The Wind In My Sails
By p1kef1sh
@p1kef1sh (45681)
February 27, 2010 3:51pm CST
Are you ever troubled by the wind? Does it sneak out at the most inappropriate moments? Do you rumble and squeak like an old boiler only for nothing to happen and then be quiet and placid as a lake in summer when a sudden squall comes on and there's enough power to push a sail boat to the other bank. Or am I alone in this. Charcoal biscuit anyone?
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18 responses
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
27 Feb 10

@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
27 Feb 10
The more I think about it...We are having bacon and cheese omelets for dinner. My husband is going to be sleeping on the couch.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
27 Feb 10
I have rarely been troubled by it. Only very occasionally, in fact, when trying to impress a girlfriend of when trying to maintain a posture of business-like composure and competence at an interview or an annual review.
Mostly I rejoice in the ability of the human fermentation system to release its products to a feeling of satisfaction and relief. We had a little rhyme at school which extolled the cardiac and pest exterminating benefits of flatulence and I well remember the day that our English master introduced us to the true meaning of 'hoist by one's own petard'; it was nearly as good as a half-holiday.
Just now I am awaiting delivery of my wheeled Zimmer frame. When it arrives I shall look forward to putting my feet on the lower bars and, with a long, controlled release, propelling myself at speed for the full length of the High Street.
If you are of a nautical disposition, I should, perhaps, wish on you the ancient blessing: "The sun above your yard arm and the wind always astern!"
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Now that wouldn't
be ladylike of me to talk about..
but I guess I am far from being a lady..I say it all depends on what was eaten the day before or that morning that gives the wind it's momentum and power..Nothing better then a bowl of gassy veggies to get the motors read to rip..The worst thing to eat before
interviews,parties or a romantic night out..But they do seem to wanna show themselves more when your in the most inappropriate places and the most inappropriate time.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Feb 10
Personally I like to immediately start reciting the Cyrillic Alphabet the second flatulence rears it's breathy head; but to date I've never been able to get past Yeri. I think it's a joyous occasion that really does need to be shared among those we love too. It's one of the many benefits of marriage actually and being able to set flatulence free after months and even years of tight lipped, red faced containment strategies during the courtship ritual is as liberating as it gets! 

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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
28 Feb 10
Hello, James. Long time no see. Yes, I'm all for sharing the moment. Unfortunately, not everyone else is of the same opinion. The usual cry is 'Who ate the ferret for dinner. Sandra, was that you again?'
And you're right, James. Being married means never having to hold on to a fart. Shame it's not written into the wedding vows - it would halve the divorce rate over night, because the less committed swains would do a runner at that point. 

@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
28 Feb 10
[Well, they do say 'As flat as a fart,' don't they? em]evilgrin[/em]
@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
27 Feb 10
Here I sit broken hearted...
Paid my dime and only ...
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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
27 Feb 10
Okay, you told Barbara not to ask - but I really want to know. 

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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
27 Feb 10
You must be alone in that. I've never heard of anyone else having that
More beans anyone? Actually, it must be a pretty universal problem, otherwise there wouldn't be so many jokes and skits about it. As long as I'm not stuck downwind, I've always found 'squeaky shoes' to be pretty funny. Many a Sunday service was spent trying to hold in the giggles at the sound of a squeak from the other side of the church. the real question is why everyone else's squeaks are funnier than our own

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@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Feb 10
Just before we married we went to visit some friends of the Boss. I was on my best behaviour of course. We had a good meal and eventually the time came to leave. I stood up and as I did so........ PARP!!!!! The Boss looked horrified, and of course I was a tad embarrassed too. Then everyone started to laugh. I still am!
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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
28 Feb 10
And she still married you? That's real lurve. 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Feb 10
Methinks the fish has been swimming in the sherry again wot! LOL And yes, you are alone in this. My wind is just fine thanks.

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Feb 10
Dry of one likes a wet wind in the knickers! ROFL

@littleowl (7157)
27 Feb 10
Hi p1ke,
Sometimes it takes me by surprise p1ke! I don't mind when it is silent and I 'think' no-one knows but sometimes there is such a racket it is as if the storm has just could tell you when I cleared a small shop out with one if you are interested-that was funny lol hugs LoLo

@littleowl (7157)
28 Feb 10
Well shall cut a long story short..when married to my ex-hubby we had taken his two children and my two children to Horsham our nearest town..we went into the red cross and were having a look around there were a few people there too but as my ex and I looked at the trinkets in there and the children looked at the clothes I let a very silent and very smelly bit of air loose-it started to smell like bad eggs and got stronger and stronger-my ex askied if I had passed wind my reply was 'yes' he said it stinks! then women who were in there started wither buying what they wanted very quickly the childen said 'oooh what is that smell?' quite loudly and ran outside, the rest of the customers left the shop pretty quickly including my ex-I then bought a little trinket an quite calmly walked out the shop-my ex looked at me and said 'I have never seen a shop cleared of people like that because of a smell but that was awful' the children ased why when told they just looked at me and said their piece and started laughing...sorry couldn't make the story much shorter -XXX
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Feb 10
hi pikefish nope as it hardly ever blows here in ca just a breeze nothing much else but for some reason this winter we cannot seem to turn the rain off, instead just when you are planning something another rain storm comes sailing in just like that. by the by, what on earth is a charcoal biscuit, do you really eat charcoal or is that the name of some really really delicious thing
we would call a cookie? we all speak the same language? most of the time,. but really I do not know what a charcoal biscuit is.

