Will you take the risk of having a baby even if u're still financially unstable?

February 26, 2010 11:12am CST
Having a baby is usually the next stage after marriage. For some this will serve to be just right, while for others it is still not right. Having a baby entails great responsibility, not only before or after the child is born but so on until he grows up and on until he becomes independent. It is nice to have a perfect family of course. A husband, wife and a lovely baby to make the picture perfect. But planning for it is also very essential. It is also the parents' responsibility to give whatever is best for their kids. How about your thoughts on this. Will you jump on this well of responsibility just to have a child or wait for a while and prepare well for your child someday? I'd really want to hear your mind on this.
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28 responses
26 Feb 10
If everyone waited until they were perfectly financially stable before they started a family, hardly anyone would have children! I'm not advocating starting a family if you are destitute without a stable base but as long as you have a home and your husband has a job, you should be fine. Strong family support is also a bonus. There are more important things to a child than having "financially stable" parents, such as love, security and a decent up-bringing. There were nine children in my family and we never had two pennies to rub together but we all had an idyllic childhood with two parents we knew loved us unconditionally and who were FUN to be with rather than continually worrying about things over which they had no control. I guess what I'm really trying to say is life is made to be lived and, as far as possible, live it in the present not the future.
27 Feb 10
You're right at saying that financial stability is just one of the ingredients in a family. I agree with you also when you say that love, security and decent upbringing also matters much.Thanks for the positive thoughts louise.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
7 Apr 10
Hi, dragonangel. If I know that I am financially unable to bring a child into this world, I would not try to, until I get myself together. If I do get pregnant regardless, I will have to just do my best into getting any help that is suitable for me and for my baby. That is just how I see it. I will think smartly and wisely. I would not purposely bring a child into this world when I know that I can't take care of it.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
7 Apr 10
In a sense, no one is financially able to raise a child if they are not rich, but with or without any amount of money, I will do my best in raising this child no matter if I am poor or rich.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
26 Feb 10
When I talk about wanting to wait for all my ducks to be in a row before we have kids people always say 'there will never be a perfect time to have a baby'. I think that's true to a point but I still can't imagine having a baby until I feel like it's time and everything's stable, and that includes financially. Personally, I would not get pregnant until we're where I want us to be financially. I would never just jump into something so big.
27 Feb 10
Hi jesssp! Perhaps maybe not perfectly financially stable, but as long as you have maybe enough or a little more than enough so as to accomodate the childs basic needs .That will do right?
• Canada
26 Feb 10
Congrats on your 100 post. I feel that when a couple is planning to have a baby, certain things should be in place. Today in this world the economy is really rough and more and more people are losing their jobs and with that people are also losing their higher paying positions. A baby to me is a very serious, dedicated and financial step in life. I guess it all depends on ones current financial situation because if a couple does decide to have a child and finances are not where they want them to be, then there always rough times that will be up ahead.
27 Feb 10
Thanks friend for noticing my 100 post. And thanks too for the sharing.Definitely, having a child entails a very serious responsibility to whom one should focus on.
@freeboy90 (456)
• Italy
26 Feb 10
I think about it the exact way you do and I always tell this to my girlfriend. I love babies and I will be the happiest dad when one day I will have my own, but before I do I will want to seattle, finish with my education, find a good job so that I can give all it's needed to my wife and my kid/s. So for me it's very important to be able to pay the expenses needed to raise a baby till he's indipendent. But if a baby ever comes before it was planned I will be happy at the same way and I would do my best to give him what he needs, find an extra job if needed, work extra and so on.
27 Feb 10
I admire your perspective freeboy. That's called taking account of your responsibilty.I wish you and your girlfriend good luck!
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
every parents wishes the best for their child/children. and for this reason, i myself would rather choose to prepare first the necessities of having a child before actually having one. of course, when it is already there you have to face it and have joy to the wonderful gift given to you. comparing the benefits of being prepared and not when having a baby, the joy you feel is the same, but thinking about who's going to be affected more, it's the baby - although you would always give the best, but being prepared would mean being able to give more than the best.
27 Feb 10
Hi there friend! Yes, definitely it's for the childs benefit. The more prapared one is the better the child could experience.
• United States
26 Feb 10
To be honest unless someone is a millionaire I don't think that anyone is 100 percent prepared. I had my kids young, My first when I was 19 and my second at 22. I wouldn't change my decision for the world. While at first making the adjustment financially was extremely difficult I learned to budget and live within my means. Before when it was just me and my daughter we used to shop non stop, go to the movies, and all kinds of other places, but now with my son, the three have way more fun doing things that are free like the park, library, fishing, etc. Some people choose to wait until they are more mature and "ready" but at that point there may be all kinds of other issues. The older a woman gets the body tolerates pregnancy, birth and raising children differently! :)
27 Feb 10
Thanks for the sharing ! Raising a child is indeed difficult.I like the way when you said you live within your means. That's also very important in-order to get on. And also, I agree with you about other issues that surely would come up later the longer one waits to be greatly prepared. How sad it might be right when one thinks all is ready and then later be disappointed knowing that you can't have one anymore.
