God of bible is NOT Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent.

March 1, 2010 11:05am CST
I have come across many during the discussions accusing others that they do not read bible before answering their questions. Many christians have said that here, on many occassions. To Me as well as to others who replied very honestly. So I decided to take a walk into bible territory. I found that the god of bible, jehova or yahweh is NOT - Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent. Also he is without Compassion. A simple illustration is here to prove the point. I will cut short the whole story and only highlight the point I am stressing on. 1."If jehovah was absent when Satan tempted the woman, it is evident that jehovah is not omnipresent." 2."If He was not aware of that Satan was to tempt the woman, it is evident that jehovah is not omniscient." 3."If He knew about Satan?s intention, but failed to prevent the happenings, it is evident that jehovah is not omnipotent." 4."If He was aware of the happenings and allowed them to take place, it is evident that jehovah is without compassion." An unbiased reading of bible will reveal itself the low nature & characteristics of jehovah. When his creation was misled, tempted what was he doing? As father, isn't it his duty to protect his children (creation) from satan? how come satan stay out of the knowledge of jehovah and carry on with his sinister plan to mislead humanity? How can such a being be called God? He lacks all attributes and qualities of God.
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23 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Mar 10
This is just another one of those situations where you give your evidence to disprove God which is supposed to draw others to try to prove God and in the end becomes unfriendly, uncivil and totally pointless. More than that, it's very sad to see so much anger on the part of unbelievers against the entity they don't believe in. So, accepting that you don't believe in the God of the Bible - what's your point? Do you want to convince others? Why? Have you taken a walk into Qu'ran territory? Do you have a point by point of why Allah is not what believers say he is? What about Hindu beliefs? Have you gone through the Hindu gods and can you expound on the attributes that say, Ganesh has or doesn't have in your opinion? Why or why not? Now, if one of these gods from one of these religions is indeed the supreme being of the universe, are you really qualified to judge him? If you don't believe one or any of them exist, then why are you judging non-existent beings? In fact, why waste any time at all on beings that don't exist? I don't believe in ghosts, so I think I will go off to a forum that discusses ghosts and I will explain to all the poor deluded ones how it is that ghosts don't behave in the way I expect them to and all the really nonsensical things ghosts do so that I can prove my superior logic. On the other hand, no I won't. I don't see the point.
• United States
3 Mar 10
Very well put!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Tulipstrader, you are wrong. Rollo's response was brilliant. You say you are qualified to judge other gods, but are you really qualified to judge the Christian God after reading only the third chapter of the first book of the Old Testament? Read and study the whole Bible then come back and prove to us that Jehovah, "lacks all attributes and qualities of God."
• India
3 Mar 10
my discussion is not about to prove or disprove god. you seem to assume that I am an unbliever and nor am I angry. Probably you did not read it. There is no necessity for me to bring quran or hindu scriptures into this topic as it has nothing to do with the topic in hand. If necessary I will start one on that shortly. If you ask me that if I am qualified to judge other god, then my answer is definitely - YES. I am not a missionary preacher to convince others to increase the number of believer of one's own faith. Let me be very clear on that. One thing is clear - you said these with lots of hatred. Instead of answering to the query, you wasted your time and energy. I am really sorry that you logic has no logic at all. if your argument had any logic, then you would not have strayed from the subject. thank you for participating in the discussion.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Here is some more that that great compassionate God of Genesis, punish Adam and Eve for eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that God put in front of them. That is like placing a chocolate bar in front of a children and saying" Johnie if you eat this chocolate bar I will kick you out of this house". Is that not the same thing? Never once did God tell Adam and Even about Satan. As far as they know, since they did not know about evil, everything was created by God and it was good. So Satan in the form of a snake comes and tells these two basically retarded humans to eat of the fruit. How did Adam and Eve know that this snake was not sent from God?
