Obama's speech today
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
March 3, 2010 1:35pm CST
How many you watched Obama's speech today on healthcare? Well I did. He did not give as many specifics as I wanted on certain things...but you can only talk about so much in a timed speech. So I looking for a full version of his "new" bill that I can ready. I will not decide if I support it or not until I read it. So hopefully he releases the bill soon.
But one thing struck me....he said he did not care about the "politics" of this bill. Basically he does not care if it costs the democrats seats for passing it. Because he thought "it is the right thing to do". Meaning pass the bill even if it means using reconciliation. Even if it ticks off a lot of people...even if it costs them their jobs for not representing their states.
Well that kind of struck me as odd... all of them are public servants. they are suppost to listen to us the american people. So Obama is instructing them to "ignore" the citizens they are elected to represent... and listen to "him" because he thinks "that is the right thing to do". Wow.
Now I know some states have overwhelming support for this bill...those senators SHOULD vote for it. It is what the citizens who elected them want. But there are also states where the overwhelming majority DON'T want it. Those senators SHOULD NOT vote for it. They are the voice of their people. They should always vote how the people who elected them want. No one should ever tell an elected official to ignore the people who elected them. That is arrogant, self rightous, and just plan wrong.
It also smacks of dictatorship....the whole "I don't care what you think...this is what I want so this is what I am going to do".
What do you think? Does he honestly believe this or did he just word it badly?
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8 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Mar 10
I missed the speech because I'm at the shop and didn't have the television on so I don't know what Obama said or how he said it. Now all I can find are analysts.

@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
It was brief, maybe 20 minutes. You can find it on Cspan.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
This should link you up.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Mar 10
He believes it. He believes in his agenda. I don't know if he believes it is "right" or good, he just believes that he has this office, for whatever period of time and he has specific things that must be done as part of the larger agenda. This health care reform is one of those things.
Who defines "right"? I believe, as you do, that the right thing for an elected official to do is to execute the will of the people that he represents. By admitting that this vote could cost them their jobs, he is admitting that he knows it isn't the "right" thing as per the Constitution. Therefore, this is not the right thing to do at all.
As he stated, everything's been said about health care, there's no more to say. He is aware that the American people don't support this move. He doesn't care.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Mar 10
If Obama wanted to write legislation, he should have stayed in the Senate.
Those members of the Senate and the House of Representatives were elected to execute the will of the people. That's the job they've been elected to do. If the will of the people dictates that this bill should not pass, they should not vote for it.
They may be doing your will, but it's not a government of Ladybugmagic and Obama, by Ladybugmagic and Obama and for Ladybugmagic and Obama. It's government of the people, for the people and by the people. The people, by an overwhelming majority say NO. They usurp the people's right to govern themselves. That is wrong, regardless of whether or not you think they are doing it for a "right" reason.
America will be bankrupt if they pass this trillion dollar health care reform that 73% of the American people do not want.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Ladybugmagic- what is right for the house and congress is for them to vote how the people of their states want them to. That is what they were elected to do. Be the voice of the will of their poeple. To tell them to ignore that is beyond wrong.
Each senator should vote according to their state's wishes...if it passes it passes..if it fails it fails...but the will of the people is respected and done.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I think by admitting this vote could cost them their jobs is a testament to what a farce the political process has become. He is actually trying to do the job he has been elected to do, while others are in campaign-mode, too afraid to do their jobs.
Americans want to live without going bankrupt due to an illness. That would be "right".
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Mar 10
It IS odd for any politician to say to "ignore politics", I agree with you on that much! He also asked for those of us who are in favor of the bill passing to make our voices be heard. I wish he'd have said that long ago because I think, at least from what I've seen personally among people I know, we're the "silent majority". I know most of you here will disagree with me but I'm only honestly saying what I've seen and what I believe to be true.
I've always said I don't agree with everything in the bills that have been passed so far but I can tell you what I DO agree with - 31 million Americans who aren't covered now WILL be covered and the insurance companies will no longer be able to deny or drop people due to preexisting conditions. I also like that there will be subsidies for those who can't afford to pay the premiums themselves. I don't have all the details but I understand President Obama has now added at least four provisions that had been proposed by the Republicans but that hasn't changed their minds. I guess when they said they wanted to "break him" they weren't kidding!
