By galoforce
@galoforce (263)
February 28, 2010 7:21am CST
very contraversal topic, not biased in any way, just want to tell you guys what i think, and see what you have to say about it...
i live in the uk, as i have done all my life, areas which i was brought up in, sure it will never stay the same, though for the past few years, and definatly now on a mass increase there has been a large ammounts of migrants moving onto the estate i live on, which has been reflective of surrounding parts which have also seen an increase.
i do believe in equal oppertunities, people say that the migrants do the work which the british people wouldnt do, though for the most part its correct, you have to look at the statistics. in the uk alone there is about 2million unemployed and an estimated 1million+ illegal immigrants in this country however the actual figure is expected to be far higher, the problem is that unlike most of you guys, who live in the states, our country, when someone is caught living illegally, most get green cards to work over here anyway, and the ones that dont, most end up going to like an open detention centre where they basically sign in twice a day until they can be deported as they cant be deported apparently without the correct doucmention, however most at this time end up fleeing anyway.
i know you can never stop this, however its getting really bad now, over populated even, with the increase of people living here, lots of countryside and other places of nature and beauty are been destoryed and replaced with highrise buildings which house non english speaking people, is that fair? people whom have lived here all there lives on the streets begging, when others can come over here and leach off the government for support and funds.
most of which quiet on there own, however in numbers terrorising other people and even elderly, in a recent program by the BBC 'generation jihad' they said that some of the terroists were living off benifits from the government, so the government is practically funding terroism.
some come over here, and constantly complain about how its the british fault regarding the war, even those that live as civilians, you or me, they say its also our fault so we must 'suffer' for not putting a stop to this war, so tell me this, a place which you think is so currupt and vile, why would you stay there... you woudlnt would you.
its also been rumoured by officals that the muslim community in particular are planning an uproar to 'take over' which will lead in mass brawls and countless deaths, you see now, look around you, now you know, it becoms apparent. as you look around, look at the tension between others of differant ethnicities, how long till the cap pops off?
its even gone as far as officials also saying that within 20 years the UK will be a muslim community and that british people will need a trade behind them to get work.
whats it like for you guys where you live?
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