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Well we don't.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Rob how would they have know that what they where doing was wrong since they had no knowledge of evil? Adam and Eve were basically retarded children being punished for something that they would not have had the reasoning ability to understand.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
1 Mar 10
How do we know that Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden even existed?
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
1 Mar 10
"He lacks all attributes and qualities of God." That statement implies that you have a preconceived noting notion of what God should be. Why? Where did that notion come from? Where else but from within you? (Are you not the author of your thoughts?) That means that you have INVENTED your idea of God and therefore that you created the idea of what God should be in your own mind and are thus (if you believe in your creation) living by a fiction. Please understand, tulipstrader, that when I use the 2nd person pronoun, "you", I might not be addressing you, personally: I might, rather, be addressing those who you also address ... those who see the Bible as literally, word-for-word, the utterance of God and seek to draw from varied mythological and poetic writings the same sort of conclusions that one can expect to draw from a factual account. In fact, you make several assumptions in your arguments that are not logical or (in some cases) borne out by the Bible account. 1) "If Jehovah was absent when Satan tempted the woman, it is evident that Jehovah is not omnipresent." assumes that (a) Satan is a real persona and (b) that God is capable of being 'present' or 'absent' in the sense that humans understand it. 2) "If He was not aware that Satan was to tempt the woman, it is evident that Jehovah is not omniscient." Where does it say that God was not aware that the woman (and the man) were to be tempted? 3) "If He knew about Satan's intention, but failed to prevent the happenings, it is evident that Jehovah is not omnipotent." Why? It may be in my power to stop my child falling into a puddle (and I would, of course, have told him that it is not a good idea) but, because I don't, it does not show that I am powerless ... merely that I understand that my child is his own person and has free will and needs to learn by experience. God clearly told the man and the woman not to eat of the fruit of the Tree but they disobeyed Him. By giving Man free will, He does not show that He is not omnipotent, He shows that he has withheld it. 4) "If He was aware of the happenings and allowed them to take place, it is evident that Jehovah is without compassion." More false logic and unreasonable assumptions! If my child falls into a puddle and gets soaked, does that show a lack of compassion? Not at all! I am compassionate BECAUSE I let my child learn 'the hard way' ... and also because I still love my child and comfort him and tend to his needs, even when he disobeys me. Who is this 'Satan', anyway? If you are arguing that the person called Jehovah is not God (and therefore does not exist as a real person), why are you assuming the existence of a fictional person called Satan? It is in the nature of humans to blame others for their own misfortunes (especially when those misfortunes could have been avoided by listening to advice). Satan is simply a convenient invention to account for what happens when we disobey or step off the path that we should have known was the right one, had we listened to the ever-present God within us instead of taking other people's word for what He 'is'.
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
1 Mar 10
"That statement implies that you have a preconceived noting notion of what God should be. Why? Where did that notion come from? Where else but from within you? (Are you not the author of your thoughts?) That means that you have INVENTED your idea of God and therefore that you created the idea of what God should be in your own mind and are thus (if you believe in your creation) living by a fiction." 1) "If Jehovah was absent when Satan tempted the woman, it is evident that Jehovah is not omnipresent." assumes that (a) Satan is a real persona and (b) that God is capable of being 'present' or 'absent' in the sense that humans understand it. A) What kind of God would not want his/her/its believers to understand or follow? 2) "If He was not aware that Satan was to tempt the woman, it is evident that Jehovah is not omniscient." Where does it say that God was not aware that the woman (and the man) were to be tempted? B) Nowhere, but where does ANYTHING say that there truly is a God and that the Bible IS OR IS NOT a piece of fiction invented by wayward and rebellious who desired to have something to believe in besides the probably harsh government that they were being subjected to at the time? 3) "If He knew about Satan's intention, but failed to prevent the happenings, it is evident that Jehovah is not omnipotent." Why? It may be in my power to stop my child falling into a puddle (and I would, of course, have told him that it is not a good idea) but, because I don't, it does not show that I am powerless ... merely that I understand that my child is his own person and has free will and needs to learn by experience. God clearly told the man and the woman not to eat of the fruit of the Tree but they disobeyed Him. By giving Man free will, He does not show that He is not omnipotent, He shows that he has withheld it. C) No one is sure if this alleged God did or didn't do anything. We have merely tales and stories that have been put into a collective that is called the Bible, passed down, reprinted, edited, re-interpreted, and done repetitiously as the years have passed. So haven't Aesop's Fables and the stories of the Brothers Grimm. There is nothing to prove or disprove the happenings of the Bible any more than there is to prove or disprove the happenings in many other stories, tales, and fables that have been passed down lovingly from generation to generation. 4) "If He was aware of the happenings and allowed them to take place, it is evident that Jehovah is without compassion." More false logic and unreasonable assumptions! If my child falls into a puddle and gets soaked, does that show a lack of compassion? Not at all! I am compassionate BECAUSE I let my child learn 'the hard way' ... and also because I still love my child and comfort him and tend to his needs, even when he disobeys me. D) If there is any truth or headway into the teaching of the Bible, the lack of compassion speaks for itself. To kill a child because its mother is a wh0r3? What kind of compassion is that? What do the injured and deceased learn from such crazy disasters such as hurricane Katrina and the earthquakes of recent days? God could simply be a convenient invention to account for the desire of a group or an individual to have parental like control over another individual or group of people. Perhaps we should have made our own choices based on our thought, logic, and instincts instead of listening to others who interpret what this supposed ever present God within us is. On that note, I think that Luke Skywalker is awesome. There have been a great deal of stories written about him by numerous authors. I think that he is an inspirational hero and role model. My parents think so, too. Maybe I should take bits of pieces of stories about Luke Skywalker and his struggles against Darth Vader, assemble them in one literature piece, and bestow it upon my daughter as a role model for her. It's just as arbitrary. Your logic is full of holes. I hope you like swiss choice?
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
2 Mar 10
Zoey7879, why have you copied ALL of my response before adding your own comment? Not only was it completely unnecessary, because what I wrote is there for all to see, but it confuses the import of what you had to add. It looks to me, from your paragraph beginning "D) ...", that you agree with me that the D.O.'s logic is full of holes but superficially it looks as though you are criticising my logic.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
2 Mar 10
Oops! Swiss cheese, not choice! =x
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
Hi tulipstrader, I agree, the God of the old testament is not a good example of a God that I could follow. As you read further you will find that he orders people to commit genocide, killing even little children. As you say he is not a compassionate God. The teachings of Jesus in the New Testament are much better. Here you will find compassion, love, understanding. Read the whole Bible and you will find that there is good there as well as bad. I am shocked that anyone would call themselves Christians and not read the Bible. I guess that's why Christian beliefs today are often different from that of a hundred years ago. Read and decide for your self. Blessings.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Mar 10
Hi zoey, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I'm afraid that we have no choice but to pich and choose. It isn't that God changed but that Jesus had a much greater understanding of God. Blessings.
• India
3 Mar 10
@pose123 my discussion is specific and i wanted replies only for those queries i raise. I have not yet travelled into new testament. i agree that there are good and bad in a book and one need to choose what is good and discard the bad. but that does not answer my queries. your reply seems to be off track. Thank you for participating in the discussion.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
2 Mar 10
"is not a good example of a God that I could follow" Yet the same supposed God had to do with both books of the Bible and you are choosing to follow that God? Sorry to say, but that's hypocrisy. Picking and choosing what you choose to believe.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
1 Mar 10
The Bible is riddles with contradictions and inconsistencies. But then what do you expect from a book that was written by many different people almost none of whom actually witnessed what was going on but wrote their interpretations years afterwards. Religion has further twisted the meanings of things in order to ensure that their adherents remain so. I am intrigued by one thing though. Why do you imply the assumption that God is good at all? He might well be revengeful and a downright nasty!
