So, it is finally [b]that[/b] time...........

February 28, 2010 1:37pm CST
They are finally ready to go. I am very excited about eating them and having bacon, ham, sausage, smoked pork hocks and chops. The 4 pigs are finally big enough to send to the slaughter house and have the butcher prepare them to our liking. Months and months of caring for them and feeding them the best of food, so they will be big, juicy, but still lean and organic. Perfect! Have you ever raised something to eat? Animal or vegetable? How did you 'feed' it? Were you organically conscious? Or do you just go to the grocery store?
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12 responses
• United States
1 Mar 10
I've grown veggies for eating but not an animal yet. I'd like to have a hobby farm someday but that's doubtful *sigh*
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• United States
1 Mar 10
I think it would be fun. I'd love do raise sheep, chickens, & ducks. And since I know how to crochet I'd love to learn how to spin & dye my own yarn I don't think I could do horses, I like the idea but they are expensive to feed & care for plus I haven't been around them enough to not be afraid of them. As on my honeymoon I wanted to go on a trail horse I was so freaked it wasn't even funny... ok it was funny to everyone else cause the guy infront of me was kicking the snot out of his horse & it started galloping & not riding a horse before other than a pony ride whn I was in grade school it was quite frightening!
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• Canada
1 Mar 10
Snuggle... We started out that way....renting a farm as a hobby farm. I love animals. We had horses, then tried raising all sorts of different animals. Then I tried raising some sheep and I really liked them and so did the customers. So, thus began my business. I had to sell most of the horses (I had a fair few, but they don't make any money), bought our own farm and I was off and running. I love it! Being my own boss, not having to get up at a certain time for someone else, I decide what time to do stuff. And I get physical exercise and sunshine every day, instead of sitting in front of a desk all day, and having to diet and eat like a bird. Now, I can eat what I want, because I'll just work it off. It is where I am meant to be, I think. Don't give up. You never know, someday you could have a hobby farm like you want. meat is not full of fat, they are quite lean and organically raised. And your take on the taste is just your opinion. We all have our own likes and dislikes and we are entitled to them. I'm glad you are happy with your diet, but you shouldn't try to force your ideals on others. We are free to choose.
• New Zealand
1 Mar 10
Meat is second hand food, stick to the vegetables. you will be healthier, less fat, plus meat isn;t all that tasty compared to a vegetarian feast, Ill take that anyday.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Hi AnnieOakley! Can't see your star from here but once I post this, I'll be able to see it. Hopefully it's gone up another notch for I'm working on it! I haven't given up nor will I! lol As for killing, I couldn't do that. I love animals too much and it would eat me up alive to know I did such a thing. It takes a different kind of person to be able to do this kind of work. Not a mean person but one who can do it and think nothing of it. I had a friend who's dad did this with rabbits that he raised and another friend who's dad and brothers did this with cows. I've seen it happen ONE time on both and never ever again will I witness such a thing however, you're sending yours off which is entirely different than doing it yourself but still, I'd much rather go to the grocery store.... BUT.... for my hubby because I'm mostly vegetarian.
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
Well, I don't like killing anything, although, I have witnessed it. I let a professional do it properly and humanely. I drop them off and pick them up in a box. I'm not a huge meat eater, but I do like my meat, I must say. It just isn't the bulk of every meal. Like right now I am having a bowl of rice. Yummy. But, Bacon is one of my favourite things. And we grow our own veggies in the garden, too. Our land grows peppers particularly well because there is plenty of sulphur in the soil. We had it tested. You have started your plants indoors in readiness for your garden, haven't you?
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
Nope, hasn't gone up another point yet. *sigh*
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Mar 10
I have never raised animals for the table. I rather buy from the butcher where I don't know the origin. I can't bring myself to eat meat from animals that I reared. I am the type when I feed my chickens or any other animals, I have a little talk with them like asking them to take their food etc. But I have no problems from eating my home grown vegetables. I am not too conscious whether my vegies are organically grown or not as I prefer wild edible ferns. Organic produce cost a lot more here.
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• Canada
1 Mar 10
It is hard to raise just a few animals for butchering, as you get to know them too well and it becomes hard to eat them when it is time. So, I got over that by now having 300 sheep. They all have ear tags, not names. Although, I will admit that I have a few favourites that are my pets and come to see me for a scratch. But if I am too soft I would not have a business.
• United States
1 Mar 10
I don't know if I could eat an animal I cared for for so long. But I do grow a garden every year and I have a pear tree in my back yard. Grr. Now I'm hungry for BLTs but we are all out of bacon. Looks like I'll be heading to the store tomorrow after work.