Now, ABOUT the "politics" involved...I think basically most of the Democrats who were recently elected ran on health care reform, among other things of course. The Republicans, on the other hand, probably ran on making sure there would be no "government run health care", again among other things. Therefore, voting for or against something they promised to vote for or against is doing exactly what they were elected to do, isn't it? I can tell you our Senator who is up for reelection has gone up in the polls since he's spoken out in favor of the health care bill in recent days. Both of my Senators have signed on to the letter started by Senator Bennett of Colorado regarding bringing back the public option, something that is very popular here.
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@cocodee (21)
• China
4 Mar 10
Maybe Obama means that he won't be intimidated by the bad response from political oponents and other negative effect on his political future. He has made the determination to force this bill to reality. I think he is just a man who want to make true one of his dreams in his childhood. But this didn't mean that he will not mind the opinion of American people. He just will not mind how this will affect his own political future.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Well one thing that is going to effect his political future is ticking off the majority of the american public.
Bush always said he did not care about approval ratings...which meant he did not care about what we thought of what kind of job he was doing or what he did. It looks like Obama may be leaning that way too. Which is scarey. A president should always be mindful of the will of the people.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Lilwonders -
Just because a republican said "the overwhelming majority of America doesn't want this", does not make that a fact. It looks like you bought into that.
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@Justathought12 (103)
• United States
3 Mar 10
I have given up listing to Obama speak about health care, it is always the same speech with the words rearanged. Is a great bill, it will solve all of our problems, the poor need this bill to survive, and insurance companies are evil. How many times can this be said and in how many ways. If it is the answer to all of our health proplems why did Pelosi tell members of congress they should risk their jobs to vote for it. How many times have we heard that we have to pass something, even if it is not good? He has said that he would gladly be a great one term President, instead of a average two term President, and yes I believe that he thinks this is the bill to make him a great President. I think it will make him a one term President.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
People are risking their jobs for it because of the smear campaign started by the rethugs. They keep trying to publicly infer that if this is "jammed down people's throats", or "voted for by means of reconciliation" that the dems will lose their seats. They keep pretending that an "overwhelming majority" opposes this bill. It's just one of their bullying tactics. They are grasping at straws now.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Um do you really believe that? I know here in my state so many people are against it that if either of my state's congressmen vote for it they better not EVER come back to the state. They better quite right after the vote. Then move far away.
We don't take it kindly down here if our elected officials don't vote the will of the people of the state.
Can you not understand that a lot of people have taken the time to actually read the bills and then decided for themselves that they did not want. Lots of people understand the bills...they still don't want it. I do think we need healthcare reform. heck I have not meet a person in my state who says it should stay the same. We all think it needs to be fixed. But we don't like how the bills are going to fix it. We don't agree with their plan. Therefore we don't want our elected officials to vote for it. Simple as that.
As for "reconciliation". You do know that process was set up for the budgets and reconciling budgets....not to pass any old bill they could not get passed any other way. Check out the reconciliation process and it's laws for yourself. Trust me...I did. If they do reconciliation on this bill....they are breaking the law. Even democrat senator Bryd (who by the way wrote the reconciliation laws and process) told Obama that he could not legally use it to pass his healthcare overhaul.Bryd is in favor of Obama's plan...he is honest when he tells him that he can't legally use reconciliation. Bryd told Clinton the same thing when Clinton wanted to use reconciliation on his healthcare overhaul when he was president...Clinton listened and did not break the law...we are about to see if Obama and Pelosi think they are better than the rest of us and above the law.
No One is above the law...even them.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Somehow the Bush administration got away with torture, so, evidently, some people are above the law.
The average income is $40,000 - $60,000 per year. Most of us have a lot of trouble balancing that small a budget. Lil Wonders - can you hypothecize a suitable bill, within the constraints of our budget and deficit (using trillion dollar amounts) and accounting for other dilemmas like a dual war, bad economy, bleak job market, environmental issues, human rights, etc?
