The times we spent in the bookstores...

In a bookstore - A corner of the bookstore,2010nian,2yue,
February 23, 2010 12:31am CST
I like reading, i really like it just like others. when i was a pupil, i interestesd in the manga crazily. One day i can see about 10 to 15, if the time is ok. Gradually, i expanded the scope of the reading, more and more attention to the other types of books. for reading more books, i always the big bookstore spent one afternoon, untill my legs and my feet was tied. Increases with the age, the money i could control also increased. i am not satisfied with read, i choose them , and buy them. when i go to another city for study. Oh, there is my heaven. i search the information of the bookstore as soon as possible, where's books is wide and no discount, Where's book is interest and could have a good discount, and where have the professional books, where have the second hand book. i even took part in an activity for exchange the books. Well, the trouble is coming, i will be graduated. The book is too much and the most of them i didn't want to sell. This is really a sweet burden! Nowadays, even if i can find many Ebook in the Internet. i still prefer the real book. Chose one time, in a bookstore, pick one book you like, sit one place with the good sunshine, close your ears, and forget the others. The world only have you and your book. Welcome the peoples who like the book to share the feeling or story about the book.
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