Can my online writings get me fired?

United States
March 3, 2010 2:01pm CST
I've been writing mostly for Associated Content under my legal name for about 2 years now. What I mostly write are: 1. Video game reviews 2. Movie reviews 3. Review of making money online sites 4. Personal finance articles 5. Arts & Entertainment articles I've written 1 article about my experience in a job "industry" (not a SPECIFIC job) that I used to work in but no longer do nor do I have any plans to o back. I don't see any reason why the 5 topics I write in would hurt my current job or prevent me from finding a 2nd job. Mind you I work in the health field/customer service arena. I've had my current job for 2 yrs now but I've been trying to find a 2nd job for a year now with no luck, I don't think that has anything to do with my writing. I do have plans to be in the entertainment industry so not sure if my movie reviews would hurt that opportunity. I think I may change my pen name slightly for the heck of it but not sure if that's possible on AC (?).
3 responses
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
aren't you contented with your job or with the salary? i don't see the point why you wanted two jobs when writing reviews or views is very tiresome. i think writing is your passion or maybe because you force yourself to enter in a field that you don't really belong that's why you can't have the job.
• United States
4 Mar 10
ELsMarie, Um I work on an ambulance for $12 an hour so with this TYPE of work, would you think I'm content with that kinda money? Don't get me wrong I like the health field, but that is ridiculous for an ambulance job. Writing is not tiresome for me, I'm planning to go into filmmaking/writing. If I can get a 2nd job that pays even $9/hr in retail or cashier, I'd be happy with my current job. I would work that job part time and my current one as on call. Oh and the jobs I've been applying to are within my expertise, I have 7 yrs of customer service experience, 2 yrs of clerical, and I type extremely fast.
@eLsMarie (4346)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
so i guess whenever you fail to have another job then you should find reason to why you're not accepted. maybe you're doing things in a rapid approach that's why you fail to focus to why you can't have the job that you want.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
4 Mar 10
If they are in contrast to what you are currently doing, or discredit your employer or previous employer in some way. Though all and all it should be accepted as something what helps you get a job easier, because not only do you do what ever it is that you do, you do that as well and if you have a strong following...people will see this, and go this guy is worth more then he says he is. I appreciate you.
• India
4 Mar 10
Your online writings would not get you fired. I am also a member of associated content.