Do you believe the Bible is the word of God? Why or why not?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
February 26, 2010 5:18pm CST
When I was growing up in eastern Canada sixty years ago, it seemed to me that no one doubted the truth of the Bible. As kids if someone said that something was as true as the Bible, everyone believed them. Thinking back now, I sometimes wonder if all of the adults were as convinced as us kids thought they were. I'm quite sure that all of them didn't take it literally. No one worked on Sunday and most people attended church twice, morning and evening. Sunday was a day for church and Bible reading and I was probably reading the Bible by the time i was ten or eleven years old and have been reading it ever since. My father didn't insist that we believe a certain way, but allowed us to come to our own conclusions, although he was adamant in the belief that Jesus was the son of God and that he died on the cross for us. I haven't taken the Bible literally for a long time and realize that there is both good and bad there. I know parents today that would not allow their kids to read the Bible and I agree that a lot of it is not good for young minds. I survived it however, but guilt and fear has taken it's toll on a great many young men and women over the years. I know that many won't agree with me but that is fine,it would be a very dull world if we all thought the same way. Why do you believe the Bible? Do you take it literally and what are your reasons?
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20 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Feb 10
I know parents today that would not allow their kids to read the Bible and I agree that a lot of it is not good for young minds
Very true and I disagree with parents/caregivers who force their young children to NOT ONLY read the bible but to believe it as truth..that IMO is were hate and discrimination in some stems from ya know...I let my son read my bible a couple yrs ago but he was about 12 or 13 at the time..LOL people were actually surprise that I not only OWN a bible being a Pagan parent but that I would let my kid read it...I see no reason not to..He asked if he could so I let him..
As for whether or not I take it literally? Absolutely not...and I think more ppl should use their common sense too when reading it and realize that IF you are goin to take the bible as complete truth then there are some not so nice realities that you are goin to also have to realize too when it comes to god and jesus and all that went on ya know...
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
27 Feb 10
What do you think are some not so nice realities in the Bible? Since biblical narrative is a very broad one I think it's very reasonable to find some unpleasant sub-narrative within so that the grand narrative will be elegant and realistic. The authors did not intend all the words to be read in literalistic sense so I guess it's fair to not to read them all that way. I think author employs different literary genre to communicate, and it'll be a pity if we read a text differently from what the author had intended.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
Hi Ravenladyj, Thank you for commenting and with your understanding, I don't think reading the Bible would have done your son any harm. It's not like he was being forced to read it or that he was told that every word was true. I would encourage everyone to read Jesus's sermon on the mount as it contains probably the best teachings that the world has ever known. That is part of the reason I find it difficult to understand how people can accept such teachings and also accept other passages in the Bible which say something completely different. Blessings.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
28 Feb 10
"That is part of the reason I find it difficult to understand how people can accept such teachings and also accept other passages in the Bible which say something completely different."
What parts are you talking about?
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
27 Feb 10
The question is little tricky. I would rather say that the Bible is inspired and its teaching is infallible in matters regarding faith and conduct. Do I take the Bible literally? Yes, I do. By that I am using the word "literal" in the sense theologian like Augustine used. For Augustine "literal" means the intended meaning of the author. But I don't take all the writings of the Bible in literalistic sense. I guess, not even a single Bible reader takes the whole of the Bible in literalistic manner.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
Hi headhunter, Thank you for commenting and although it's clear that we believe differently, I do know what you mean. I do however, feel that there are those who do take the Bible literally, without giving any thought to the intended meaning. Personally, I don't think of it as inspired any more then the teachings of church leaders today are inspired. Blessings.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
I don't have the kind of faith required to believe the bible, nor the kind of blind faith needed to believe it literally. I believe it to be a conglomeration of writings, many of which were passed down through many generations,and scribed by men with the equivalent education of a modern 6th Grader. These writings have been translated, and re-translated over 1000 times,and because of language discrepancies, and uncertainties, have been updated, over and over again, by hundreds of scholars, each with their own addenda. It would appear that God is playing fast and loose with his Holy Word, and that He doesn't care. If He doesn't care, why should we?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Barehugs, I take it you have read the Bible. Has the theme ever changed?
@raven66 (335)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
No person can really say with any certainty.. who is responsible for that book.. However what we know is that its an "accumilation" of WISDOM passed down from a very ..very long time ago... from many many different CULTURES and from many different places.. including other worlds (planets).
the word " GOD ".. says nothing.. but the word Conscience ~ and Energy~
is the SOURCE of what we THINK we know.. ask any "Monk" in the East or West.. ~~ why they meditate for days on end or even weeks or months .. and they will tell you that if they do the right mental activities they BECOME ONE with what we call "GOD".
there is some TRUE evidence that ~IT~ god or whatever you want to call it does exist.