27 Feb 10
My partner and I are desperate to get married and have a baby, but we just don't have the money for either right now. It's really sad, I get tearful about it a lot because I'm so broody, but with my ill health and our money problems, it would just be too foolish right now.
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
For me, I would wait until I am prepared to have the baby, that is the best thing to do so that your baby can have the good thing of life and grow uo a complete child able to experience the good things of life.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
actually every thing that happened to us is with purpose and so we need to accept it even if we are not prepared. like what happened to me right now. im pregnant and the guy left me, and worst is i dont even have a job but then even if i have an option to abort the baby specially during the first trimester i didnt think of it as i know the baby is still from my own blood nd i know god will provide us every thing what we want. i can find job after giving birth and maybe it will give my life direction now o be more matured.
@cloud31 (5808)
27 Feb 10
No i won't take the risk to get a baby unless i'm well prepared financially,its not easy to get a baby with unstable financial standings especially if couple doesn't have a good source of income,i think conceiving a baby and raising up a baby need to have a good planning now that crisis is over head,I really don't want my baby will suffer after all and i don't want my baby will suffer the consequences for making a decision bringing him/her out of this world with nothing .So I think if i am uncertain about my finances i will not get any baby.I want to give the best for my baby so i will have to prepare myself,finances and most of all prepare for his future as well. happy lotting.
• Mexico
27 Feb 10
Hi Dragonangel! My husband and I want to have a baby. We are financially stable, but since we've never had a baby, we don't know how much money we will spend on the baby, well, since the pregnancy! We've been praying and just put everything in God's hands, I know He'll send us a baby when He thinks it's the right time. I think God will know when we are prepared. I agree with you that it is such a great responsabilitie and it is for life, or at least for many many years. I know we will try our best to be good parents and provide every need our child needs. I mean economically, moral and spiritually. Specially he'll have all our love, that's for sure! And how about you, do you already have a baby, planning or just waiting? Happy mylotting!! Libna.
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
definitely not,i would rather choose not to have a baby yet... than to have a baby, on unstable financial situation. having a baby is really a result of expression of love created by the two people. the baby did not choose to be born, it is a choice agreed by two people. so if we wish to have good furture for our babies better to think of what kind of life that we're going to give for them, if we will make a decision, better to plan it first and think of the life that has gonna be for them.
@plop5th (32)
20 Sep 10
How many people can honestly say they are financially stable? I'm not stable in the finances department but I would love to have a baby. You shouldn't choose wether to have a baby based on how much money you have in your bank, but on how stable your relationship with your partner is.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
For me, I would wait for the proper time when we are financially stable. As you mentioned, marriage is a stage or relationship which cannot be taken for granted. Creating a family is not as easy as ABC or 123, which can be formed and established in a day. On the other hand, having a child is another responsibility for couples in the formation of a family home. It involves efforts of the couple and an obligation to nurture the child/children and rear them. The future of the child/children are at stake, hence as parents we need to be prepared financially.
@rsa101 (38240)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
I guess it is time you are against when planning for baby and not the money or anything else. The later you are to plan for a baby the more it will become riskier for you to get it. Well I am not saying that you recklessly get pregnant but then just think of the time that you will waste if you control getting a baby in the family. Think of your physical self if you can still get pregnant without complication as you mature in life. Although there are medical advancement for late pregnancies but they are not that 100% that you can get a perfect pregnancies. So the question is if you are willing to exchange time with money or anything else that is stopping you to get pregnant.
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
I had my son young as well but I would not change it at all. I am very happy having my son at a young age and learning everything. But of course, if given the chance I would like to be ready financially. I was lucky though to have friends who provided everything I needed.
@MrKennedy (1978)
27 Feb 10
If I was really struggling financially, I would not complicate matters by bringing a baby into this world and adding more worries to my financial situation I would want the best start possible for my child, and without money, that is a very difficult thing to give them.
• United States
27 Feb 10
I have been married almost 2 and a half years and I still have no children. I had wanted a child by the end of the year, but because of the bad economy I do not see it happening. I am trying my best to save money so I can have a child. My husband works part-time and I am currently out of work. I make a few bucks here and there, but not enough to live on. I want a child so badly, but deep down I know this is not the right time.
@gtloquero (271)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
Oh yes! For me, I'd still choose to have a baby right after the marriage because once you got married, it means everything is alright. The couple is prepared enough for this another chapter of their lives. Money is just money. You can look for it anytime you want to. But having a baby is difficult especially if your wife is getting older. Perhaps, welcoming a baby gives more positive energy for the couple to strive harder everyday just to have something for the baby's comfort. But of course, I respect your decision, if you two are not really prepared to have a baby yet then decide what is best for the family. I believe everything's gonna be okay. :) God Bless you both.