2 people like this
1 Mar 10
To say nothing of all the translations and revisions that it's gone through over the last 2000 - odd years - all of which have changed and distorted meanings.
1 person likes this
1 Mar 10
Yes, there are translations of translations of translations. Then there's all the "rejected" texts like the Gnostic gospels. But that's a different can of worms.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
1 Mar 10
You can't beat a good old dose of the King James' Bible. Unless it's Henry VIII's or how about the "Catholic Bible" then there's........ and so on a so forth.
• India
1 Mar 10
okay buddy... lets keep it simple... i have only one doubt.. i am not a christian.. i just want to know... who is god according to Christianity... some say Jesus Christ... some other say its the pure soul and Christ is just his messenger.. if Christ is his messenger what is the need for him to take all the sufferings... as far as i know messengers carry messages not that they are bound to sufferings... second thing is if he is the god... he could have cleared all the sufferings of man kind or at least for the people who trusted him.. but he did not do that.. what is the basic concept of Christianity...
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• India
3 Mar 10
@Zorey you mean to say that.. Christianity by itself is a set of laws that were meant to bring in peace, a constitution like... @tulipstrader i am sorry about that.. i was carried away by the fact that i had these doubts and thought that this is a good platform to put it... as far as i know.. humanity assumed that god exists.. because they wanted people to follow some good deeds.. every religion claims that human has come directly from god... but that is not the fact.. so what i feel is.. we humans formed myths and think its true..
• India
3 Mar 10
@thesaiyanprice I did not bring christ into my discussion. you seem to have gone off the topic. the purpose of the discussion is not to discuss christ or any other personality, his belief and message. kindly come back and reply to the topic. i will be waiting to hear from you. thank you for your participation in the discussion.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
1 Mar 10
Christianity, in my opinion, came from the need or belief to have a set of rules in order to maintain peace, property, and sexuality. god is an adjective, that in the case of monotheistic Christianity, has been bolstered to a name or title that one could really equivocate with the terms Mother or Father. Christianity sets out a list of rather, what would nowadays be considered relative common sense, rules that we are supposed to abide by, or we shall be left out of consideration for a better "afterlife" and punished with suffering. But we will probably never know the exact basic concept, as it's been polluted and diluted throughout the years, as have most religions and spiritual beliefs. Good grief, you'd think I was an aethiest...
• India
2 Mar 10
As my belief of God is not fragmented depending on various books, so to me it doest really matter who seeks the truth in which way or who challenges me with whatever proof to say that God was this or wasn’t this…I am firm in my belief that God is just a concept to guide us in this life…I’m not very clear about afterlife though I believe in reincarnation LOL…I have a lot to learn and mylot has proved to be a very knowledgeable and colourful teacher. One thing I must say Tulip is that your selection of the Satan episode is certainly not very apt for defining (or contradicting) the traits of the God of Bible coz its just plain and simple anti-woman and nothing more…you can clearly make out that the Bible (as all other religious books) was written by men who, from the very beginning, associated women with impurity and allurement and used women as an excuse for all their weaknesses and failings...
• India
3 Mar 10
there is nothing anti-woman in whatever i said in the discussion. you seem to think off the topic. i am not bothered if god of bible is anti-woman or not. that is not what i am discussing. my discussion is very clear and to the point. and you have not answered any of those. thank you for your time here and for participating in the discussion.
