ever get tired of being the responsible one?

United States
February 24, 2010 5:38pm CST
ever get tired of being the responsible one? as in you have been responsible your whole life and yet you feel as if you are missing out? i do! im 28 and been married since i was 17 and both me and my husband apparently never had the gene to be stupid and irresponsible with money and things like it seems everyone else does (or should i say a lot of people) we have never had to ask our family for anything money wise, we own our own house, was debt free till some recent health emergencies (but that will be hopefully taken care of soon) but we arent late on bills or having our electricity cut off etc.. but then again we dont get to go on trips and other stuff because we make sure everything is paid and we stay debt free.. sometimes i envy the people that dont even worry about bills and do whatever they want.. of course it would drive me nuts if i had my electricity cut off or was paying things late but i feel like im getting penalized for being responsible!! is there a happy medium? will i be glad later on that i was responsible through my 20s? i just see all the trips and fun stuff im missing out on now and i guess i dont think about how today affects tomorrow..
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11 responses
• United States
24 Feb 10
I have been responsible, though i have to ask for money from time to time, and i always pay it back. But thats because i make so little and have debt do to past health issues and student loan. I do my best to take care of things myself. I try to find a happy medium, and that usually means i have no savings though, which i have changed, some what. My thing is we are not promised a tomorrow, so i try to enjoy today, even if it means i am constantly broke. Though i do make sure all my bills are paid first. I hate being late on anything, and its killing me i have debt, but its getting smaller and smaller each month, and then when i am debt free i will have more breathing room to do the funny things i want. I never really had a chance to be irresponsible and the times i tried it always back fired.
2 people like this
• United States
25 Feb 10
yeah i know what you mean about it backfiring on ya. when i decide to spend some money on something fun i get some bill in the mail which is so annoying since if i do spend money its not much lol
• United States
25 Feb 10
Yeah like when i had plans all set up for a new computer...and oh yeah my car decides to flip me the bird.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 10
yeah and me and my taxes and freaking health crap
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
25 Feb 10
I keep hearing about these strange things, Trips & vacations... Apparently my lazy unemployed ex wife knows all about them but she won't tell me anything. Apparently they accept food stamps on cruises. I don't get how that type of people do so well while I have to slave my a$$ off just to barely get by. It pisses me off!
2 people like this
• United States
25 Feb 10
EXACTLY!! its like we were left out of a club or something!!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
25 Feb 10
I admire you as a couple for being so responsible. This has helped you in having a house of your own and being debt free. I do agree with you that today's actions will affect us tomorrow. I always believe that it is better to save for a rainy day
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 10
with my luck the rainy day will never come and i will have missed out.. although i usually do have rainy days with the health bills but still i sometimes wonder if i just am too scared to use my savings for something fun because i might need it for something like an emergency etc
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Feb 10
Your 28 and responsible? I'm 53 and still responsible so I don't see an end to the road for you anytime soon. I've raised 4 kids on my own with random and minimal child support. they are all as independent as i am. Your post struck a chord with me because lately it seems that I am the taxi for everyone. I work full time 2nd shift and have 3 days off during the week. My brother broke his foot in an accident that was his fault. He was drinking and he got away without getting charged for that which amazes me but he gets away with all sorts of things. Anyway...I drive him to all his errands. I also have a 23 yr old that has no vehicle or license and I try to help her out. Shes my daughter and she very rarely asks for help. then there is my mom's cousin...she doesn't even ask...she just sets up appointments and tells me when they are. I've raised my girls and been both mom and dad to the best of my ability. I work full time and I cover for overtime a lot of the time. I take my grandchildren whenever I'm able. My daughter is in sports and has an active social life so it is constant running. Oh you bet...I'm freaking tired of being the responsible one. I just want a shower...then I'll be good again....well..maybe.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 10
sounds like people are abusing you being responsible!! *hugs*
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Feb 10
{{{{HUGS}}} to you too. Its all good. They don't mean to put me out and I love them so it's ok. I was having a bad day when I wrote that. It had been non-stop running for them all to the point that I forgot to do my own errands.
