Do you think friends should keep secrets from each other?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
March 2, 2010 4:52am CST
Here's a question. Should friends keep secrets?
Do you keep secrets from your friends, either here
on Mylot or in real life.
Here's a secret, something I've never told anyone online.
I am partially deaf in my right ear, suffer tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
all the time and can only hear people talking clearly if they
are standing near the left side.
That's not really a big secret, but it's significant.
It's not something I've ever shared with anyone online.
Do you have a secret, whether little or big that you would
be willing to share online?
It doesn't have to be something that would get you into
trouble, just something that you have not ever told anyone you
know online.
So what's your secret? And, do you think friends should share secrets
or keep secrets from each other?
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52 responses
@Beautyfactor (1510)
2 Mar 10
I honestly don't think I have any secrets to share with you, sorry if you feel dissapointed! Anyway, I don't think you need to tell your friends about absolutely everything that is going on in your life. it also depends on how you value the relationship and how long you have known them for. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable sharing a secret here on mylot. If had a secret I would want it to stay a secret so the more people I told, the more chance it has of getting out.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
2 Mar 10
No thanks! I'm good.
Got enough friends online.

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@phoenix8606 (4942)
2 Mar 10
hi! i don't think friends should share all their secrets with each other, because sometimes there are some secrets, which don't really concern some of their friends, and concern only the family members. and also when some other friend has told it to you and ask you to keep it, then we should also not share it with someone else, because so we don't respect the person who said it to us!
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Thanks, Jay! You see what I mean.
While sharing truly personal details online
is not the best idea, I think it's OK to share little
mundane details of your life, your likes, dislikes.
Those things might be considered a secret if someone online
doesn't already know.
This discussion was supposed to be a fun exchange of trivial
details, but has not ended up that way.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
2 Mar 10
I do keep a few things as a secret as i think that sometimes that is better as you never know if your friend is going to blab to other people that they know.I think that we can only trust ourselves with the things that we want to keep secret as in the past a good friend of mine has been caught out as they told someone something that got back to me.Sometimes i think maybe the secret could be told to another friend but to be honest i do not and will not trust someone with things like that anymore no matter how much they say they will not say anything.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
2 Mar 10
You've made a very good point.
There's another good reason not to share
really personal or tragic secrets with close friends,
even ones we may really trust.
When we share a secret or personal information
with a friend, the other person might not really
want to share it with anyone else.
But the secret weighs them down emotionally, maybe our secret burdens
them down so greatly, that they have to share the secret
so that they can unburden themselves.
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@homeshoppers (6166)
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
it depends, but not all secret as we cant tell the future, what if we told them everything but someday our friendship will ruin and she will tell those secret to everyone. like what happened to my brother's wife. according to her friend whom i met and that friend of her didnt know that the girl is now my brother's wife. we talk a lot about her and i found out that she abort her baby before as she got pregnant while on high school. and guess what. my brother and his wife has been together for 10 years and they dont have child yet and so i conclude that maybe its the effect of abortion. but shes pregnant right now and will going to give birth this month after 10 yers of waiting, they already do everything to make her pregnant and of course i didnt tell my brother nor my family about that abortion issue.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
I see what you mean.
As for the pregnancy issue, it's not uncommon
for very young women (high school age) to get pregnant
because that's the age when a woman's reproductive
system works the best, while older women (in their twenties
and thirties and fourties often struggle with fertility).
It might not seem fair, but it really
is much easier to get pregnant at that teenager age than much later
in the twenties and thirties. It happens in the US all the time.
I was so very fortunate to have a baby when I turned thirty
after wanting a child for ten years and not being able to conceive.
I was just blessed very much.
And, lucky to have the one child.
I would love more children but have only been blessed with one.
I'm sure the child of your brother and his wife will be truly treasured
despite the events of the past.
We all make mistakes, hopefully we can just move on.
Thanks for having the courage to share such a big event.
