The MOST Profitable Products To Sell Online !
By rg0205
@rg0205 (2636)
Hong Kong
February 25, 2010 12:29pm CST
What makes you think anyone would tell what they are? Haha. Okay, I kid. Keep reading. This'll be interesting.
So, many times, I've been asked by friends and online acquaintances about the most lucrative products to sell online. The questions are normally along the lines of:
1) What's the best product to sell?
2) What offers give out the highest commissions?
3) What networks pay the highest?
My answer is this. There are NO right or wrong answers. What sells the most depends on a few things. Namely, they are:
1) Your choice of product/ niche.
2) Your marketing skills (This includes either article marketing, social media marketing, ppc, etc.)
3) Your creativity
4) Your ability get TARGETED traffic
I'll brush lightly on the stuff that I've just listed.
First off, we all have a different topic of choice but so many fall into the category of wanting to sell products/ information on how to make money online. Now, don't get me wrong, there are many people who have been successful in that venture but it really depends on how you're able to market the product in question.
If you're marketing anything, be it your PTC/Survey ref link, you'd know that marketing is important and so is targeted traffic. There is no point of marketing your links in a place where no one is interested in them. It's not "Targeted". Sure, you can get away with a few refs, if you're lucky, but scale it up to get targeted visitors.
Second, with regards to marketing, there are so many ways to get FREE and PAID traffic. Here are a few methods just to give examples:
a) Article Marketing
b) Video Marketing
c) Blogging
d) Building your backlinks (links that go back to your site - they can be signatures or hyperlinks that you add when you comment on other people's sites or forums)
e) Social media marketing (Using your friendster/facebook account)
Here are some PAID means of marketing:
i) Pay Per Click (PPC)
ii) Cost Per Impression (CPM)
iii) Buying Ad Space (links/banners, etc)
To get people to buy what you offer, you need for them to visit your site or Landing Page and that, my friends is TARGETED TRAFFIC.
The formula to pre-selling can be broken down as simple as:
1) Researching your product and market (Keyword research, market research, competition, etc.)
2) Creating your marketing Campaign (Website, Landing Pages, Squeeze Page)
3) Getting traffic (Free and/or Paid means)
Note, I said PRE-SELLING.
Why is it pre-selling and not SELLING? It's pretty simple. You hook your customer by providing VALUE to them first. Build a relationship with your READER/VIEWER. Don't just put up a website with tons of banners and links and just promote, promote, promote without attention to detail. It's cheesy. It's annoying and it screams: "I don't care about you, just buy the product so I earn money." Don't over promote it.
When you're first starting out, my suggestion is to look for "niches" that have lower competition. For this, I suggest you read up on keyword research and how to find niches. If you hate reading, well, too bad, cause you do have to read at some point, but, there are videos on youtube that explain all this.
So, onto the THIRD, which is, creativity. Let me give you a quick example. Let's look at some of the clickbank affiliates. Did you notice how some of the clickbankers offer tons and tons of freebies if you buy from them? It can be videos and a whole bundle of stuff to go with the product they're promoting. Sounds familiar?
Well, for most of us, if we're buying something with an expensive price tag on, we'd like to get our moneys worth by seeing the number of freebies that goes with. Sometimes even if the freebies arent that good anyway, what would you pick, an offer WITHOUT freebies or an offer WITH freebies that are both of the same cost? It's a no brainer, right? So, that itself is creativity. Just an example.
For the fourth, which is getting targeted traffic, again, I've listed options on getting traffic to your site, be it free means or paid.
I would always recommend doing things the free way first because it's a good way to train yourself and familiarize yourself with things around the net.
Paid means of traffic can burn a hole in your pocket if you don't know what you're doing. There are so many stories about people spending so much on advertising but not being able to make a sale. There are many factors to this. So, DON'T get into PPCs, CPMs, unless you're already at a level where you understand what targeted traffic is.
Another point I would like to say about traffic is, even if you manage to get people to go to your site, you MUST have something of value to give them, which is good quality content. You can't just have a pretty page but crappy content. Likewise, great content and crappy page doesn't quite go hand in hand either because normally people just stay on the site for a few seconds before they leave. If it's poorly constructed, the bounce rate would be high. I guarantee you that.
So, those are the four things that I've listed with regards to how I perceive/ look at the idea of "most profitable product". --- The answer varies between individuals because, again, it's about the four points above.
I would highly recommend to anybody that you learn how to write proper articles first before anything. The reason being is that, in most of internet marketing, you'll eventually need to write. You can hire a writer but really, it's about cutting cost, as well, isn't it?
And, another reason behind my suggestion is, one of the best ways to get free traffic is to write. If you can't put together proper sentences and/or paragraphs, tell me, who would want to deal with you when they can't make out what you're trying to say or what point you're trying to get at. You must also break down your writing into PARAGRAPHS. If I threw up this article here and put it all into one whole chunk of text, I'd probably scare off a lot of mylotters and they'd end up closing the window on me. Writing should bring value and proper presentation to the reader.
My article here may disappoint because you were probably looking for a straight answer on what to sell. My opinion about that is, you're looking at it the wrong way. It's not about WHAT product sells the most, it's about what product will sell the most for YOU.
Remember, we all have different interests, different knowledge and different passions. Lean towards what interests you to start with because you're likely to stick to that and I can assure you, you'll enjoy it more.
Here's a quick list of things to do today, if you're really interested in learning.
1) Read up on article marketing and how effective it can be
2) Read up on keyword researching and niche building
Trust me, they are only 2 points to do but there's a LOT that you need to learn that goes with the 2 points.
And, regardless of what people say, I DON'T recommend that you get into clickbank right away. I always hear "it's easy to get in. It's good for newbies."
If you don't have a concept or idea of how to write or market, it's useless. You'd have just ended up paying the activation fee and have your account sitting with eggs staring at you every time you log in. Eggs, meaning ZERO earnings.
I suggest learning about the marketing aspect first. (Niche, Keywords, Traffic) So many people are focused on getting "products". Let me say, the PRODUCT will always be there. In fact, there are TONS. It's not the product that's the issue. It's the marketing. If you can't do effective marketing, that translates to ZERO sales.
Lastly, when you're learning, create a focus. Create a checklist of what you want to learn. DO NOT bounce from one topic to another because you won't progress. Put a focal point. Say, this week it's about articles, next week about keyword research, the next --- you know how it goes. Stay disciplined and don't try to bite off more than you can chew.
By now you probably realize that the information available on the net is overwhelming. That's why, it's coherence, my friends and discipline. Stick with your own program, but remember to CREATE one suited to your needs first.
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