Do You Always Upload Photo to Mylot Everyday?

@ridwan08 (1183)
February 24, 2010 10:04am CST
Hi Mylotter, my hobby now upload photos everyday to mylot,because I can sharing about photo related to the discussion.and we can earn from upload photo to mylot right? but,do you always upload photo's everyday to mylot? Im verry happy read your response here Good Luck
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10 responses
@dipak06 (913)
• India
24 Feb 10
i have not yet uploaded a single photo here...but having a planning to upload photos in mylot in i am little bit busy i am happy now with posting discussions here...
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@ridwan08 (1183)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 10
I mean upload photo for discussion picture and we can share about photo in related discussion forum,like cell phone forum,I always upload about cell phone and more. thanks for your first response
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 10
not, sometimes if i have a good mood to upload photo, so i do it. but the most of them, i seldom to upload picture
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• United States
24 Feb 10
Not everyday, but I do upload pictures on here. I upload them mainly just for interests in general but sometime I'll upload a picture along with my reply in discussions. I tried doing just that yesterday but unfortunately I didn't have the original picture anymore (I had it on my computer but my computer messed up and ultiamtely I lost everything I had on the desktop) and since the version I saved off an online album could only be saved in bitmap, it wouldn't upload.
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@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
24 Feb 10
I use to upload a lot of photos to Mylot. I haven't done so in a while though. Maybe I should consider uploading some of my newer winter pictures today. Problem is I haven't been taking quite as many pictures as usual lately, so I don't always have them to upload! Thanks for the reminder though - I'm off to upload :-)
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• Indonesia
25 Feb 10
Well i rarely upload photo to mylot, i don't know why, i simply doesn't really in the mood to make or search photos that are corresponded to the discussion that i follow. Maybe i simply being lazy :D. But good for you, a picture will make a discussion become more interesting. At least we know what we are talking about. Thanks for the nice topic.
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@Raniaa (66)
25 Feb 10
i don't like photo and posthing photo in internet in facebook,twiter and mylot.. y your hobbys can grem maybe you can make photomodel,
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@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
25 Feb 10
I have not yet uploaded more photos last 6 months.. i have uploaded only 3-4 photos.. i have never think about uploading photos.. on mylot.. i think.. what is the profit gain.. if i uploaded many photos on mylot... have a nice day and keep mylotting always..
@KompitaPita (2051)
• Bulgaria
24 Feb 10
Uploading - Photos
Hi Ridwan. Yes, I am trying to upload photos in my answers. I think it's good for earnings and we can make our answers look more good. These days I don;t have enough time to post here, but I think it's good to upload photos to our answers.
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@emine08 (1551)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 10
no, I am not. there is a stick rules in uploading a foto in mylot. I don't have any photos that related to the discussion. I just upload my kid's photo so far and it is only one.
@mt2009 (8)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 10
That will be interesting hobby :-p But i don't know yet about earn from uploading photo here :-s