Re-inventing one's self...

@paula27661 (15811)
February 24, 2010 10:24pm CST
I was watching a popular series on television last night and a particular scene caught my attention. A young girl arrived in a small town and, because she was an individual that had been emotionally damaged during childhood, she grew up to be not a very nice person and consequently caused a great deal of trouble in her new community thus hurting a lot of people which concluded with her being isolated from everybody. An older and much wiser gentleman had a chat with her and told her that she didn’t have to be the way she was and that she could make different choices and eventually re invent herself and become a completely different person if she so chose. This scene got me thinking... Do you believe that people can really change? Is it possible for a person to totally re invent him or herself? Or is the way we are ‘just us’ and it would impossible to be different? Sure we can choose to be nicer but do you think we could really change our personalities?
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16 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 10
Well if the Person wants to and realises that they can then yes I believe with help they can but they have to want to and also know that they need to I believe this is not her true Personality due to her Circumstances this is her putting a wall up so she can't be hurt again, she thinks if she has this wall then no one can ever hurt her again and that is what she needs to work to knock down the wall but also learn how to be weary and not let someone hurt her again the way she was That is very hard to do but with help she should get there and overcome this
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 10
You are truly a miracle dear Gabs and a wonderful lesson to us all, I wish I had half the determination, strength and compassion you have. You truly are an inspiration and I for am extremely lucky to have you as a friend, Gissi too. I am getting professional help and as you know I suffer terribly from a chronic low self esteem and I just can't bury the past. I think the key issue with me is 'beauty' and until I can break that syndrome my self esteem is never going to rise. I am too bitter, too defensive and too angry to get through it and it's like I'm shackled and trapped. Entrapment is one of the worst things to feel but hey I know exactly where I am coming from on that score. Thanks Gabs xxxxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 10
Hi Paula I never got any help with me it started from the age of 5 years old rape, physical abuse mental abuse Some People can get through it and there are others like me but others can't I got through it and I have left in the past now for the last 4 years because of Friends helping me to find my value and showing me that I am worth loving, my Children show their love my B/F shows his love for me my Friends here like you and many others have and are showing me and that made know I am not just someone to be abused and that I am worth nothing But some People are not strong enough and they need professional help Paula
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Feb 10
I do agree that people who have been damaged behave they way they do due to their upbringing and that can be changed with hard work and professional help. I think that basic personalities don't generally change but someone in such a situation probably would not be even aware of who they are. Thanks for response gabs!
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
25 Feb 10
I changed schools about a month into 10th grade. I decided that I hated myself and asked my mom if I could get a different hair cut and some new glasses. I was also determined to be different. It wasn't easy. It was, actually, one of the hardest things I ever did. It IS still going on to some extent. But you can chose to change yourself. I can tell you that when I returned to the former school 2 years later to finish my last year of high school, that it took MONTHS before some of the people realized who I was. That I had changed enough that I could stand up and talk back to those who had been mean to me before and actually made one of the worst person's new friends laugh at him when I said - "At least I still have the same friends I had 2 years ago," because he had lost all his old friends... And his new friends knew it too... Didn't make him my friend, but it did earn me some respect from those other guys. There's a test called the Myers Briggs personality test. I am an INFJ. But the first time I took it I realized that just 15 years before instead of just being an introvert, I would've been a deep introvert. And the last time I took it the whole group was surprised to find out I was an introvert because when I had come into the room they were all sitting around looking at each other and I got them all talking - turned out I was the ONLY introvert in the group that time!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
I've heard of the Myers Briggs test. My sister took it when she started her job. I may just look at taking it myself. So complete change is possible if you want it badly enough. It must have felt good to return to your old school a brand new you! Good on you. I understand it is an ongoing change. Thanks Elic for an excellent response!
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
25 Feb 10
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Feb 10
Yes,I feel tat we can change our personalities we might have a few back flashes and glitches on occasion, but if we tried really hard we could. It would take alot of change and restraining ourselves from acting the way we did..and what was natural for us because of what happened to us in earlier life..but in keeping it up and repeating it everyday and not giving in and repeating the mistakes Yeah we I said alot of work and discipline though, and after awhile the goodness/niceness would start to come more natural and become who we are..either that or my head is full of
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Feb 10
Bologna is a processed luncheon meat made up of beef,pork,chicken, and sometimes turkey.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
(LOL) Bologna? That's funny! I think what you say makes perfect sense. The work involved in making permanent changes would be hard but I have to wonder how much we can change and whether our basic traits will always be there. I wonder if over time a person can change completely like an introvert can become an extrovert etc...Thanks mtdewgurl!
