Whose song do you like? Male singer or female singer?

@colydf (913)
February 24, 2010 12:02am CST
I am a girl, and I like to listen to the songs of female singer. I do not like to listen the songs of male singer very much. What about you?
5 responses
@Marmot (590)
• United States
22 Jan 11
Actually, I listen to the song, not the singer. My collection of songs are come both from female singers and male singers. I don't care much about the singer is female or male, I just listen to the songs. If the song is good, I will collect it. But some times I collect the songs of a singer because he/she has somethings larruping in his/her voice. For example, Angela Chang.
@colydf (913)
• China
27 Jan 11
Yeah, I see. I think I prefer female singer to male singer is just because I could sing the songs of female singer better, haha. But I do have many favorite male singer like Guang Liang, Zhou Jielun and so on. My favorite female singer is Liang Jingru and will always be her. I just like her voice and I am so addicted to her voice.
1 Jun 10
I prefer female singers and I'm a girl too but it doesn't mean that I don't ever listen to male singers I actually do listen to them ,and some my favorite songs sung by male singers :)
• India
24 Feb 10
I do both of them because when bot they sang in do-wet that time its sounds very good and nice too.
• India
26 Feb 10
I think male singers are more versatile in singing because they can sing in different voice modulations and perhaps this is the reason why I prefer male singers.
• United States
1 Mar 10
I'm a chick i don't listen to female artists that much they always sound whiny and like chickens frying alive. i prefer males. but i do like evanescence and flyleaf which are both female lead singers...they don't sound like burning chickens more like howling cats...:D