money from blog

February 22, 2010 8:26pm CST
hey guys. does anyone knows how to make money from blogging? i've tried it and nothing happens. i dont know how it works. can you help me please? i've joined payperpost and reviewme.
3 responses
• Indonesia
23 Feb 10
Yeah, of course I know how to make money from blog. Most of my earning come from my blog. What are you try then? Tell me. Yes, I can help you. You can earn much money. Just PM me okay.
• Philippines
23 Feb 10
really? wow thank you. can you help me please cause i dont know how it works. i've joined payperpost and review me they dont accept my blog some url problem and so forth.
@pierrella (1087)
• Philippines
23 Feb 10
I'd like to know how to earn too! But I don't know my page and alexa rank
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
oh no.. i dont know those things you were saying.. huhu actually i really dont know how to do it.
@kieszha (18)
• Philippines
23 Feb 10
hey there.. i cant gave you any advise coz its my 1st tym here at my lot... but if got lots of idea already hope ul share some... godbless
23 Feb 10
The only way you are ever going to earn money for a blog is to get traffic. Write the best content you possibly can and make it unique. Make your blog sticky so people hang around for a bit longer. Focus on building your traffic and stick with it. There are two blogroll sites that I use to get my stats up from time to time you may want to try them out for yourself : and Just bear in mind that creating a profitable blog takes time, but keep at it and good luck.
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
yeah i think so. it maybe kinda hard to do an exciting blogs to make people visit it.