@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Mar 10
Yes, it often seems unfair that some people have to work so hard to balance their finances whilst others just seem to have money to burn but I am glad that i was brought up by parents who had very little but always lived within their means. it has held me in very good stead, particularly when we were setting up home and since my husband has been unable to work. I think I've passed on the 'frugal gene' to my sons as they always make sure their bills are paid & any other financial responsibilities are met before anything else.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Mar 10
i also am glad i was raised poor but i love to travel and never get to and so even though im cheap and easily pleased on everything else i havent seen much of anything travel wise and my hubby has been all around the world and then to be invited by friends for trips that are really cheap but just not possible for me kills me..
@Wizzywig (7847)
15 Mar 10
I had booked a week off work early December and had hoped to get away for just a day or two but, when it came to it, I just couldn't justify spending the money knowing the household fuel bills will be higher. I have some medical treatment to undergo (fortunately free since I am in the UK) & my mum has said she'd like to treat me to a few days away at the end of it but, I have a bit of a thing about accepting... tho' it would be so good!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Feb 10
Hi moonlit! You should be so very proud of yourself and your husband! You have done what many of us have never been able to say or do! I have been in debt all my life and I am more than twice your age and am still in debt and now am on Disability! I worked for over 40 years and have nothing to show for it! So, be thankful and proud that you started out young and have something wonderful to show for it! You have a house that you own and are debt free! And one day you will be able to go on vacations and raise you children and have a wonderful life the way it is supposed to be! Don't ever wish that you did things different!
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 10
i think we both have our parents to thank.. we saw them make a lot of mistakes debt wise and the stress they went through so we try to avoid it if possible
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
25 Feb 10
since credit card companies are jacking up rates due to the new obama law designed to help consumers who use credit cards not be taken advantage of you will probably be glad even more you paid things on time. the law doesn't take effect immediately but later on so it gives credit card companies time to jack up their rates even more to counteract the new credit card law before it takes effect. i don't if its affecting you if you do use credit cards because there even jacking it up on people with good credit but at least you won't be hurt like the others who already have high amounts of debt.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 10
oh i know they are really screwing with people! its crazy
@srikool (936)
• India
25 Feb 10
hi friend..this is usual everyones life..i think like this..number times i get tired to answer peaople..at the same time i used to torure others in the same mannaer..if i could not get the correct answer for something..i wont allow them to go away..i will keep on asking doubts..this is my one the character from my childhood itself... i like to change this but i cant.i think mainly we cant answer for childrens doubts..they will ask for everything around them..everyever they go..at any time day and night..they are ready to ask doubt...what to do..they new to this world know...we must answer them i am not better from my childhood...i am not torturing others that much...but my brother's sons and daughtrs are torturing me now..i am the last in my home...for them i am looking like a small girl... this is what i expect from them...whatever i did to my borthers while i was a child ..their childrens are doing it for me....have a nice time in mylotting
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
Being responsible should have limitations also since we might not help others at all to be responsible also. Sometimes we get tired for being one if the people around us are not moving. But if we stick on our goals, we wont get tired and we can revive the motivation to be more responsible. Just don't let others be always dependent because they will not learn the difficulties of life we need to conquere :)
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@HCecilia (12)
• Brazil
25 Feb 10
Yes, A lot! Everybody makes me the responsible one and expect me to do the things and do it right. so when I can't do it or do it wrongly, everybody blames me and makes me the "bad" one when it shouldn't be me. should be the person who didn't do it.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 10
yeah dont you love that?! where you have to be the leader on everything when you dont want to be
@avani26 (1518)
• India
25 Feb 10
This is the type of discussions that I really feel that replying. I very much agree to how it feels being responsb for erything and you are so bogged down by this petty things that we are not able to enjoy what we should. I have understood that you have married early which could also be adding to the stress. If possible try to take some time off from your routine life.
• United States
26 Feb 10
actually being married young hasnt bothered or hindered me from doing anything i wanted to do.. we dont have kids so no stress there.. our marriage is good compared to most but yeah most people that marry young their marriages cause a lot of stress