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@dragonangel (551)
2 Mar 10
If it is with my bestfriend,then no secrets untold.I always tell everything to the one I consider as my closest friend.I could say she knows every aspect in my life wether it be nice,funny,stupid,strange and so on and so forth.I do it mainly because I feel so at ease with her and I know I could trust her with every detail of my deep secrets.With her I am as transparent as a crystal.There are times when I do something and that I want to know if it is natural to do or to feel it, so in that case I try to talk it over with her and then she tells me her views about it and also suggests things that I should do.I feel lucky having one like her.
@common_man (1799)
• India
2 Mar 10
Friends should share secrets with each other. To be friend is to be sharing, to be caring and to be loving. But every online member u interact with is not your friend, and every secret need not be told to every friend. However feelings of each other can be shared with friendss in Virtual world.
But if closeness develops after prolonged interactions online, and you develop faith and trust on each other, then the personal secrets can be shared.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
2 Mar 10
Very interesting point.
Mostly when I refer to 'secret's I'm talking
about something personal that you know and other
people in your real life already know but that
others online might not know.
For instance a safe secret might be that you
broke your leg when you were a kid or something
benign like that.
It's something that wouldn't get you in trouble.
Maybe it could be more personal like how you might
be afraid of the dark. Not that you are.
But I'm just saying, it's personal to you.
It's your secret. Chances are, there would be people
in your personal life who already knew that, so to them,
it's not a secret.
But to the online world, it's your secret and since
noone can really use it to black mail you, then it's
safe enough to share.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
3 Mar 10
I kept a secret about myself from mylot for a long time. It was probably a year and a half after being on mylot that I told anyone I was bipolar. There is such a stigma attached to mental illness. Just thinking about it being termed an illness annoys me. I only told people after an experience I had with a family member upset me. I wrote a discussion about the incident, and me being bipolar did enter the equation. I think people should keep whatever they feel like a secret. Online at least. No one owes me their secret.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
If someone wants to share online,
then that's OK, too.
But, of course, there is never any pressure.
These little things we take for granted about ourselves
are not always known to people online but they are the
things that make us more real to the people we talk to and
are our daily challenges and the conditions that shape our
life experience.
We all have health issues that we sometimes
want to share with others just to find support
whether online or offline.
I just wish that there were more people online and offline
who would choose to be sensitive when dealing
with other people's personal issues and not
see them as a stumbling block to friendship.
Thanks for sharing. Nice to hear from you today.
@recycledgoth (9894)
2 Mar 10
I share many secrets with my friends but not all. are some secrets that I know I can trust my friends with but I don't believe in sharing everything with everyone.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
2 Mar 10
There are things in my life that I prefer to keep private. there's nothing wrong with keeping some things to yourself you dont have to tell your friends everything all the time, especially if it dose not personally effect that friends life, besides sometimes telling a friend everything can later backfire I tell my friends things but only things I feel comfortable telling them, there is a such thing is (TMI) to much information. like I said we dont have to spill our guts to be a good friend to someone, and a real friend would understand that and respect your privacy just my opinion.

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
One time I heard this comedian and he said:
'Have you ever told a friend a little secret,
and then he opens up way too much.'
There's always the risk of TMI when you share.
You might tell them a little secret and then
they burden you down with such a huge secret
that you have to tell someone else and that
makes you the bad friend who spilled the beans.
Thanks for sharing whatever felt comfortable sharing.
And if you didn't feel comfortable sharing anything,
then that's OK too. That's just my opinion.
@Posey1234567 (203)
2 Mar 10
I have a secret only those closest to me know in real life and the secret is that I have Asperger syndrome.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Thank you so much for having the fortitude
to share such an important piece of information.
I have other online friends with Asperger syndrome,
so I know what you're talking about.
And, thanks for understanding what I meant by sharing
a small secret that noone else online knows.
I'm sure you could tell from my original discussion
that I wasn't trying to pry but was hoping that others
on the forum would feel comfortable opening up a little
and letting others seeing the human being behind the computer screen.
Thanks for sharing.
Very much appreciated that you took my sentiment the right way.
Wish others had followed your lead, instead of taking offense
that was not meant.
