Believing in Christ is the basis for Christianity

United States
February 24, 2010 11:44pm CST
Many people say I should think about or be supportive of other religions as they think that theirs is right, however, the point is not what they believe, it is who they believe in. Jesus is the Christ, the redeemer, the saviour, the son of God. That is why I stick with Christianity. My religion is not the basis alone, it is that complete and total belief that Jesus was born and died with a goal that would have been exactly the same if I were the only person. Jesus would have come and died for you if all of humanity was made up of you. Even the bible says that if Christ did not rise again then the bible is false, here is the thing no one can prove he did not, no one can prove that he did not live, that he was not persecuted, that it is a matter of history that he did miraculous deeds, that he died on the cross and that many people professed to have seen him walking the earth after his death. Even historians of the time such as Josephus who were not Christians were able to give accounts of the Christ. Therefore I believe my belief is founded in fact. How do you feel.
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8 responses
@Makro74 (591)
3 Mar 10
Hi, Where do I fit in then? I believe in Moses, Abraham, Noah, Adam, and of course Jesus. But then am I follower of all these religions? No. Am I embedded in the Christian trinity concept? No. Yet I believe in Jesus Christ, the man that walked the earth in Palestine 2000 years ago, who taught mankind about the worship of the One God. So where does this leave me? Am I doomed to hell because I don't accept Jesus Christ as the savior, but teacher from God to reform mankind. By following Jesus Christ, makes me a Christian, but not the Christian skewed teaching of today. So what does that make me?
• United States
9 Mar 10
If you believe in Jesus and you believe in the Word of God and you are worshipping God then you my friend are saved, and you are washed and are clean. You are Jesus own. You belong to the great "I AM" and he is for you. That is where it leaves you. But what a blessing that is for you. You are among the chosen.
@Makro74 (591)
3 Mar 10
I am not sure I follow your very first line in your response. But, I never said I know of Christ, but I believe in him as a Messiah and the virgin birth. I also believe that he was under the command of God and was put on the cross to be crucified. This I believe, is further evidence of the person and the truth of the Messiah, for all God's preachers were persecuted in this, consistent with history in the foundation of all religions. So, I say again, where does that leave me? I believe in the angels, the Bible, Jesus Christ and others before him. I also believe in God and believe that worshipping him alone can be my salvation. Therefore, I still have not recieved your answer.
• India
3 Mar 10
I am a Christian, not by choice but because I was born into it. If I were to be born into another religion then perhaps I would not have been Christian or someone would have converted me to Christianity. That is a remote chance I would have become one. I suppose it is true with everyone. Am I a Christian because I was under God's grace? I may say that but those born into another faith also might say the same thing. Everyone claims that his or her religion is true. However, none knows the truth. I feel to reach God He created many routes. Some routes are easy and others difficult. All routes lead to God. Let me assume another possibility. If the soul in my body is not a Christian then another soul, which is the part of the same primordial soul is Christian. If my soul were not saved then another soul would be. To us Christians Jesus is the Christ, the redeemer, the savior. However, to a believer who is a Hindu Lord Krishna might be the Christ, the savior and the redeemer. Believing only in our own faith but not of others is a fanaticism. This sort of the thing would only sow a seeds of discord. Do you think people of other faith, would read your post and respond to it? I can see the responses only from Christians and not from others. God is trying to reveal his goodness to all. To some he has revealed through Jesus and others, as they want to see him. All I ask you to do is not to argue on this point, for the sake of peace in the world. God does not want to see how strong our belief is, he wants to see peace in the world.
• United States
3 Mar 10
Achilles my friend, while I dont quite understand what you are trying to say I am going to try to respond. First of all even if you are born a Christian, once you reach an age where you can make the choice, you are then to commit yourself to the faith through learning, not through what others say. Second the route to God is through belief, it is what he wants from you and which he says in many, many places throughout the world. He does not need the world to be at peace because when Jesus (the prince of Peace) returns he will bring peace with him for his (you guessed it) believers. Therefore he loves you, and will give to you everlasting life if you should only believe with all your heart and all of your mind. Now I dont understand all this stuff about the Krishna, I have spoken to many and I have only seen this man as a wise teacher, not yet have I heard him to be the Christ. Jesus is the Christ, no one else can be. The bible says, many will come and say they are the Christ but none are. I love talking to everyone, it is not my intention to make anyone alienate anyone. You asked if others come to read my stuff and you say they dont because only Christians will read it, however that is simply not true. I have a few readers who are satanists, muslim, different sects of Christianity, Buddhist, and a few who are Pagan. The reason they come and speak to me is because I give them a chance to get their questions answered, and I dont have time to pass judgement, so please read this if you want to talk or even debate some principle, I look forward to reading what you have to say.
