my 7-8 years college life in nursing
By fianne
@fianne (1057)
United States
March 2, 2010 10:51am CST
Well, I studies BS in Nursing at a university in my place (sorry, I can't mention the name of the school). It was very fun there and it is really very conducive for learning being there... I entered there 2002 of June, but I graduated just 2009 instead of 2006. Why? Here there story goes... I was on a scholarship 50% discount so I was able to help my parents with deduction of the tuition fee. We were doing just fine, my parents have work and I have scholarship. In that way, I was able to help my younger sisters as well because of the deduction in my tuition fee which was very high, not to m ention the amount. But my 2nd year college had been hard for me in the Chemistry and Biology subjects. We had quota grade of 75 that time and it was ok. The problem is, my scholarship needs me to maintain the grade of 80. My grade in Chemistry was 78 and so with the Biology. So, I lost my scholarship... My 3rd year, 2004.This has been a very bad year for me... In my later blogs you will know why... I failed in the Nursing subject and my teacher gave me a failing grade so I was deloaded and I need to wait for the next year to repeat the said subject which I failed. My parents were so disappointed with me, but they still comforted me because they knew how much hurt I was... I will speak later of how circumstances had helped with my failure in my 3rd year. Now, 2005, my 2nd year in the 3rd year. I repeated my first semester in which I had a failure subject in Nursing. And guess what, I passed! 2nd semester of the same year, still in the 3rd year college, I failed another Nursing subject, too bad... I really failed. Why? Because of my being happy-go-lucky attitude. I thought all the while that we were still on the 75 passing grade there not bothering with the scholarship grade of 80 anymore, but guess what, we are now on 80 quota passing grade! And I had a grade of 78! My goodness! I was so desperate that I cried and cried! I told my parents. They talked to me and said they were ok with it as long as I don't do anything bad to myself and hoping the next time I can pass without failing anymore... 2006. I really can't accept what happened to me and I decided to go to another university, somewhat far from my place but I can continue my 4th year there. So my parents agreed. I enrolled myself there. But to my surprise, all were very expensive there (tuition fees, board and lodging). Food were ok and cheap. But the tuition fee really is expensive. After the Prelim Exam there, I quitted, withdraw myself there and went home. But guess what?! I GOT PREGNANT! Let's talk about my pregnancy later... Whew! Now, 2007. I went back to my old university and asked if they can still accept me since I requested for an honorable dismissal so I can continue my studies in the other university. To my luck, they accepted me. I was so very happy! I went home and told my parents and they were happy for me. This time, I really am very decided to do my studies very well, become a good student. Third year in my 3rd year College in Nursing. I waited for the October enrollment for 2nd semester. I was enrolled. But as I expected, I wa the eldest in my classroom! HEHEHE, it was really funny for me and everybody calling me "elder sister". Wow. But it was ok, I passed! And now, I will be continuing my 4th year! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! 4th year, 2008... My 4th year was fun, indeed very fun! I was vey dedicated to my studies... My parents, my child and my family were my inspiration to do good in the class and in my course. I helped my classmates with their asignments and was very early in my hospital duties. 2009. The last year in the university (or so I thought)... I graduated! YAHOO! I was very happy that I graduated... But I needed to complete my duties in the Operating Room and Delivery Room. Something happened that I needed to stop doing my completion duties and my review for the Board Exam. God knows, what I decided was the best thing I ever did in my whole life. (We'll talk about this later.) After some months of quitting the review and completion duty, I went back to my college trying to get a schedule for the completion duty. And so I got it! I completed my duty November to December! Thank you Lord! 2010. Well, hoping this is the last year for me to process my school papers now that I am finally a graduate of the college. Whew! Long many years for me to be in the college... But I learned a lot really! I am now just waiting for the clinical instructors and the chief nurses of the hospital to renew licenses and PNAs so I can start having them sign at my final scrubform so I can get my documents (transcript and everything) and so I can file to take board exam this December 2010. To all the Nursing students out there, do good in your studies... Be a good son or daughter to your parents. Make sure you know the rules of the school and what quota for passing grade you have!
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