is it right to request me to demote from sales manager to administrator ,, ??

February 23, 2010 5:41am CST
because i am woman .. is is wrong for me to try having baby ?? my GM says that its better for me, as most woman has to give priority to their family once married. just because the current person resigned and not being able to find better replacement within the reach does not mean i can be sacrificed .. i have done it before .. 6 years ago, then i requested to change, within the years i was promoted 3 x , and now they want me to go back, i cant ... i really cant, i have worked hard to get here his exact words to me was, at the end of the day all woman has to end up being home maker, i agree to that .. but at my own pace right ?? its for me and my husband to decide , and yes we actually decided for me to leave my job next year to concentrate on own business and family .. even then i cant accept this demotion, as the work is like 'cleaning the whole departments s##t' and with no changes in my pay, the management will try to put more of that 's##t' for me to clear bonus will be reduced at the end of year as this job is only admin when i rejected this morning, he took it personally, by the next 1/2 hour i was questioned on my footwear (i am wearing open shoe, as i had an operation on my foot) my dressing (i was wearing indian wear, which is allowed by management as traditional wear) .. so i am going to get more of this now since i was not 'yes woman' ? i am Contemplating to hand in my letter tomorrow, as i cant fight anymore .. cheers
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10 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Feb 10
This is totally wrong of him and he shouldnt have asked you in the first place you won that place and I would stay there. And just how long have you worked here wearing the same things? What would happen if ya never have a baby (Dont take this wrong) bu then you have gaveup a very good position for knot. But then to if your family business needs you and it would work out to your advantage I would but not today. wait awhile dont let this man run you off!
• Malaysia
23 Feb 10
i am always in suits .. yesterday my panty hose stuck to my 'operated' skin, and pulled out the whole skin leaving a hole .. i was supposed to go for medication to my doctors , wearing panty hose will be difficult for me to show my feet as well as placing my leg up on chair with tight skirt will be though ... have given a call to my lawyer friend and am going for a fight before leaving, i am going to pull him down ..
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Feb 10
ouch that sounds awful better to get meds for it and soon so that wont happen again. and good for you do bring the man down!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
23 Feb 10
This kind of treatment would be illegal in my country and in many others. Unfortunately, India appears to be one of those countries which still does not have satisfactory protection for workers. I don't know what the best course of action would be in your circumstances but I would certainly advise that you look for another job where your skills are better valued and your person better respected. It is generally better to still be in work when looking for a new position but, if there is no alternative, then perhaps a letter of notice may make your present employer reconsider his position.
• Malaysia
23 Feb 10
dear, i am not from india ... i have consulted my lawyer friend for advice and i am going for the fight before resign
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
23 Feb 10
From now on, keep a very careful diary of all contacts between you, your manager and your lawyer. (Date, time, description, names of any witnesses, &c). It may not, in the end, be necessary but if, at any time, you have reason to believe that you were wrongfully dismissed (perhaps in order to get around paying you a pension for your 10 years service), the evidence will be very useful. I wish you luck!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
23 Feb 10
There are a lot of people here that would be thankful just to have the job. But that wasnt your question. I would spend more time thinking about it. If you really think that you were treated unfairly, start looking for a new position.
• Malaysia
23 Feb 10
i have been in this place for 10 years, have worked days and nights , have worked on weekends .. that is why i feel unappreciated
• United States
1 Mar 10
i'm not sure which country you're from,but where i live that's illegal. i've known people to voluntarily step down into a less active job when they're pregnant-not to be just demoted without asking or into a sh*t department. i would look for a new job first before handing in the slip-unless you just want to leave early.but i think i'd leave too.
23 Feb 10
That's awful! They have no right to ask you to be demoted. You have worked hard to get where you are and you deserve the job you have. And you are right that having a family is something that you and your husband will decinde on in your own time. Your employer has no right to interfere with that in any way. You did the right thing to say no, and I hope you don't have to hand in your resignation - they should not make you feel like that. You sound like a strong woman, so if you feel that you can keep fighting I hope you do. M
• Malaysia
23 Feb 10
i think i can give a try for another month and see how is the situatio dear
@elly1384 (352)
• Bulgaria
23 Feb 10
hello here in my country ,the mothers who work and want to start new job are not in the list of rising in the work and when some woman wants to start the job and goes to the interview the first question that the interviewer ask is if she have a child or is she married or the worst if she wants to become pregnant soon my experience is same and i want to work and to care to my child but anyone doesn`t want to give me a chance to have a job i am so disappointed by that........
• Malaysia
23 Feb 10
life is unfair dear sometimes .. have you tried kindergartens
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Feb 10
Sanjana Do not give up When I was diagnosed with my Illness 6 years ago I was bullied out of my Job, after being there for 8 years and worked my Butt of for bad Pay My Boss of 8 years retired and as soon as he did the bullying started, I collapsed several times and deteriorated fast I fought this Company for 6 months, I proved that they where lying I had everything to back me up They had no prove at all to what they where accusing me of In the end I had a Break down, the Company made a Pay out to me The Doctor stopped me taking it to court as I was wo weak by this time So do not give up and also write down everything that has been happening and said and do that when ever something is said to you back everything up
• China
24 Feb 10
Oh, it sounds awful! As I'm also a woman - unmarried and no baby. I think I can learn your feelings. For your boss, he has his own standing, but it's really unfair to you. You've been working hard for years and I think your preformance is excellent, so you got promotion. But the problem is now you get demotion not for your preformance but only for you're a woman. So is it possible for you to appeal to relative departments? Anyway, cheers!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Feb 10
Hi Sanjana Well, i never know the exact situation before, i thought that are changing your dept as u r havibg problem at foot and they wanted you to be in comfortable/desk job rather than tough sales job. But as above case, sure its not correct,unless they discuss in detail with you and convince u, so that you and management can reach on conclusuion.u can discuss your condition with them its always way to discuss and convince the employee So wish u all ther best Take care
@vandana7 (101405)
• India
24 Feb 10
Hi sanjana, I can understand how frustrating it is when the boss has some notions about your personal life, and wants you to conform to his notions, instead of judging you based on your work. Cant you look for a job elsewhere? You are well within your rights to refuse. Is it a private organization? I mean, there may be some employment rules applicable to the organization. May be you can lodge a complaint under some section. That way he will have to keep away from you. But how does it help to hand over your resignation without getting a better alternative? You need to frustrate him, instead of that, you are letting him do that to you? Dont be a yes woman at all, instead let more people become defiant to him. That is the way to go about it, I think. Spoil the whole environment, and then move to another organization. I would do that.