• United States
3 Mar 10
Again not entirely sure what you are trying to say but thanks for the response.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
Christianity makes no sense to those who do their own research.I'm convinced that Christianity is a very Successful, and very Huge Scam that was based upon a very ancient Egyptian myth of a Christ-like life. God knows this Scam has been unbelievably successful at collecting Money, when the purported Christian Jesus collected None! My God would have no part of torture as payment of sins! My God is a Loving God who loves Absolutely,with an Absolute love that Demands Absolutely Nothing in Return, This Love Forgives before the sin is committed.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
27 Feb 10
being also a Christian who believes that no one can come to the father except by me as Jesus has said.i do believe in Christ and the bible.but there are a lot of questions in my mind that im still trying to figure sure you can also help me on this. if Jesus Christ is the saviour of all people,does that mean that those who lived before him and doesnt know him are not "saved"? i think God being a supreme being must be an alien from another planet and earth including us is just part of an experiment. if GOd created man in his likeness.does that mean that he is not an exact picture man because when he say likeness i might be that he also has eyes,ears,hands,feet,nose and everything but not exactly like us.could he be like those of an alien that has a likeness of man also.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
1 Mar 10
Hello again, You are absolutely right that Christ is the basis and,may I add, the only solid foundation for Christianity. And this is indeed the fact. To me it seems that our society focus more on religion than ones faith. Faith and religion doesn't mean the same thing. I had to do some research of my own, because a couple of years ago I was having a conflict with my oldest daughter. She kept using the word religion out of context in her emails when I was speaking to her about faith. All the time I taught my girls at home and also in Sunday School,they were taught to have faith in Jesus Christ and who he was. Jesus Christ is not a Religion,neither is Christianity. But even today, she is still allowing the society to influence her more on religion than her faith in God. I once read somewhere, that God is not going to ask us about our religion, it's our faith that will be tried through the fire. And whether our names is written in the "Lambs Book of Life", not our religion. It is true, it is not what we believe in, it is who we believe in. I'm fully with you on all your statements, this is confirming God's truth in His people. God bless you. ccdiane
• United States
2 Mar 10
Absolutely, your judgment will come from your faith not the dogma of your religion.
• United States
9 Mar 10
Dont get me wrong, I am not Catholic and I dont prefer the pope of the Middle Ages or of today. I am only stating a fact about the fact that Jesus was killed by his own. However I have my own opinions about the Catholic religion, but to each his own. My personal views would be judgement, and it is not my job to Judge others. Now the first Christians, you are right were mostly Jewish, and you are right that the chosen people yesterday, and today were Gods chosen. The Jews however were disobedient and this allowed Gentiles to become as the Jews chosen. Now if you are asking how I feel about the Jews, most are great, and I think they for the most part are the greatest source of information about Moses and the Pentatuech and how to live before Christ. So if you want my opinion I think that many people are good no matter what religion they are from, however I think they should all know Jesus, but it is not my job to make them do that, instead it is my job to tell the truth. And while I think you are great Jesus was crucified by the Jews not the Romans. John 18:33 33Pilate then went back into the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him "Are you the King of Jews?" 34 Is that your own idea Jesus asked, or did others talk to you about me? 35 Am I a Jew? Pilate replied," It was your people and your chief priest who handed you over to me. What is it you have done. This is the first time that that Pilate is asking what he did and he explained to Jesus that the reason that he was there is because the Jews brought him. The first time he told the Jews John 18: 38 I find no basis to charge against him. But it is your custome for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the passover. Do you want me to release the King of Jews. So Pilate asked them do they want them to release Jesus and they said no, not only did they say no but they said they would prefer if Pilate returned the murderous Barabbas instead of Jesus. The Jews could have saved Jesus but they did not. Then Pilate said a second time Pilate came out again and said he had no reason to charge Jesus and he could have been released, and the chief priests and the officials (Jews) said Crucify, Crusify! Then Pilate said to them, You take him and crucify him, as for me, I find no basis for a charge against him. Then again Pilate tried to set him free and the Jews kept shouting, that they wanted him crucified and they even claimed that Pilate was not a friend of the king if he did not do this. So you see, the Jews killed Jesus, Pilate gave Jesus to them and they crusified him. That is the truth.
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 10
I am believing in Jesus in long proses, but the most reason I become Cristian is because I feel the connection when I am call His name, I feel peace.
• United States
9 Mar 10
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
25 Feb 10
As a Christian I agree whole heartedly about what you have written here. There is proof that the historical Jesus existed by 1) Christian writers. We have the four gospels. Even if they wrote from a faith point of view there writing is still valid that the historical Jesus existed 2) Pagan writers - Roman historian Tacitus, gives a brief mention of a "Christus" in his Annals (Book XV, Sec. 44), which he wrote around 109 C.E 3) Jewish writers- Josephus Flavius, the Jewish historian, lived as the earliest non-Christian who mentions a Jesus. I do belief in Jesus Christ the risen Lord.
• United States
25 Feb 10
Extremely well said thank you for your input.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
25 Feb 10
I don't think I need to add anything. You said it well.
• United States
25 Feb 10
Thank you!!!