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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
27 Feb 10
Hello, Hatley. I don't think he means the weather - charcoal biscuits (cookies) are a cure for flatulence. 

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Feb 10
Ask my kids, they'll tell you straight.
I lie...
@tamarafireheart (15384)
27 Feb 10
Hi p1key,
Its the case of too much charcoal biscuits for you I think, lol! I don't like the wind because everything goes wrong with too much wind, it can really be a pain and ruin everything, my tv channels gets scramble when its too windy. Hugs.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Hey p1key! I don't quite think that you are alone on this one!
I sometimes feel that way too! I can just be going along quite
peacefully and the suddenly comes that gust of wind and I'm
off! But, then I wonder how I got where I was going and wonder
how I'm going to get back! Now, that is a very scary thought~
I might be quite far from where I started when I got that first
gust of wind!
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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
27 Feb 10
Hello, Pikey. Well, I've been having a Loud and Proud day today - the last one sounded like somebody was moving furniture over the marble floor.
Thankfully, they are odourless, which is a very rare occurrence for me. Mind you, I've had a mystery bug all week, so I've been off my food.
Oops - that last one lifted my caftan in the air. Hope the nextdoor neighbours didn't hear it - I can't blame it on Tony, he's gone to bed. I think I'll follow him. These are so good, they should be shared. 

@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I like the wind, I think I'm about the only one I know.
I remember a storm picked up on lake Zurich and I spent most of the ride alone in the bow of the boat just letting the wind blow me - I loved it.
Now, that was with my first cape - red, from Carnabey Street. Just before the fall semester in 1974 I was walking down to the student union in my black cape and the wind was blowing down the walk.
I had worn capes long enough at that point that I knew to hold my arms out to keep the cape from wrapping around my legs.
I was almost to the end of the walk when a gust of wind picked me up and "sailed" me about 6 feet.
I kind of stumbled to a landing, turned and looked back up the walk, continued on and a security guy got out of his car.
"Are you all right?" he asked.
"I kind of took off there for a moment, I think," I said
"I know, I saw you, " he told me.
You would not believe how THANKFUL I was that someone else saw my little flight!
Wouldn't happen now, I only weighed about 110 then. But I was walking to get Maggiepie's mail the other day and the wind was yanking my legs, almost enough to make me stumble.
I guess I like the wind if it doesn't have an icy bite...

@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I didn't go to college in Europe, just a whirlwind (
) 3 week tour in 1968.
I was in Dynamic Denton at Texas Woman's University when I "took off"
This is NOT the same Denton in Rocky Horror, but the Denton just north of Dallas and Fort Worth - there are no scary woods around there...

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I usually love the wind! In fact, one of my main gripes with the Southwest desert was the lack of breezes, I like my air to be moving about somewhat and not standing still as a tomb. Here in the Midwest there is nearly always at least a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. Lately, though, we've had pretty strong winds and those winds were carrying snow and sleet so I really didn't care much for them as I had to be out and about. It was particularly bad on Friday, when I picked up my son at the airport--by the time we got to my car the snow and ice were blowing almost straight across and traffic was sliding all over the road. What a tense drive home! So I don't like that kind of wind.
A charcoal biscuit doesn't sound very good, P1key. I'll have one of my mom's English Tea cakes, which probably have nothing to do with the English! 

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Maybe I should get some charcoal biscuits for my dog Gus--he can clear a room in two seconds!!
The English tea cake calls for flour, sugar, eggs, etc. plus currants. You refrigerate the dough then roll it in balls, flatten them and dip them in egg whites and then sugar then bake them Delicious! 

@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Feb 10
I am very pleased that you got home OK. I am not quite sure what an English Teacake is. A teacake here is a saucer sized yeast bun that incorporates fruit - currants etc. We toast them and have them with butter and jam.
A charcoal biscuit supposedly absorbs excess gas! LOL.
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@greeneyedlady (1439)
• Netherlands
28 Feb 10
Oh come on now P1key! You KNOW that I could Never have That problem! What kind of woman do you think I am??
But now that you mention Wind and Your little noisy, stinky problem, I Have noticed a certain unpleasant sound and odor coming through my computer Many times when I am on one of your discussions, now I know why!! LOL XXXX
@greeneyedlady (1439)
• Netherlands
2 Apr 10
Awwwww P1key! What a very sweet thing for you to say to me, Especially since I was so mean to you! But I meant it all in good fun as you well know! Actually, when I am on one of your discussions the odor that I have coming through my computer is pure sweetness! XXXX
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
28 Feb 10
I kept reading all the answers to try and find out what those charcoal biscuit were
It makes me laugh tho, its something I cant hear without rolling on the floor. My friends send me emails with that type of music, knowing I'll be laughing till I cant breathe anymore. Even the word "poot" has me laughing .....Gawd, whats wrong with me and finding this so funny.

...what a funny subject!!!