• India
4 Mar 10
I have not answered any of your questions only because as I've said, to me God is not human or of any other form...God is just a concept. Also I have no fragmented idea of God as Hindu God, Muslim God, Christian God etc...so if you are saying specifically that the God of Bible is not omnipresent, omniscient etc etc., then I dont agree with you simply coz as I said, all religious books were written by man and not by any God in heaven...no God allowed Adam and Eve to be tempted, no Satan was there to allure them...its all in the mind, its all in the imagination AND herein I place my views again that all religions are anti-woman...concocted stories to keep women in chains and blaming them for all the failings of men. None of the man-made religious Gods are Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent...you have to go to specific places to worship or have to have specific deities to pray before, you have specific hymns and religious rituals, you have a long list of dos and donts, you need to go thru horrible punishments if you dont do as dictated in the scriptures, there is a constant element of fear and unquestioned obedience in all religious books....so how can God be Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent when we are restricting him to our own limitations BUT this is true of the Gods of all religions and not only Bible. None of your questions hold any relevance to my beliefs and that's what I've tried to say. I'm sure we all can agree to disagree
• India
4 Mar 10
sudipta I am not bothered about from where these fragmented ideas come from - Hindu, muslim, christian, jew, budhist, jain, sikh, parsi, or any others. my statement is clear in what I said. everybody at myLot who responded understood it well, many did not have the courage to answer it straight or say they dont have an answer, honestly. those few who came near, i told them they came close to it. when i made those statements, i said it in brief so that your mind do not wander into unwanted, irrelevant facts. but it seems you dont want to face those little facts and reply based on those facts. i prefer to stick to my topic in hand rather than deviating from it. if I do that, I will be making this discussion irrelevant. that is why I keep pointing out that each one is deviating from the topic. agreeing to disagree is an easy way out. i wont object to it. its your choice. i have other choices.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
1 Mar 10
Yes, No argument from me. But you know, Christians will interpret the Bible in a way that supports there own beliefs and ignore anything in the book that does not do so. I call that self delusion at best.
• India
3 Mar 10
I agree with you that those who want to interpret will do it their way. that is applicable to believers of all faiths. for the facts do not matter. faith or beliefs are not based on facts. Thank you for participating in the discussion.
3 Mar 10
Yes, there you have it in a nutshell. "Faith is not based on facts." This is the unbridgeable gulf between religion and science. religious faith exists because people believe that something is true even if there is factual evidence to the contrary. But science is based on provable facts.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
2 Mar 10
& thus one of the reasons I'd never follow that god. I wouldn't want to be subservient to the christian. He acts like a vindictive child in many of the stories.
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• India
3 Mar 10
well, you have the right to choose whatever seems right to you. but your reply is not relevant to the disussion i had initiated. thank you for participating in the discussion.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
3 Mar 10
You missed an important. God made man and woman "like unto him", a free will agent. He was there and knew what would happen and did happen. However, he permitted Eve to choose the action to take. She knew to obey but chose to disobey. She could have said "no" to satan. She could have asked God for a stronger will but did neither. God knows where satan is and what he is doing. We mortals always have a choice to obey God or to obey satan.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
5 Mar 10
You are the one that does not understand the nature of God. He could have stopped the serpent from tempting Eve, or he could have made Eve resist the temptation. That, though would have taken away her free will, and she would have been like a puppet on a string. Adam and Eve were competent to resist the temptation, but they chose to give in to satan. You and I are descendants of Adam and eve. We are free will agents. We can chose to believe the God of the bible, or we can reject him. It is your choice. May I suggest that you start reading in the New Testament?
• India
4 Mar 10
you have put the cart before the horse now. it is god who knew everything about everything. while adam and eve were going to commit the mistake, why god did not intervene as he knew that his creations were not competent enough to deal with it. if he really intended things to happen the way it happned, what is the necessity to punish them later. whatever he wished, it happened. and he should have been happy about it. and see what he did. I did not miss anything important. you did not understand my questions. that is quite evident from your reply. thank you for participating in the discussion.
@jilshi (271)
• Malaysia
2 Mar 10
Sorry no comment. I trust in GOD and shall continue to praise HIM
• India
3 Mar 10
thats good for you,jilshi. but that does not answer my question. hope you may come back some day with some answers. thank you for participating in the discussion.