@eshaan (6188)
• India
6 Mar 10
its too too too hard paula....i have myself tried to change some things in ME....but i have found it difficult, maybe the nature of the person or the way God has made him/her...continues to be the way it was...and i think its really tough to change one self, or try to change someone....presently too...i am trying one experiment...will let u know if i change myself..
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
7 Mar 10
It does depend on what it is that you want to change I would imagine. Some things are deep rooted and may need professional help in order to make changes. I guess it depends on whether it is a genetic thing or a learnt thing. Good luck with your endeavours, let us know if you are successful. Thanks for responding eshaan!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
25 Feb 10
I think that we can alter our habits 100%. Some may view this as a change in personality, but I do not think it is. I think some people can be flexible with their personalities to appear to have changed, but I think people will always have the same personality that they grow up with. I have met some world famous people in my industry who speak at events all over the world and who have written lots of books, have the multiple websites and who come across as being really outgoing people. But when it comes down to it, they are still the quiet, shy and reserved person that they always were, they have just learned how to tweak their personality a little to get their message out there. My wife and I have changed our lives totally over the last few years and have a different social network now and act completely differently to how we used to, but we still have the same personalities that we always had. My wife comes across as being really outgoing to our customers and others that know of her around the country, but she is not that type of person at all. She, just like me, prefers to be in the background and living quietly in peace.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
That's interesting. I tend to agree that we will always have our basic personality but can learn over time to change our habits for the benefit of our lifestyle and/or our work. All in all it is hard work because I think human beings seem to resist change of any kind, I guess we need the right motivation and purpose. Great response thanks RawBill!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
That is very true...Changing another never works!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
25 Feb 10
Yeah, we do resist change and we have to be motivated ourselves to make the change. People often say that they have changed their partner after marriage to suit their lifestyle more, but I do not think anyone can change another. It has to come from within!
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@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
25 Feb 10
I believe someone can change, if they are highly motivated to do so. It takes alot of effort to change behaviors that become habits, even if those behaviors are messing up your life. Generally speaking I haven't too often seen someone just do it without something happening in their life that shook them up enough to do the work needed to make a permanent change.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
Yes I agree. I do believe that change is usually easier if there is a reason or a motivation; that is why you often hear of people having an experience that changed them forever. It is hard work but it can be done. Thanks for responding jewels49!
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
It is extremely difficult to change, but not impossible. You need three things to change. 1) You first need to realise that what you have been doing is not working for you, and hopefully this will give you the desire to change. 2) You need a mentor (friend) who will teach you a new way, and support you emotionally while you learn. In most cases, the mentor appears on the scene before number one above happens. 3) You need to let go of the past. You can never forget, but you can learn to forgive. The past should only be regarded as experience. Experience can give you maturity if you look at it in a positive way. If you look at it in a negative way, all you have is hate. And hate destroys everything around you. Hate is the most lethal emotion you can possibly carry around. All that said... while you can change to become an happier person, the person you really are deep inside never goes away. It is sleeping under those new changes. A fit of anger can bring it all back to the surface in a split second. It is only with time, that you will be able to control your anger. The first lesson in anger management is to learn not to react. Learn to think very carefully before reacting to anything. Most people upsetting you, are doing it on purpose to provoke a reaction from you. And each time you blow up, it put a big smile on their face.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
You have stated it very well. I agree that there has to be a decision to make changes first of all and forgiveness is the key. Forgiveness does not mean that what the other person did was okay but it is the choice to let go of the anger and resentment. Until one forgives I think that it would be impossible to move on and make positive changes. I agree that your basic personality will always be there and some issues cannot be cured but managed such as anger. Thank you for your great response, good to hear from you again Aussies!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Yes I do and I'm a example to this because of my childhood being so hard for a few reasons that I won't go into right now, I should've been a mean unfeeling person but because I know how it feels to be hurt, I don't want to hurt anybody and make them feel what I had to feel. My closest friends know pretty much what my childhood was like and they've told me that I should've been mean as a rattle snake and they're surprised that I'm quite the opposite. I've told them the same as I've said here. Now if a person REALLY wants to change, although it may take some time and a lot of adjustment and patience, they could do it but they'd have to really want to do it. If they don't then it's just not going to happen.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Mar 10
I guess you are living proof that we can choose who we want to be Cats. It is hard to imagine that you could ever be mean in any way. Good on you for choosing to be who you are despite difficult circumstances.Thanks for your response, I appreciate it!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Feb 10
There are some things about yourself that are just you. You can change your behavior, sure, but your inner self? No. I may admire somebody else's sense of humor, for example, but my sense of humor is my own.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
Yes, I agree. There must be traits that are fundamentally 'you' and cannot be changed and come to think of it, being authentically yourself can't be wrong unless there are psychological issues that stem for an inadequate up bringing, for example. Thanks Dawn, I love your humour!