Best wishes.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
2 Mar 10
It seldom turns out well when friends keep secrets from each other. Sooner or later the secret will come out. Bitterness and mistrust are sure to follow. Keeping secrets amd friendships often do not mix. Don't keep a secret from a friend unless it is absolutely necessary. You'll be happier in the end.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
I have found that to be true in my own life.
Sometimes friends get so offended when they
are denied even the least details of our lives
as if we are purposefully hiding things and keeping
I blame the soap operas for training us all to see
the conspiracy in every relationship. 

@greatsasuke (472)
• United States
2 Mar 10
As for the question, I feel some things should never be told to anyone. I think there are certain things even family and close friends don't want to know. Maybe it was a mistake you made or an accident, that won't do you or your friend any good by hearing it. That being said if the topic is not too disturbing and you feel like sharing, then it is alright to do so.
Here is a secret I will share online. I once drank my own urine because I heard it was a good natural medicine. Once was enough...........
@yoursjannat (839)
• India
2 Mar 10
There is something in your life that can't be shared with anybody.Explanation or clarification can't be given,because it's secret.
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
3 Mar 10
I don't purposefully keep secrets from my best friends. If I have any (and I can't think of any), the opportunity just hasn't come up to share. When the time does come, and I realize I haven't shared a piece of information, I'll share it. Since I can't think of any secrets, I certainly can't share them on MyLot. And if I did have secrets, I think they'd be reserved for my best friends...when the topic comes up.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Thanks for your candor. Some people, like yourself
live their lives as an open book.
It's just so much easier being an open book,
cause there's nothing you can ever be found out for
when you're not really hiding anything.
Of course, I'm not talking about the truly intimate
details of a person's life that should always remain
their own and not be shared.
Some things are private.
Thanks for responding in such an intelligent way.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
18 Mar 10
If you really trust a friend then you can keep secrets with her or him. There is a saying that a secret can only share to one person then both of you will only know it. If you share it to another person, then it is not a secret at all. Moreover, you share about your secret to us then it is not a secret at all. I have no secret to tell you because I have no secret at all. I tell all about me with my friends and even here on line. Let see in the future if I will have a very strange secrets to be shared. Anyway, your secret is safe with me.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
2 Mar 10
This is my secret...lady penguin...I test the waters, first! Bad,eh??? I have told untrue secrets...(tongue in cheek) and wait for the backlash! I then have a barometer to guage by! I know it's a little back-handed, but thru life's journeys I have been burnt by sharing innermost whom I thot were the dearest friends...once turning my life up-side down, by a person whom I believed was a totally devoted friend. One I had stood by for years, and bailed out of all kinds of really hurt. Just a protective facade..I guess. Cheers!
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Actually, that's not such a bad idea, after all.
Usually I share some very small detail, like my
favorite hobbies or the fact that I suffer ear trouble
and tinnitus to see if others are receptive.
Of course, I'd never share a damaging secret or share
my friends personal details as it's not my place
to tell my friends secrets openly.
Thanks for sharing, I can relate to the feeling of not
wanting to be hurt in a public place.
You're just being smart and that's never a bad thing.
Best wishes, thanks for sharing that personal detail.
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
16 Nov 10
I really don't know. I think it just naturally happens. If it is a choice, they do it with purpose..yeah I think that is wrong. People can get hurt that way.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 May 10
I do think that it is okay to keep certain things from your friends. I don't think that it is right to share every aspect of your life with your friends, there are certain things that I think need to remain private.
That said, I'm willing to share a secret right here, right now. My secret is that I am dyslexic. I've been able to overcome my disability, but it is still something that hinders me from time to time.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
i really don't have a secret. and with friends? it really depends on how big of a secret it is. even with your family you keep a secret from them so its really a big deal if you do with your friends as well. i sometimes keep a secret from my friends not because they wouldn't understand me but because i just want to keep something for myself. i just want to be mysterious at times. LOL.
@khalida (1126)
• India
28 May 10
well i don't get any secret to share in my mind right now! but i feel that though i share a lot of things with my close knit friends or family. . . i can surely say that NOBODY knows EVERYTHING about me!! :) but if you ask me now, what is that they don't know?? i still won't be able to answer it cause it is not something i do intentionally but automatically that limit is drawn!! :)