@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
2 Mar 10
Amen! Let's keep praising and trusting God. Afterall, it's not men who will judge us when the appointed time comes.
• Canada
6 Mar 10
Normally I would be ready to spew a long yet entertaining opinion or argument but, you have done well sighting an example and logically representing it to the point of infallability. Well done.
• India
15 Mar 10
thanks for participating in the discussion. i would appreciate if you could contribute your views and opinions.
• Australia
1 Mar 10
Im not going to argue with you, you are entitled to have your own opinion of God or the bible. But Im also going to defend my beliefs :) First, im not quite sure which story you are refering to, but Im guessing this is about where Eve took the apple from satan ? Only one thing that makes this whole episode really happens, which is, human's freewill. God make human in His image, He doesnt make a robot that will obey all of His command, but instead He make us with freewill. Therefore, when satan tempt the woman, He knows about it, He is there (may not be present they way we human thinks. But there are two things that God cant do, one is to force our freewill, second is to lie about His teachings. So the reason why God cant prevent this from happening and why God may seems without compassion is that because God cant force His freewill, which means it is up to Eve's freewill whether to take satan's bait or not. It is His unwillingness to make us robot, that makes Him let Eve chose what she wanted to do. As a father He does protects us and watched over us all the time, but as His children do we seek His protection? Do we stayed in His presence? Do we come and stay close to Him ? Why is it so easy for satan to tempt us is because we are no longer close to our Father. We are the one who ran away from the protection, and ran away from His love. We are the one who betray Him. As His children, shouldnt we hear His advise? Shouldnt we follow His rules and command? Even though we have sinned and have betray Him, He still loves us so much that He sent His only Son to save us. Jesus by being crucified, has saved our souls for eternity, even though we may not want it, or even when we may ran away from it. Before accusing of God not being God or not doing His job as a God and Father, lets look inside us first. Have we done our part as His children?
• India
3 Mar 10
I appreciate your stand regarding defending your beliefs. this is not an argument for the sake of arguing. these discussions here are for sharing one anothers views on various topics. You are right. I am referring to Adam and Eve and did not want to repeat the whole story as it takes lots of time and space. if adam and eve were children to god, then god had a responsibility to protect them. children do commit mistakes. does that mean they be thrown out of the house? he could have counselled them. he could have made them understand why they should not do certain things etc. If god is aware that these things were going to happen, then what is the need to punish his children? god is fully responsible for it, because he knew this will happen and still did not do anything to stop that from happening. but punished his innocent children for his inability to prevent that event. apart from it instead of punishing the satan, he cursed the snakes. why? merely because satan took the form of a snake? in what way does that make all snakes accountable for a deed that they did not commit? why did god not punish satan? Please do not put the cart before the horse. as father, it is his duty to be a good example to the children. do not expect children to be obedient so that father can be good to them. children are ignorant, they know much less than the father and children might do things without knowing what the consequences will be. it is the duty of the father to take care of that. Thank you for participating in the discussion.
• India
2 Mar 10
God is not only Omnipotent, Omniscient and omnipotent but his countenance is such that he shines like mirror, and people can't see Him as He is but they see their own reflection in him. You are seeing Him, as you want to see Him. You have asked where God was when Satan was tempting woman. I ask you another question, where was Satan while God was creating EVE? Why he did not oppose God and spoil His creation if he were present. To understand God and Satan relationship, you must understand the relationship between Patrol and Tar. Tars are an impurity from Petroleum, then why use it for making roads, so it may help car to run? Likewise, Satan is subservient to God. Whatever God creates, Satan is there to test its worthiness. He is there to assist God and not to oppose him.
• India
3 Mar 10
your counter query does not answer my question. you seem to evade it with you counter query. either you did not understand what I said or you do not want to understand it. i know that second one is right. so god has impurities? Petrol and Tar example. thats nice to hear. but doesnt that contradict this - there is nothing purer than god. nowhere in bible it says satan is gods servant or assistant. why create this mess in life of misguiding on one hand and then trying to correct it later when you can do things in simple and stright forward way? thank you for participating in the discussion.