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@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
27 Feb 10
I do not believe the Bible is "the" word of "God" because there is no reason do believe so. There is no truth found in the Bible that is not found elsewhere, and plenty of falsehood.
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@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
27 Feb 10
As a child, my mom taught me to read the Bible. First, she narrated the stories from it. The stories amazed me immensely. In the beginning she told me the story of Noah and his ark. She continued to fire my imagination by telling me other stories about persons, such as of Abraham; Daniel; Samson and Delilah; and finally the story of Jesus. Every night I pestered her for more stories. One day she gave me her own Bible. She asked me to read and find out myself. She also showed me what I must read and what I must avoid.
As I read, I gained interest. However, reading the bible did not make me too religious. However, it did strengthen my faith.
Mostly I read the Bible before I retired for the night. I think the sleep arranged my thoughts. I began to see the Bible in its true perspective. I realized that Bible truly is the word of God. However, not in the sense the priest had been telling me in his sermons. In fact, word of god is the word he gave to Noah, Abraham and the generation after him through the prophets. God kept his word (the promise) and He came to abide amongst us as His own son Jesus.
I saw in His word his redemptive plan to reveal his own presence in us and in everything. After this happens, His kingdom will come and that would be the kingdom of heaven.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
Hi achilles, Thank you for responding and It appears that your mother was very wise and knew that there were passages that you should avoid until you were more mature. Although we believe differently today, we had similar backgrounds as far as the Bible is concerned. Blessings.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
28 Feb 10
Through computer studies scientists have ascertained that the old testament had at least four authors. I believe that the bible was written by men, maybe things that transpired through visions were written down. In the new testament certainly the Book of Revelation that was supposed to be written by John of Patmos, the same John who was a disciple of Jesus. It contains some very vivid imagenary. What was the cause of these visions? An illness? a medication? an inspiration of God? I don't know.
I believe the bible has tremendous value for all times. It has shaped the morals of Western Christian Society. The edicts on how to behave in wars, and towards enemies, prisoners, women and children has had a lasting influence. The ten commandments teach us what a moral conduct should be.
The stories in the new testament like the Good Samaritan teach us about compassion. They are parabels pointing to the right conduct in various situations in life.
I don't know if the bible is bad for young minds. I don't think it is if the parents and guardians explain that these are stories that want to teach us something. However, I think it is bad if young minds are brainwashed and frightened by their elders if and when they express doubt or curiosity.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Feb 10
Hi Lindalinda, Thank you for such a thought provoking response, certainly one of the best that I've received. We agree it appears, on most things about the Bible. The Old testament contains the Jewish version of the creation story and many legends that were no doubt handed down by word of mouth for hundreds, if not thousands of years before they were written down. It's also a history of the Jewish nation. I believe that the teachings of Jesus in the gospels are among the best, if not the best, that the world has ever know. One of my favorite stories is that of the Good Samaritan that you mention. As for the Bible being bad for young minds, it depends on what they read. If parents and guardians are wise enough to direct them to the right passages, it can be quite good but there are many passages, especially in the old testament that no child should read. The book of Revelation should never have been included in the Bible as no one can correctly interpret it, yet sadly many believe that they can. It is another book that children should never be allowed to read. It is terrible that some children are brainwashed to the extent that they can't doubt one word of what is said in the Bible. It's no wonder that so many rebel in the teenage years. Blessings.
@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
1 Mar 10
According to my beliefs being a Muslim that Bible is a word of God but in current situation many Christians and historians have changed its matter according to their own wishes. So now Bible is not in its original for which God have gifted to Jesus. Right now only the Holy Quran is in its 100% original form in this word as a Book of God. This is what i have learnt and come to know through my search of inter religious studies.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
27 Feb 10
To me, the Old Testament is just that "old"
The New Testament, I think is the way that the writers interpreted things.
The only part I really take literal is the parts where Jesus spoke but I could be interpreting that the wrong way, too.
I'm more spiritual than religious, I think living a good life and trying to live up to the expectations in the Bible are good, but no one can really do everything that is written.
I was talking with a friend the other day, about how you would have to go to the banks on the weekdays and how all the stores and gas stations were closed and no one worked on Sundays. Basically it was just planning ahead that you had to do.