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Mar 10
Very good ddiscussion.I think people can change we are not robots and even teh programming in robots can cause them to change.I think circumstances can affect us to the extent that it causes us to behave in a certain way and mostly this is because we put up defence mechanisms to prevent the same things from ahppening to us again .I however believe that with a process of systematically re programming and reinventing oneself and developng a new perspective anyone can change but it takes time and process
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Mar 10
I agree. It is a step by step process and it requires a great deal of hard work. I guess the first step is making the decision that changes need to be made. Thanks ronnyb, I appreciate the response!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Feb 10
Hmm...good question. I don't think that we can change who we are but we can change what we do. I think that is someone really and truely wanted to reinvent's possible. I think it would take a lot of work and the heart to really want to do it. People have more control over their lives than what they give credit sometimes. I guess in a way, I once reinvented myself when I left home. I didn't leave under the best of circumstances but I made life what it is for me today. I sometimes feel like I have lived a hundred lives. I have had the chance to see a lot of different sides of the fence. In some ways it is great that I have had that experience but in others..not so great. Maybe we don't so much change our personalities as much as situations do. Great discussion!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
That is a way of looking at change. We may not be able to alter our basic personality but we do have power to change the way we behave. I agree that it is not easy.I also believe that if you have experienced hardships in your life, they are lessons that build your character, the way I see it, the more you have experienced, good and bad, the more you have to teach others. Thanks for stopping by Jen!
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
25 Feb 10
I definitely believe that change is possible.. BUT it's only possible if we truly want it and allow it; whether it's consciously or subconsciously.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
Yes, change is hard work and one has to be willing to put in the effort to make changes There has to be a will in order to find the way...I am inclined to agree that change is always possible... Thanks for responding zoey7879!
• United States
25 Feb 10
Well, I believe anyone can change if they really wanted too, but you couldn't change into a completely different person over night. I heard that it takes about 21 days to break a habit or form a habit. Re-inventing oneself will take many habits that needs to be learned and unlearned.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
I once read that Mark Twain once said something along the lines of, "“Old habits can't be thrown out the upstairs window. They have to be coaxed down the stairs one step at a time” Time is what is needed for change, time and hard work... Thanks for responding sengsfsu!
• United States
25 Feb 10
I do think its possible to change if you really want to. In an effort to make some extra money I just recently started selling Avon. When I was younger I was quite shy and much more of a tomboy so cosmetics was never really something I was interested in and much hasn't changed as I got older. While I have taken more of an interest in makeup and such, the hardest problem I have had is getting past my shyness. When I was younger I was supposed to be seen and not heard which eliminated my chances of becoming the friendly, outgoing person I could have possibly been. Now with Avon trying to recruit customers actually forces me out of my comfort zone. But I must admit that it has become much easier now that I have products that I truly love. With time I truly hope my shyness will become a thing of the past.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Feb 10
That is great! My husband achieved major changes when he did a public speaking course and stepped way out of his box because he is a rather introverted person and rather shy. He has achieved great things since he put himself through the hard work of leaving his comfort zone. Thanks for responding smokeywins, keep enjoying your job!
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
hi paula, I don't see why not. I believe our personalities could change with a change in our environment. For instance, a person raised in a hostile environment would probably have a hostile personality. However, if that person were to move into a friendly family situation, I see no reason why they would not recognise this to be better than hostility, and change accordingly.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
Yes and that is why if you've had emotionally abusive parents it can change who you are; I know this because I've lived it! I often wonder how I would have grown up in better circumstances. My confidence would be a lot higher that's for sure! Good point mipen, thanks for stopping by!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi paula I think there are a lot of things we could c hange in our' personalities but the underlying basics like introvert or extrovert I do not think completely change. For example when I married my hubby I did become more outgoing when I wentout with him, but myself I was still an introvert. I did try very hard to be an extrovert and be open and super friendly to anyone even strangers. but I could not really sustain this and I felt like I was acting a role and not being myself. When I more or less reverted to the real me actually people seemed to gravitate to me more than before. I think if you are super outgoing you will more or less not change but if you are shy and more likely to just talk to two or three people at a party you still are not going to become the life of the party and start singing and acting the fool.You are still an introvert. So you can mend some parts of your personality but you still have the base that is still the you of you.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Feb 10
I see what you mean Hatley. I do believe that we can certainly change the choices that we make and I have often wondered how much of our personalities we can alter. I guess our basic nature may always be the same. Regardless, change of any kind would be a lot of hard work. Great response, thanks!