Does your personality change depending on what you wear?

@pandaeyes (2065)
March 1, 2010 8:19am CST
Today is quite a sunny warm day. I am wearing my trainers and a thin top with a 'hoodie' over it(hooded sweatshirt or cardigan). When I first bought myself a hoodie, I felt so daring because they are mainly youth type clothing but I have found that if I am wearing my hoodie, I feel more youthful and happier. Sometimes we go riding on my husbands motorbike. We both have a helmet and leather trousers and a big thick motorcycle jacket.Iw ear my thick walking boots and he has his leather bike boots. It makes me feel adventurous to be riding on the back all dressed up like that. We go running a few times in a week. I wear tracksuit leggings or shorts ,running shoes and socks and a running shirt and so does he and we wave a smile when we meet runners coming the other way. It is very comradely and feels independent and focused. I think the thing that marks all of these feelings is the clothes. As I put on the clothes, I put on the personality to go with them. Do you have a personality that you put on with various types of clothing also? Is there anything you must wear that makes you sad or happy,commanding or comradely?
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18 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
1 Mar 10
Normally I am pretty casual. I tend to wear chinos/cords, a shirt (I am not a T shirt fan) and a pullover. However, when I am guiding tourists I tend to wear a tie and occasionally a suit to go with it. I do change my attitude and approach the more formal that I become sartorially. Sometimes I am naked - but I'm not sure what my demeanour is then. LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
1 Mar 10
I spent 31 years working with all three services and I am convinced that uniform adds something. There is a gravitas that seems to go with the outfit. Although I did work with one woman who called them boys in pyjamas, but I think that was her way of not feeling intimidated by the uniform. Also her comment on their maturity which is often quite juvenile. I fitted in well in that respect! LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Mar 10
Thank you for the BR. The Army is very accommodating really and your friend's stammer might well have been a slightly perverse advantage to him. They'd actually have to listen to his instructions... although stammerers often complain that people finish their sentences for them!
@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
My neighbours grandson would agree with that. He has been in the army a couple of years and isn't at all impressed with the 16 year old newbies. He said they were rude and dishonest. He doesn't leave anything lying around in case they pinch it when his back is turned. My old friend at work was in the Army for his national service and was asked to stay on at the end of his 2 years. He must have been very efficient but he was a very nervous man with a stammer, I don't know how he would have coped with promotion,maybe the extra stripes give one a feeling of inner strength.
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
as for me i guess no, besides i only wear what makes me feel so comfortable. if i wear sexy clothes it only makes me feel sexy and more confident but my personality still the same. though my personality will depends to my moods so if my voice change everyone already know that im not in good mood and so no one bother to greet me coz im not going to greet them back nor smile back. but im normally friendly and sweet with always have a smile in my lips.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
Not for you then! You are in command of your personality despite your apparel. My son would probably give the same answer,especially about the friendly and sweet bit..
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• United States
1 Mar 10
Defintely! If I am wearing heels an awesome outfit with the sunglasses to match and holding my purse strap in the bend of my arm two words.. Watch Out! But if I am wearing my favorite pair of jeans with a cute tee-shirt i'm more like a shy bookworm LOL! Am I just weird or does everyone go through this clothing/personality transformation ;)
@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
I think lots of people do. It reminds me of the film 'the devil wears prada' where the young receptionist lady is transformed into the efficient P.A. Even her shoes are scrutinized. I like the inference that her attire changed her usefulness in the eyes of everyone else.
• United States
2 Mar 10
wow...I just like to dress up sometimes... LOL :)
@allknowing (141983)
• India
1 Mar 10
"Clothes maketh a man" is an oft repeaed saying and it is so true. There are clothes for every occasion and with a reason too. If one is wearing slacks her/his behaviour tends to be informal but a suited and booted man will behave differently. I too get affected by what I wear.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
I wonder if that is why they insist on uniform in school. My first two schools were non compulsory for uniform even though there was one. At my secondary school it was very strict. Always wear the blazer, never wear trainers except for gym and our headmaster would say that in the uniform we represented the school and so should behave all the time were wore it.
@allknowing (141983)
• India
2 Mar 10
Absolutely. When we go on a picnic we dress in a manner that allows us the freedom required for picnickers!! School uniform does send a message.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
We sometimes watch the running programs on TV at the weekend. They show quite ordinary people, running in hard physical challenges. They get sweaty, exhausted even helping each other along . No one cares about what they look like. That really shows human beings at their best. The man from the office, the girl who works at the sweet shop, they all are equal in that challenge.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
1 Mar 10
Well, let me see. How to put this? Ok, i have always hated hipsters. For some reason i could not wear that. But since i just got a little push from my hubby, i feel younger when wearing them. He always calls me his 20 year old girlie, whenever i wear them. And believe me the personality can change extremely when i wear one of them. TATA.
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• United States
2 Mar 10
awwww...Saphrina and her husband sitin in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G ;)
@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
That's nice that he thinks they suit you. I have tried them but they are too loose to stay up without a waist to them. My hips are quite straight sided . My daughter has the same trouble. I thought I was being quite trendy with my hoodie until I saw my Sister in law had one too (she is about 8 years my senior). I do have one I keep for after exercises. It has boxing club written across it. Somehow that one doesn't feel right for non exercise times.