Everyone lives for the moment now and it seems like no one has time to get things done during the week.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Feb 10
The bible is the word of man, however there is a little bit of God in everyone thus some of God must also dwell in the bible.Example:How can anyone say that to love is not God?? It's hard for any relgion to mess up LOVE EVERYONE! As far as sheltering people from reading holy books, we are exposed to many things in life. That is how we learn to deal with things.Regardless of everything,WE ARE MEANT TO THINK!!!!As long as we are thinking, the road might get bumpy but we will always travel forward.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
27 Feb 10
I have been drinking my Limu and their Blufrog energy drink, which are both and all natural for several months, and have had remarkable improvements in both my overall health and my energy level. So glad I found these wonderful products!
If pne can’t believe “part” of the Bible, how can one believe any of it?
I accept it as God’s word and plan for humanity, and have proven for myself that it is true – that Jesus was and is God, and Saviour, and by following His teachings, I have as Paul taught in Romans, become a NEW PERSON in, and through Christ.
The teaching about “Sunday” as the western world is taught, is off track. The teaching is to the Jews not the Gentiles. It is simply God’s plan for our need for a day of rest for our bodies and souls, and should be a time to be reminded of God’s blessings to us, and a time of 'family togetherness - if we did this, maybe there'd be less divorce and kids in trouble.
Religion has made it a demand – a command and used it in a restrictive teaching.
The Bible was not just merely written by a bunch of aged dunder head men, but men who were moved upon by the Holy Ghost as they wrote. This is what scripture teaches.
2 Peter 1:21 – men spoke and wrote it as they were directed by God Himself.
I would think that these men were closer to God than most today, in order to be led that way.
The Bible says that the human mind will not understand God or His word, because it (the mind) is at war with God's Spirit. It takes believing and recieving His word, to break that principle within our thinking, and understanding WILL gradually come as we read and pray for understanding.
Lastly – it also says that in the time just previous to the coming of the Lord back to earth, that “many” would “turn from THE faith” and turn to fables and deceptions. So it is not God’s word that is imperfect, but mankind’s view of what He said and did for all of us, and we therefore form our own opinions and beliefs.
Religion is mankind’s attempt to reach God.
Relationship is God’s desire to reach mankind.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
27 Feb 10
Sorry - I had some other 'stuff' on my wordpad where I wrote and copied and pasted, that I was NOT aware of - sorry
I tried to catcvh it before it posted - but could not.

@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Mar 10
Dear Pose123,
We all know that doing exercise and following good balanced diet routine is good for the physical body but how many of us actually follows it. We provide number of fancy excuses and reasons for not taking it up, started but left midway, will start soon have to take care of few matters of life etc. etc.
We know there is God. We see His signs all around the nature and universe and in us as Humans.But we keep coming up with fancy theories and explanations otherwise then that of what God has told us about Himself about us and our future.
We know there is a Word of God which fortold us how we are going to react towards it and how we will going to take it as in coming future.
We know it underlines in advance about all the aspects of our behaviour and response towards God, towards Word of God, Towards Jesus as God and as Son of God, towards the future.
In our secular world we continously talks about future economically, politically, ideologicaly, socially, religiously which is what the Word of God is also taking about.
So how come we fails to recognise The Bible as the true Word of God?
How come we fails to realize that a plan is in operation even before the begining of Humans which is only for Humans by God. Which is what the Bible reveals.
Bible is a revelation of God Himself.
Bible is biography of God.
Bible is love of God.
Bible is the living Word of God which is continously working in the world among us humans.
Bible is the justice of God for everything that revolts against the supreme power.
Bible is addressing human beings as a whole and not just a particular religion.
Shying away from it means shying away from God and shying away from God means revolting against a loving God who is Just and will do justice which is already told in the Bible.
Let us all come back to the Bible and swim against the stream of denial,refusal in which the world is swimming. You won't find a better adventure, better exploration, better revelation, better contact, better awakening then it.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
Hi blessedboy, Thank you for sharing and I feel that you are sincere and believe what you are saying here. However, we do think differently and there is no proof that the Bible is true, it has to be accepted on faith. In fact many people say that there is no proof that Jesus Christ ever lived and while I take exception to that I cannot take the Bible literally. Follow the teachings of Christ, especially the golden rule and you will do fine. Blessings.
@MrKennedy (1978)
27 Feb 10
I'm slightly unsure of the Bible really, because it was written by humans and not by God Himself. I know it is supposed to be the inspired word of God, but how can we be sure these humans who helped to write the Bible never altered or changed certain parts for their own personal gain?
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@blestrella (176)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
Yes, I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Where else can I find the guidance and enlightenment that I need in my everyday life if not from my Father. Our Father God loves us so much that His Holy Spirit inspired the human authors to come up with His Word, the Bible, which has led and guided people through thousands of generations. And Jesus, our LORD, the Son of God and Son of Man, gave so much out of love for us. The Word and teachings of Jesus have never waned from His time until today. Cruel men of old tried to burn and destroy all copies of the Bible but did not succeed. It still continued to spread throughout the world. Why? Because GOD did not allow His Word to stop. It must continue to circulate until everything it says is fulfilled.