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• Canada
1 Mar 10
Mmmmmmm, bacon...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I have never done that but my grandmother has. She has actually slaughtered a chicken before, and boiled a baby chick by accident. This was years ago when she was a little girl though. Happy Eatin'! What will be your first meal with the pig, have you decided?
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
I think BACON! I LOVE BACON! We just had some the hubby bought at the grocery store. YUCK! More fat than meat and it tasted terrible. BLECK!
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
And that baby chick incident, that is why when we had chickens runnin around, I never bought a rooster to go with them. No daddy, no babies in the eggs. That would be gross. But I betcha it is a disgusting delicacy in some country.
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@veromar (1453)
• Argentina
28 Feb 10
When my father retired from the military, we took a "family vote" about where to go next. We were living in Florida at the time. Both my folks were originally from the midwest.....Mom from Missouri and Dad from Kansas. So the family vote was, "Let´s move to a farm!" Little did we know......It wasn't much - 300 acres about 2hrs outside Kansas City on the Missouri side. We had a barn, a few acres of hay, space for a garden, a well, etc. We started simply......a few chickens, an Angus and two pigs we named Clarence and Cleopatra. (Don't ask why because I can't remember! lol) At any rate, it was our first experience on a farm and we really took to it! I loved gettin' up in the mornin' and sloppin' them hogs! lol. Actually, it wasn't quite like that. They were piglets when we got them and kept them in our basement where we bottle fed them until they were big enough to go outside. For us, the Angus (who's name was Charlie) went to the butcher first. As a kid, I had mixed feelings. I tried not to think about the fact that it was the beautiful eyed creature that I used to pet and feed, talk to and hang out with. Man! Truth be told, he tasted amazing! lol. It was a little easier when it came to the pigs having gone through it once with the cow. Still.....hauling them off in the trailer to the butcher was pretty heart-wrenching. I drew the line when it came to my precious calico rabbit though! I put my foot down. I would absolutely NOT eat my bunny! As an adult, I certainly have mixed feelings about the consumption of meat. Having raised them from babies and watched them come back as sausage, steaks, hamburger or whatever made a very lasting impression on me. However, as an adult consumer, at least I know what they ate, how they were treated and the process of getting them to my table. I absolutely will not buy anything from any grocery store meat department....even in the heart of the US. Nope. Won't do it.
• Canada
1 Mar 10
I know exactly how you feel. I once took a cow I bought from a neighbour farmer, to the slaughterhouse, and I know they switched it because the meat was so tough it was ridiculous. It is a shame that you can't trust everybody to do what is right. But then, they went out of business after that, too. You can only screw so many, so often before it catches up with you. But that was our beef in our freezer for the whole year's worth. We had too much invested in it to be able to throw it away. But we had to marinade every piece, then it was okay. Yeah, I raised the pigs until they got to my weight, then the hubby took over. He loves them. He plays with them just like dogs out in their pen. They have their hut that we put straw in for them to cuddle up together and keep warm. And their pen outside where they romp and play and have their feed and water troughs. But it is time and they are ready to be put in the freezer.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I was raised in a vegetarian/kosher communal house, but there was meat available, and some of the chickens and cows that we had on the land were eaten. Let me explain. My mother is vegetarian and my father is a converted jew who still sticks to a kosher diet, but they never sought to push their beliefs on their housemates or their kids. I love a good burger, but that is my thing. We had chickens and cows on our land when I was growing up. If the cow was going to be food, we would name them, "hamburger" or "steak" so that we wouldn't get attached. The Chickens were either egg chickens or fried chickens. Maybe it seems harsh to some, but many of these animals that I had while growing up became family pets to me. The ones that were had for food, I was able to keep at arm's length, because my folks let me know that they were not pets. I could never, personally raise an animal and eat it afterward. I do, however, support hunting wild animals, and I love the taste of game meat, be it deer or racoon. Squirrel is good if prepared properly, but I can't do rabbit, since I have had a few as pets. I'm way off topic, but I have never had a pet pig, so if you are anywhere near me and want to sell half of your pig, let me know. Nothing better than fresh pork. Just don't ask my dad. Pork and Kosher don't mix. LOL
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• Canada
1 Mar 10
That is cool that you were allowed to make your own choices. We started out with a few of this and a few of that...we have raised geese, ducks, pheasants, turkeys, chickens, cows, sheep, horses, rabbits and pigs in the past. I like the horses and the sheep the best myself. I had trouble once when I bottle raised a Charollais calf, because when it was time to put him in the freezer, the kids said they just couldn't eat "Lester" because they helped bottle raise him and they used to play with him out in the pasture all the time. So, off to market he went and I bought another from a neighbour farmer to put in the freezer with the money. I put a halter on him and led him down the road to the neighbour so he wouldn't have to charge me for another stop to take him to the sale. I have never made enough of a pet of anything I was raising to eat, to have it bother me. Although, I could never eat a horse, anybody's horse. They are like pets to me, like my dog or my cats. I've never tried raccoon, nor squirrel....yet, but you never know. I love venison, too and I was told by a Northern hunter that my lambs can taste similar to their deer, which I took as a compliment. And I love rabbit, although we don't have it very often because the husband says it is too dry. I once bought and cooked one for Easter dinner and told the kids it was chicken. You are a bit far to send you some pork, unfortunately. And they are already all spoken for anyway. But if you ever come for a visit up this way, you are welcome to a home cooked farm dinner anytime. I'm really looking forward to the bacon. I love hams, too.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
28 Feb 10
no, I don't think I could raise something to eat - but then again, I live in a big city and we can't have "farm" animals here so I've never had the option
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
You could maybe plant some vegetables on your balcony...just sayin'.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
28 Feb 10
I live in a house, with a yard, but I'm allergic to the planet and avoid messing with it - I mean it, ants, mosquitoes, etc, one bite/sting and I've got problems...