As for the republicans spreading that if the democrats using reconciliation will lead to their losing thier jobs, they should be in favour of it, so they can try to win back the majority.
What are they so scared of? If they pass this bill, and lose their jobs next terms, the republicans will own it.
Unless, perhaps, beads of sweat are beginning to roll across their foreheads, knowing that this could show what selfish and manipulative people they are.

@hofferp (4734)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I didn't watch the speech today, because I "knew" what he was going to say. Call me psychic. Obama's trying to build his legacy -- so-called health-care reform and other big government programs -- at the expense of the American taxpayer. Let's get on with the reconciliation process, which is what they had intended to do from the start, and let's start the battle...
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I can tell you right now...if they use reconciliation to pass this...oh my....it is going to be ugly. The backlash is going to be HUGE.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Oh I think they will. What the republicans fail to see is that the American public is just as fed with them and their BS as we are with the democrats and their BS.
Hell hath no fury like a voters scorn....lol. Both sides are about to find that out.

@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Sorry to say but I did not watch the speech, I did not even know there was going to be a speech. He does not care about the politics of the bill, but is not the very incense of the bill political? Is not the very reason they are creating this bill is because of a political belief that government must take care of the people?
He say it is the right thing to do but how does he know that, how does Barack Obama know what is right for me, how does he know what is right for you, or anyone? Obama does not know me, heck my own Congressmen does not really know me, except for those messages I left him. I probably know more about your Lilwonders than Obama does yet he knows what is right for you. I do not even know what is right for you.
As to these public servants the problem is some are doing what they were sent to do. That is the problem when you have someone from San Francisco having the ability to effect the lives of everyone in the country. I am sure Nancy is doing what she was elected to do, I am sure she is representing the view of her district. Yet those views are telling me who lives in a whole nother state how to live.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I watched this speech, and the full seven hours of the health care summit, in which the republicans showed their true colours and show how cleverly they lie, and expect Americans not to tune in to politics, and rather, saturate in media-spread hysteria.
Just one point that I can make offhand: One of the republicans' key arguments is that Medicaire is going bankrupt, and riddled with fraud, and prodigal. They said that 1 in every 3 medicaire dollars is not spent on actual medical care, and Obama agreed, which is why they are proposing the cut to Medicaire, only of the money that is not being used properly.
He even called out the republicans, and said, "I am cutting the waste that is spent on Medicaire, and you agree with me, but you say that this is a government takeover, when we agree on this point."
And yet again, today, McConnell, knowing all too well that no one bothers to take notes or do research, stated again that Medicaire will be cut by trillions with this proposal. They are such liars.
They feed of fear, since they can't use solid fact. They make up their own.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Oh there is plenty of rederick going on ...on both sides. Both sides are guilty of "spinning". I am not fan of most them on both sides. Too much BS.
But my point was that Obama told them to not worry about getting re-elected and vote for this. Well if the majority of people in a state don't want it and their representative votes for it....that person deserves to loose their job. Just like if the people of their state want it and they vote against it...well they deserve to be voted out.
No one should ever tell our elected officials to ignore the wishes of the people who elected them. Especially the president. He is not a dictator. He is a public servant also.It is wrong. We the people run this country. Not them. We pay their salaries...they work for us. We are the boss...they are the employee.
The "right" thing to do is to accurately represent their state. That is the ultimate responsibility of each member of the house and senate.
They don't have to agree with the will of the people....but they have to respect it and vote accordlingly.
If they can not do that...then they don't need to be "public servants".
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Why is it if you are against the healthcare bill...then it has to because someone "listened to the EVIL Republicans"?
Personally I have read every version of the bills as they progressed. Not easy I can tell you...but I did it. Then made up my own mind. They both sucked.
I have not read Obama's new one he announced today...because they have not released it yet. But I will as soon as it is out for the public to see.
But I can tell you if they have the mandate still in it...or the 40% tax on premium plans...I won't support it. Those were two big issues for me from the last two bills and were definately deal breakers.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I am pretty sure the aim is to have the top wealthy and those who earn an income based on capital gains and investments to help pay their fair share, as they don't pay into medicaire the way we do.