• India
4 Mar 10
I made a statement that god of bible / jehovah is not omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and not compassionate. what is the necessity for a being who is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent to test the two human beings when he knows everything? I do protect my children by all means. children needs protection. you need to tell them what is good and bad. they still do things not of your liking. you cannot punish them for those. its the father's duty to make them understand. it is a difficult task. but losing temper and punishing them is not the way. if my children were disobedient to school master, i know how to make them understand that. punishment is not the way. if the school master put them to test, its ok. if my child is disobedient, i will enquire why it happened - both the schoolmaster and my child. i will arrive at a decision only after that. if my child was disobedient, then its my duty to teach them, and not punishing them. remember they are children. they need to be taught the right way. if my child did not pass the test, its the duty of the school master to see that he teach my child. that is the school master's duty. that is why we send them to school to be tutored under a master. right? i understood what you were pointing at. but hope you understood what i was pointing at through my reply. god of bible erred in that aspect. another statement from me. One thing I could make from the replies you made here. God and Satan are partners in trade. that is what you were insisting. while the priests keep preaching the faithfuls to stay away from satan. Create problem, offer solution. all under one roof. and the helpless ones on either side.
• India
4 Mar 10
In your topic for discussion, you have averred four statements as evidence to support the inferences you have drawn to come to a conclusion that Jehovah is NOT - Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent. Also, he is without Compassion. In the end, you are asking, “how can such a being be called God? He lacks all attributes and qualities of God.” Is it your query? I think it is more of a statement than a query. You have stated all these things, as if you yourself were present when Satan was tempting the woman. Lol, I see you seem to know more about the duties of Satan and nothing about the duties of God. You seem to think Satan’s duty is to tempt hapless women, and mislead humanity and God’s duty is to protect them. According to you, God has no other work but to go on protecting the children who had been disobedient to Him. All I ask you to do is to place yourself, not in place of God, but in place of father of your own children. What would you do if your children have been disobedient to you their schoolmaster is putting them to test. Would you go and help them copy and pass the exams; or you would just be a silent spectator. God too was a silent spectator while Satan was putting Adam and Even to test. God Himself wanted to see, whether His children would be obedient or disobedient to Him.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
2 Mar 10
I have not read Bible. But I will soon be reading, as my fiancee is a Catholic and I am going to have to go through the religious ceremonies before we unite. Personally, I do not believe in particular religion. I believe that all humans are creation of one Almighty force, to which we have given different names and whom we pray in different manners. That is why, there are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc... Somewhere I read an account of Hitler's mass murders of Jews. The author of that article writes, 'Sometimes, I wonder, why didn't God prevent all these murders? What was He doing when this was happening? I am inclined to say that God is not omnipotent.' Well, this is a big example. There are many things that happen everyday, which make one feel that why isn't God doing this or that? Why unjust things and machines are still working and worse, making progress? At such moments, I ask Thee, 'God, why don't you set it right?' My experience of life has told me that God does set everything right. The inhuman forces are punished and one can always expect justice. All this process is very slow. Our impatience drives us to blame God! Indeed, whenever human being becomes helpless he turns to God; either for help or to blame Him... We're so much dependent of God that when we find no one to blame, we blame God. yes, God does exist and he cares for his children. There are many things, which are beyond our understanding and hence, we're tempted to blame Thee. Whenever I am depressed, tired, exhausted, worried; I find peace in prayers. You should try it, it'll work!