@shininglove08 (6)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
yes i believe..nothing to explain.. i do believe in God...God bless us
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
27 Feb 10
Since people wrote it, it's hard to believe that it is the word of God. When God presents me with something like the tablets with the 10 commandments on it, or when I see some of this stuff in person, I'll believe it. Humans have so corrupted religion, that it's hard to tell how a book also written by humans can be the word of God.
Although the Bible does teach some good principles, if only more humans would live up to them.
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@Galena (9110)
27 Feb 10
I think it's a book compiled of many times translated texts written by lots of different men over a long period of time.
I don't think it's any more true than any other sacred text. there is good and bad in all of them. none are the whole and complete unquestionable truth.
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Mar 10
Dear Pose123,
We all know that doing exercise and following good balanced diet routine is good for the physical body but how many of us actually follows it. We provide number of fancy excuses and reasons for not taking it up, started but left midway, will start soon have to take care of few matters of life etc. etc.
We know there is God. We see His signs all around the nature and universe and in us as Humans.But we keep coming up with fancy theories and explanations otherwise then that of what God has told us about Himself about us and our future.
We know there is a Word of God which fortold us how we are going to react towards it and how we will going to take it as in coming future.
We know it underlines in advance about all the aspects of our behaviour and response towards God, towards Word of God, Towards Jesus as God and as Son of God, towards the future.
In our secular world we continously talks about future economically, politically, ideologicaly, socially, religiously which is what the Word of God is also taking about.
So how come we fails to recognise The Bible as the true Word of God?
How come we fails to realize that a plan is in operation even before the begining of Humans which is only for Humans by God. Which is what the Bible reveals.
Bible is a revelation of God Himself.
Bible is biography of God.
Bible is love of God.
Bible is the living Word of God which is continously working in the world among us humans.
Bible is the justice of God for everything that revolts against the supreme power.
Bible is addressing human beings as a whole and not just a particular religion.
Shying away from it means shying away from God and shying away from God means revolting against a loving God who is Just and will do justice which is already told in the Bible.
Let us all come back to the Bible and swim against the stream of denial,refusal in which the world is swimming. You won't find a better adventure, better exploration, better revelation, better contact, better awakening then it.
@blessedboy (56)
• India
1 Mar 10
Dear Pose123,
We all know that doing exercise and following good balanced diet routine is good for the physical body but how many of us actually follows it. We provide number of fancy excuses and reasons for not taking it up, started but left midway, will start soon have to take care of few matters of life etc. etc.
We know there is God. We see His signs all around the nature and universe and in us as Humans.But we keep coming up with fancy theories and explanations otherwise then that of what God has told us about Himself about us and our future.
We know there is a Word of God which fortold us how we are going to react towards it and how we will going to take it as in coming future.
We know it underlines in advance about all the aspects of our behaviour and response towards God, towards Word of God, Towards Jesus as God and as Son of God, towards the future.
In our secular world we continously talks about future economically, politically, ideologicaly, socially, religiously which is what the Word of God is also taking about.
So how come we fails to recognise The Bible as the true Word of God?
How come we fails to realize that a plan is in operation even before the begining of Humans which is only for Humans by God. Which is what the Bible reveals.
Bible is a revelation of God Himself.
Bible is biography of God.
Bible is love of God.
Bible is the living Word of God which is continously working in the world among us humans.
Bible is the justice of God for everything that revolts against the supreme power.
Bible is addressing human beings as a whole and not just a particular religion.
Shying away from it means shying away from God and shying away from God means revolting against a loving God who is Just and will do justice which is already told in the Bible.
Let us all come back to the Bible and swim against the stream of denial,refusal in which the world is swimming. You won't find a better adventure, better exploration, better revelation, better contact, better awakening then it.
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@ayushbanka (88)
• India
27 Feb 10
according to me i believe there's one god that we should follow... and bible is a part of that so i can say that it isthe word of god...
@lendmhe (372)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
Ideally, we must remember God in the days of our youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near. It's better to start reading Bible at the age of 12 as you said, no comments about that. I believe the Bible with the fact that all written there are pure and true. Things that are happening today are both written before. But we don't have to take it literally because some are written spiritually. Like what Jesus said in Matthew 5:29, if your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. Admit it or not, some of us causes sin from eye, does it mean we have to tear it out and throw it away. How we are now if we don't have eye anymore? That's why God sent a messenger to us to explain about His word that are not clear. What we need now is to find the man whom God sent us in this time, I believe there is.
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