offered protection from that chance. So if you are an atheist, when you talk to your self, don't blame God for not answering you after you die, he doesn't exist does he? So all this arguing is unproductive and stupid to argue about. So if you don't believe there is any God, don't argue with a Christian about something that doesn't exist.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
22 Feb 10
Perhaps it is themselves they are trying to convince? Perhaps there is no point in trying to prove something a lie if you do not suspect that it may be true? Perhaps the fact that Christianity, or rather Christ himself, is the "rock of offense" that the Bible said He would be to people?
I don't personally believe in ghosts, but many do. I don't spend time in chat rooms devoted to the occult trying to disprove the existence of ghosts. I don't label anyone who believes in ghosts "stupid" or "uneducated" (in fact, belief in ghosts and even Bigfoot is increasing amongst college students according to some studies I have read). I feel quite secure in my own interpretation of ghostly occurrences, and I would gladly share them if asked, but I don't feel so strongly about it that I must go out and attack others who do not share my disbelief.
I know a very intelligent atheist who cannot bring herself to believe in the God of the Bible, but has a good faith in the theory that we came from aliens who visited this planet long ago and whose knowledge was lost over the ages. I am not sure where the aliens came from - I assume they were not created by God, either. I do not believe this woman is unintelligent, just prefers a belief that excludes Christianity for her own reasons.
I agree that you are much less likely to be blown up by a Christian if you deny the existence of his God. That's one of the basic tenets of Christianity - love thy neighbor as thyself and don't blow him up for disagreeing with you.
Perhaps the only thing that these people must oppose is the one thing that is real and may be life-changing. They may fear Christianity most, because it is the most likely to prove them completely wrong about the value of their own intellect and logic. If they are self-made, they have only themselves to congratulate. If God made them and is not subject to the rule of their human logic - well, that's just too horrible to think about. ;)
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@universe2o6 (356)
• Brazil
22 Feb 10
I agree with this theory of 'fear of beleif'. These religion haters just hate the fact that maybe there might be a more powerful being in the world, and acting like little kids, they attack anyone who confronts them. Pitiful beings, they are...
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
23 Feb 10
The atheist has no fear of other religions because it's clear that they're not the truth and that those religions can't pronounce any eternal consequences on the atheist that will come true. On the other hand, there is so much evidence for the validity of the Bible and Christianity that it scares them that it might be the truth. In their confused minds, they think that if they can debunk the Christian message, they're safe from judgment. They're wrong.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
23 Feb 10
where is this evidence you speak of? I've done research for years and years, and I still can not find any real evidence towards any singular religion. Living in North America, I've had the most chances with christianity, I even own 4 different versions of the Bible, but I can not find any kind of hard evidence showing how Christianity is right.
I don't think that I'm safe from Judgement, I don't think there will be a judgement. Its a sad fact, but when you die, you die. there is absolutly nothing showing that our consciousness will continue on once our body is gone. What really matters, is what you give to those around you, to continue forward in this world. Thats what will really make a difference.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
25 Feb 10
What evidence will satisfy you? By the way, where is the evidence for your "sad fact?"
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
27 Feb 10
"Its a sad fact, but when you die, you die. there is absolutly nothing showing that our consciousness will continue on once our body is gone."
Are you basing this, "sad fact," on something you can prove or on faith in what you believe? If it's on faith, then how can your faith have any more validity than Precious' faith?
@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
22 Feb 10
You make a very interesting point. I haven't known of an atheist who attacked any other religions either. I hadn't thought about it. Maybe we'll get an answer here. I mean it should be equal. Maybe atheist means they don't believe in God. But they still believe in religion??