• India
3 Mar 10
you said a lot of things, but not all are relevant to the topic. kindly come back with relevant reply as i feel you can stick to the topic and i know you can answer it. you know something, but strayed away from it. thank you for participating in the discussion.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Mar 10
"How can such a being be called God? He lacks all attributes and qualities of God." 1."If jehovah was absent..., 2."If He was not aware of that Satan..., 3."If He knew about Satan?s intention..., ."4."If He was aware of the happenings and allowed them to take place..." An unbiased reading of bible will reveal itself the low nature & characteristics of jehovah." There are too many IF's in your discussion to believe you know what you're talking about, but here is one more. If you had done an unbiased reading of the whole Bible, you might come to a different conclusion.
• India
14 Mar 10
I have come to the right conclusion. I am not changing my stand.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. All of it. God was there when Satan tempted Adam and Eve. His question "Where are you?" doesn't mean that he had no idea where Adam and Eve were in the garden. God knew precisely what would happen. It was a test for Adam and Eve; they had free will, as we all do, and they used it to disobey God. God had compassion. He promised a Redeemer--Jesus--who would be born of a virgin and deliver us from our sins. Please read up on Christianity and what it REALLY says instead of going by your own interpretation of the Bible. Private interpretations lead people down the wrong path. Why do you think there are so many Christian denominations?
• India
3 Mar 10
God knew precisely what would happen. It was a test for Adam and Eve; they had free will, as we all do, and they used it to disobey God. if god knew what will happen, then why waste time on testing those ignorant children, adam and eve? if he knew what would happen, then god is fully responsible for all those happened. then punishing adam and eve was a foolish decision. if god knew exactly what will happen, then he alone is responsible for the whole thing that happened and god is to be blamed for all that happened. but he punished the two ignorant ones. totally biased decision. what do you mean by private interpretation? do you mean that i seek guidance from a biased and misguided preacher who has a vested interest in me not knowing the truth. God has given me brains, and he wants me to use it. I am capable of understanding bible without any external help. there are a large number of interpretations available. about the presence of so many christian denominations, that is not a part of my discussion. i prefer to stick to the topic i started. thank you for participating in the discussions.
• India
3 Mar 10
I have not read Bible. I am not able to comment on that. But in Hindu myth, the God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent. Because Nature is everywhere. Air, Rain,Hot,Water everywhere.
• India
4 Mar 10
if you have not read, then take this as an opportunity to know what you should know. I appreciate your views, but that did not make it an answer to my discussion. i wanted your opinion about the god of bible, and not yours. thank you for participating in the discussion.
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
I respect your opinion but i object with your accusation. All of your basis are unreasonable by accusing God is not omnipresent,omniscient and omnipotent. Keep in mind that God allows Satan to test our faith, and He give us the will to choose to enjoy our freedom but God teach us the right and wrong as our guide.
• India
4 Mar 10
whether god allows satan or not, it doesnt matter. instead of answering directly why do you slip into another territory that has no relevance to my discussion. I will stick to what I said in the discussion. i will not entertain any other nonsense, however good it is. this is what many believers do when they are faced with uncomfortable questions or situations. i want honest answers. it doesnt matter even if it hurts my sentiments. but stick to the discussion and what is asked there. thank you for participating in the discussion.
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
hmmm.... i'm sorry for what you believe. but that's not all true there to elaborate the story, and read the BIBLE and believe in CHRIST GOD knows everythings for the story of adam & eve GOD know what will happen, GOD don't what to interface because GOD gave adam & eve to chose and think for themself but still eve commit sin. GOD knows everything GOD only what as to think for your self, if we believe in GOD we always ask for his guidance. GOD never leave and forget us, we are the one who always forget him eve forget what GOD has told her but still she commit sin read the BIBLE and examine or elaborate what the teaching in the BIBLE GOD don't leave us behind
• India
3 Mar 10
you have not answered to the my questions. if god allowed adam and eve to choose and think for themselves and they chose something they liked, what is the necessity for him to punish them? he should have appreciated their choice and ability to make decisions for themselves. You dont have to feel sorry for what I believe or do not believe. Its for me to take care of that. thank you for participating in the discussion.