• United Arab Emirates
4 Mar 10
It is a good topic. I feel "You Are,What you Wear". this is a total truth that what we wear at the time people watching us think that we are that kind of person only. Like one time, it happened that my friend called me to a party and it was a quite informal party but I went there dressed for a formal occasion. It could have turn out to be a disaster but people started thinking that I am a very royal kind of person and I am very serious going, which I don't think I am. So that's how I think about it!
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@pandaeyes (2065)
4 Mar 10
I like that they thought that! I think you are right. If we see sports personalities on TV in other roles, it is hard to think of them being athletes, they don't look right . There used to be a sports challenge on television with celebrities in it ,not always sports people and princess Anne competed in it. It was very strange to see such a lady in sports clothes getting muddy like everyone else. I remember in school the teachers had a netball game during one lunch time,male against female,it was such fun to see the serious adults rushing around waving their hands and getting hot and excited. The female teachers won of course .
• United Arab Emirates
5 Mar 10
Well in some way I liked it as well. But still I am a very cool dude kind of person, very friendly and well-wisher but when someone don't admit you as you really are, it surely feels a bit uncomfortable. I think the examples that you mentioned are really funny like mine one, and yes I do agree with that also that it often happens that when you see a child acting like he/she is old enough or watch them wearing the dress that are unappropiate for their ages, It surely change their personalilty and feels uncomfortable to see them.! Take Care (a good topic to discuss) :)
1 Mar 10
O usually wear black clothes so the colour doesn't really matter too much. However, when I wear my jeans and a t shirt I feel young and alive, however, I also have lots of gorgeous long velvet dresses and when I wear one of these, I feel like a medieval princess.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
Velvet is very historical and regal isn't it. I like the feel of it and it looks luxurious. I don't have anything made of it though. I was walking along behind a goth youth on Saturday, he had these marvelous shoes,very thick soled and with a kind of wave pattern around the edge and high with buckles like motor bike boots. Very stylish. In boots like that,you've just got to walk tall and confidently.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Mar 10
hi pandaeyes oh yes I think when I get dressed up in something more dressy than my every day top and skirt I feel prettier, and more youthful, then when I put on a comfy top and older skirt I am more laid back and more really comfortable. when I wear blue I am feeling more thoughtful and sometimes sad to as although blue is my favorite color it reminds me of my deceased husband who always teased me he said when I bought a new dress or new top he always knew what color it would be. blue
@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
I like blue. We had it for our uniform in school and I never went off it. My favourite colour is yellow but I cant wear it as I am light eyed and mousey haired, it just looks wrong LOL. My daughter had a 'shocking' phase where she wore quite strange clothes to school. I think she was daring herself. One day she had a Bustier on,on top of a blouse, I was most horrified but she was already back from her day before I saw it so no chance to comment. I think I might not have said anything anyway as she got plenty of comments from the youngsters in school :P
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
it is always sunny or can i say humid here in our country. we only have two seasons the wet and the dry season. rainy season here does not get really cold so we can still wear what we wear during hot days. when i go out biking a wear the same tshirt and shorts that i usuall wear everyday. when i go to work i still wear the usual shirt and i will just change of we need to wear something else. sure changing clothes for you doe change not just your personality but your mood as well. hope i can do that too.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
My father was in the Army a long time ago, 1929-1945 and he was based in India for a long time (pre war I think). They had Shorts and shirts for the hot weather but still very formal looking . When they had to parade formally , they had full dress uniform which was tartan trousers,thick jacket and a sort of oval shaped cap. It must have been terribly hot in them ,marching up and down but I suppose it was all about the look and not comfort.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
2 Mar 10
Dress has a part in the personality of a person. I won't say that people who wear dirty and funny clothes have good personality. Personality also depends on the way you talk, the way you walk, etc. You will have an impression about a person just by hearing his voice over phone, but you may completely change the opinion when you see the person in reality. I feel uncomfortable going for an interview in loose or outdated clothes.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
I think clothes can help you to belong too. At work we had those lab coats like a doctor would wear. In one firm our coats were white and in the next ,they were dark blue. Somehow the white ones felt more official. The blue ones felt sort of industrial but were a better idea because of the staining nature of the inks we used. I still preferred the white.