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
Yes, I hate those pesky little critters. I prefer bigger things that I can see their mouth, and see them trying to bite me. Then, at least, I have a chance of fending them off. Mosquitos, black flies, spiders....they don't play fair, too stealthy. Did you know that taking small doses of what you are allergic to, will cure the allergy? And organically raised meats, vegetables and fruits are less likely to cause allergy. It is often the pesticides and additives that cause allergies.
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• Atlantic City, New Jersey
1 Mar 10
Morning Annie I'm a city girl, always have been, most likely always will be but this past year I found I have a love for gardening. I actually am considering growing a small vegitable/ fruit garden this year but it will be tight since my yard is not so big. As far as meat and raising animals, I really don't know if I am able to raise something then see it on my dinner table. Everyday I am leaning more towards being a vegetarian as it is. Especially when hearing about all the hormones and antibodies used to "beef up" (pun intended) the animal in order to make a bigger profit. I stopped eating pork over 10 years ago so no pigs necessary for me. And the only real meat I actually truly still enjoy is a good steak. (which is what stops me from becoming a vegitarian- don't think I could give up my NY strip)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
I don't blame ya one bit! A really good steak, cooked to perfection is a beautiful, delicious thing! I don't eat a lot of meat myself. Not at every meal, but I like some, so I only eat the best. I eat vegetarian sometimes, too. I think too much meat is bad for you, actually. But to each his own, I say. And I refuse to use any hormones or antibiotics in my animals feed, that is precisely why I raised these few pigs. So, they would be organically grown. It is actually the gov't that promotes the use of the additives, just as they have forced out many organic small family farms, promoting 'factory farms'. We are haivng a big battle up here trying to save the 'family farm' that treats their animals with respect, dignity and does not cow down to pressure to use that junk in our food supply. We beleive that it is harmful, not just cruel to the animals, but also harmful to us, in eating them. And the public agrees, so the local markets and organic markets are where people are leaning heavilly towards buying, so maybe we will just get rid of the 'factory farms', simply by demand. Farmers don't make a bigger profit from using them, although that is what the gov't told us, that to compete and make more profit, we would have to get bigger and use them. Even the factory farms, are still just eeking out a living. They make no more than we do. They just have higher debt than us and more equipment. So, I guess when they liquidate, they do have more assets, but all that has to be paid back with the proceeds and when everything is mortgaged to the hilt, it doesn't leave much. I'm not a fan of the gov't, in case you can't tell. They lie all the time and misinform the public and it drives me nuts.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Feb 10
Packing bags. Heading west. Lay an extra place Annie! I've eaten my own vegetables many times. Yummy.
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• Canada
28 Feb 10
Piggies - My piggies are ready for market.

That one is Bacon, that one is sausage, that one is hammy, and runt there is the dark brown one.
Here they are!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Mar 10
I have never lived where we would have been able to raise farm animals. We've done a little fruits and vegetables, but not much...
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• Canada
1 Mar 10
Well, we are not getting rich, I gotta say that, but we are living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy, organic food and providing it to others as well.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
1 Mar 10
Is not a bad thing...
• China
1 Mar 10
Well,If I raised some animals I think If they were ready to go ,I have no brave to eat them.because after a couple of days or years maybe I will think they are cute and have a realtionship with them.vegetable is okay.I never have a chance to raise some vegetables.I will try it.
• Canada
1 Mar 10
Yes, this country life isn't for everyone, but we like it very much.