@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
22 Feb 10
Well actually I know an atheist who was attacked by "christians." He stood up to say he was an atheist and they threatened him. One group actually cut his brake lines on his vehicle!
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
22 Feb 10
cut his brake lines? wtf? that's one tough sunday school.
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@hvedra (1619)
25 Feb 10
I think a problem is that many of the more vocal atheists come from a Christian background and that is what they are familiar with. They know how to attack it whilst, although they wouldn't admit it, they carry it's worldview.
It's kind of hard for an atheist from a Christian background to dig at something like Buddhism because it is very different. The arguments they are used to making as a case against Christianity don't work on a lot of other religions.
I'm a pagan and when atheists find out I'm "religious" they often assume that means Christian and use the same arguments they use against Christianity - most of which do not apply in the slightest. I find that the vocal atheists remind me of some of the nuttier Christian preachers YOU MUST BELIEVE WHAT THEY DO - except they can't threaten you with an eternity in hell if you don't comply. LOL!
I think that, in a way, they've turned their atheism into a religion because they are so convinced in what they believe.
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@universe2o6 (356)
• Brazil
22 Feb 10
Atheists don't "attack" anyone. Any person who assualts another person due to his/her beleifs is not not an atheist, this person is an "ANTI-XXX", in this case, it's an anti-christian. These so-called 'atheists' are a bad name for all the true atheists around the world. These religion-haters are exactley what I just said, they are 'relegion haters' and are not atheists. They may not beleive in god, but that just makes them atheist relegion haters. True atheists are intelecutal beings who have respect for all forms of beleifs existent throughout the world.
Atheists like darwin are history-making people who respected the beleifs of all people, despite the various attacks on themselves by religous cults.
Do not think of atheists as 'god-hating attackers', this is a common misassumption that most theists make on account of lack of research.
@urbandekay (18278)
22 Feb 10
Universe... that is no more convincing than Muslims that claim no Muslims are terrorists
all the best urban
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Feb 10
"True atheists" are people who lack belief in gods. Whether they're downright mean and closed-minded or kind and open-minded makes no difference.
An rabid anti-theist, however, is the kind of person you're talking about. Having run into them them several times on the web, I know how annoying they can be. They're about equal to the religious nut who screams at everyone who disagrees with them that they're going to hell.
@freeboy90 (456)
• Italy
22 Feb 10
An Atheist not always is against Christianity, but most of the times they are. And the reason is simple : they just find impossible, maybe stupid all the stories that are written in the bible or some christians' uses. I personally don't belive much in church and I do go against the church at times, just beacause for the way I see it they don't always do what they preach. Starting from Mr. Ratzinger ( the pope) who here in Italy is more of a politic presence than a spiritual one and under some aspects keeps Italy stuck into old times. For those who make strange and let's say offensive challenges or openly make fun of other people's belives are just idiots, It is healty and ok to disagree but not to make fun of other people beacause they belive in something else.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
22 Feb 10
"It is healty and ok to disagree but not to make fun of other people beacause they belive in something else."
"... they just find impossible, maybe stupid all the stories that are written in the bible..."
Does anyone else see a contradiction here?

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
23 Feb 10
I don't think that most atheists are just anti-christianity. Why? Because most atheists don't get into religious debates...and you never hear from them on the subject of religion, and some even avoid it.
Just, you know, the argumentative ones are the loudest. And christianity's the only group that really can get away with conversian campaigns in the media and mainstream, which leads to more stepped on toes in general...and there are people who hold grudges in every group.
I've actually seen an atheist argue against buddhism, and I've been looked down upon because I'm pagan by an atheist.
The argument that groups of people are "anti-christianity" in general is interesting...I just don't think that in context, it's easy to back up.
I hope I haven't rubbed anyone the wrong way by responding. ^_^'
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
23 Feb 10
I believe it's more about whichever religion is more pushing on the Atheists, to which they'll be more against. In the US, around 76% of the country is Christian, and they even have groups like the Bible Belt going down the middle of the united states. The US is one of the most relgious first world countries, and it being such, has the largest amount of atheists that are going to be posting pieces online.
And I, as an atheist living in Canada, have had far more Christians going against my directions then any other religion. Atheism is not directly anti-christianity, it's a devout skepticism against religion as a whole. If you can not prove, or have any kind of direct evidence for your religion, no matter which it is, Atheists will be more skeptical about it, and push against it. Christianity is just the highest in numbers from the english speaking areas you can hear from Atheists, so you'll see more debates in that direction, then any other.
In some of the most Islamic countries, like around the middle east, being an Atheist can lead to severe problems for yourself, not just with the people around you being against you to the point of battery, but even in the legal systems, people who are not Muslim have lower rights and priviledges. The US and UK are much more about freedom of speech, so whatever someone believes, they are allowed to go forward with whatever they wish to say about it.
As an Atheist in North America, I see Islam and Christianity as the two worst religions in the world, because of their directions showing that, as long as you can find a passage where your God says to do something in your holy book, it's OK. Hinduism, with it's many gods, is more peaceful and friendly, showing that everything deserves to live, and be treated with respect. Buddhism shows that there is no God or gods, but rather a continious passage of reincarnation until you reach Nirvana, a holy light that we can not understand, and it shows to follow the middle path, to not do any harm to anything. These are much better forms of religion to me, and to many atheists. Although they do still sound illogical, they don't lead to anywhere near the amount of harm that Christianity and Islam does.
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@venkatachary (1165)
• India
23 Feb 10
Every religion is being criticized. Hindus are attacked by fellow Hindu born Atheist. It should be taken in right perspective. It is to remove some unwanted rituals. If we remove certain unwanted rituals/ belief then the religion will take its original form.What soever We got to believe the existence of Supreme power God.
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@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
23 Feb 10
Probably is more than Christians are specially sensitive, even more than members from other religions, so that's why many atheists tend to make fun of them, or pick on them. I'm not talking about all christians, there are fanatics and there are normal people who have their beliefs and they live up to them without bothering anyone. The first group seems to feel attacked by people who believes in other religions or by atheists, so they're all the time picking on them, and it ends up in a war -something stupid, but it can't be helped-.
I'm an atheist myself, so I know very well that being an atheist means that you don't believe in any religion or god, as the meaning of the word is "the denial of god". I'm the type to live up to my beliefs without minding what others believe 

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