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
Yes. I usually dress up with whichever reflects my mood. For example, when I am feeling lazy, apathetic, or depressed, I don't really dress up in nice clothes. I just put on a pair of jogging pants and a plain shirt. When I am feeling happy or energetic or excited, I wear bright colors, like yellow and orange. Basically, for me, colors reflect my daily moods. Colors help determine my moods.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
I am a bit like that. I have a purple coloured jacket that I wear in the milder weather. It is quite striking to look at an light too. I also have a green one that is exactly the same make and shape but it isn't as cheery. If it is winter, I wear my black wool coat which is longer an has a hood. You cant really bounce along when walking in that coat. In the garden I have a light fleece coat which is white and Grey but has big square pockets. That one can go in the washing machine so it gets quite grubby and is often draped on the fence or flung down on the grass if I get too hot,I wouldn't do that with the woolen one.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
4 Mar 10
These days, all of the clothes that I wear are what I affectionately call the Mom uniform. Typically I end up wearing jeans or pull on pants and either a sweater or a tee-shirt. That said, when I wear something that is different from what I am used to wearing, I feel a lot more like a grown up than I do in my mom uniform. When I put on dress clothes I feel like I am an adult. I know that when I am dressed up I look more my age than I look like a high school student.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
4 Mar 10
I wear mum uniform too. One of my neighbours with a son the same age as mine, always wore what I though of as quite old fashioned style clothes. Very conservative and feminine but also a little bit frumpy. I was quite surprised one day to see her in a sweatshirt and trousers. It looked like a completely different person except for her face. My next door neighbours daughters are older than us by a year and they make a lot of their clothes. They seem to wear quite old style things too, I think if you have ever seen a website called modesty clothing (US site) you would be quite close to the style. But at the weekend, they are the sports girls, in tracksuits or shorts and t shirts and it is as though two different families live there.
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
a Really true good person is not relying to what a person looks like by the appearance, by the clothes they are wearing, etc...
@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
I think sometimes you cant help it. I mean ,I am still me inside the clothes but in a sports outfit I can bound around without feeling odd at all in the street. I can run and noone will think 'why is that woman running',they know because I have my sports things on ,that it is to keep fit. In my ordinary clothes,running would seem very out of place but I wouldn't go to the supermarket in my sports clothes ,that would look odd too. I remember running for buses a few times when I was younger and going to work, it was always a bit conspicuous feeling because in every day clothes it feels wrong to be charging along . Once my sons buggy was blown right out of my hands by the wind and I charged after him,throwing down my bag and speeding along LOL If I had been on the sports field in school,it wouldn't have felt odd at all.
1 Mar 10
What an interesting discussion! The clothes I wear definitely reflect my mood. I always wear quite businesslike clothes at work. I have quite a responsible job and I have to be well-organised and efficient and a smart suit helps me fill that role. At home I just want to relax and the first thing I do when I get home is to put on a pair of trousers and a baggy T-shirt. If I go out for a drink in the pub I often wear bright colours and I feel more chatty and out-going. Occasionally when I want to feel more "womanly" (for want of a better word!), I wear a low-cut top or something lacy (and racy!). If I wear pink, I feel girly.
@pandaeyes (2065)
2 Mar 10
It must be the way that we each see clothes that makes us feel different when wearing them. I think If I were wearing a police woman's uniform, I would feel more in control. I noticed that the women in the Singapore police thing we saw on a TV documentary , had black t shirts and combat trousers while they were practicing their combat skills and they looked very scary but one who was explaining to the cameras had a blue t shirt with colorful logos on and she was much more approachable seeming. In films with women in combat generally, they dress very toughly. It reminds me of the film with demi Moore who wants to be some sort of commando and is at first made to be quite feminine with soft looking clothing and then is transformed by adopting the male dress and shaving her hair off.
• India
1 Mar 10
i may not say that my personality depends on what i wear but dress too makes a part of our personality . apart from my personality i would say that certain dresses give certain level of comfortability . but the people mostly decide our personality on the dress we wear and its a important factor in deciding our personality . so dress definitely changes our personality to some extent .
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@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
That's true, our doctor only ever is seen in a smart suit. I don't know if I would feel confident in his opinion if he were sitting there in a clown outfit. Probably not LOL I would think about what i wore to a job interview too. While I might be comfortable in my hoodie it wouldn't be right to wear it for a secretary job where I needed to be efficient and focused looking.
@pierrella (1087)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
Actually, for me, my clothes depend on my mood. It shows in the color (bright = happy, grey = neutral) and the style (if it is more on the conservative style or on the party side). :)
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@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
You do it the other way around. I wonder if I pick my clothes because of being happy or sad too. I will have to think about it next time I'm getting dressed.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
At times, if my suit and the whether complements perfectly, it makes me more going with the beautiful music of life. But when the weather is unlikely and not fitting enough to what I wear, I just shut my mouth and move on. But it reflects perfectly on my facial expressions, what I feel inside.
@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
yes ,so you are not so reliant on your clothing to set the mood. I like how you express that. The weather certainly can make the difference. we ran one day last November and it absolutely poured down half way around the route,we were soaking and laughing but when we had to stop for the traffic it wasn't funny because it was almost immediately freezing cold too. Then I wished I had another layer to put on top.
@Tambunan (28)
• Indonesia
1 Mar 10
I am totally effected by the clothes that I wear. The same goes for whether or not I put on makeup or jewelry and do my hair. If I've just been working around the house all day, have my hair pulled back and am wearing "house-clothes" then I tend to feel lazy and a bit down. But when I put on nice clothes, heels and makeup to go out with my husband I feel sexy and confident. Maybe I should wear makeup and heels to clean the house?
@pandaeyes (2065)
1 Mar 10
Haha! I like that description. I can see you now with the broom and you high heels. I get changed for the garden. It is easier to feel like working down there if I already have my garden coat and gloves on.