Texting While Driving Law...

United States
March 3, 2010 5:47pm CST
I don't have much to say about this except...how did that not pass!!!! Who in their right mind would say no to making texting while driving illegal!? It's extremely dangerous/deadly and should not be allowed!
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16 responses
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
4 Mar 10
Texting while driving is illegal here in Australia. It is worse than talking on the phone while driving in my opinion! I find it odd that is is legal in some states in the USA and illegal in others. I thought it was supposed to be the United States? Why cant laws be the same throughout the whole country?
• United States
8 Mar 10
It is WAY worse than talking on the phone while driving. There are a lot of laws I wish all 50 states would agree on (this one included)...but each state has the "freedom" to choose and pick their laws.
• United States
9 Mar 10
lol!!! I agree!!! We should have like....4-6 states--just split the country up like that! It would be more effecient! I might have to move to Australia except...don't they have mean sharks and crocs and GIANT bugs/spiders there!? lol
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
8 Mar 10
There are way too many states in the USA if you ask me. When I drove through the country it was very confusing as to what time it was as it was spring and some states were on daylight savings time and others were not. They are all so small too. I wonder what the reasons were for making so many states. Was it to confuse every one with different laws? We only have eight states here and our country is roughly the same size as the USA. Most states have similar laws too, not much difference between them.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Mar 10
Where are you located? In California it's illegal, and rightfully so.
• United States
4 Mar 10
I'm in Arizona. I'm jealous of all you that are saying it's illegal in your state! You guys are that much safer while you're driving!
1 person likes this
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 10
It hasn't been illegal for long, but I'm glad that it is...
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
7 Mar 10
Where is this that you're referring to? National level debate for truckers? Something local? I know that in Dubuque, Iowa, for example they don't even allow people to be on the phone now. I'm kind of torn, between my libertarian nature, and what amounts to good, common sense and consideration of others... shrug.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Crazy that did not pass. Like people can't wait to get where they are going before texting. Can't they pull over if it's really important? Even if you are a good typer, as I am, it doesn't mean you can type on a phone while driving. I do not know anyone that can type on a cell phone without looking at it. Around here some cities can give you a ticket for being on the cell phone at all, so I think texting would be included in that. I'm not sure why they would say NO to the law but I'm sure this will be passed eventually. I can't imagine them letting it be legal forever.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Mar 10
What state or country did this law not pass? In Australia it is illegal to use mobile phones at all whilst driving. We cant rtext or make phone calls, not even when at a stop light. It is a dangerous pracrise and leads to inattention.
• United States
8 Mar 10
I'm in Arizona and it hasn't passed yet. I need to move somewhere that it's illegal, so I can be a little safer on the road! lol
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
3 Mar 10
it is very dangerous. they say that it is like you are driving while intoxicated if you are driving while texting! here where i live (ontario, canada) there is a law against it while driving.
• United States
4 Mar 10
I wish there was a law here! It makes me crazy when i see people texting while they're driving! I wish I could pull them over and make a citizens arrest! lol
@mslena75 (561)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I think there is a bigger issue about making this an actual bill, because people fear that this will be used arbitrarily by law enforcement to ticket drivers. Most people that text while driving do not hold their phones up...let's be realistic, it is highly unlikely that a cop will be able to see you text while driving to pull you over solely for that. They could be profiling or pulling someone over just to jack with them and then just use the text ban as an excuse. I do occasionally text while driving, bad I know! Mostly though I will wait until I am sitting at light or something. And then who's to say the cop wouldn't try to take your cell phone and nose through it? I'm sure that rides the line on search and seizure. So basically while it is a good idea, I don't truly believe it's very enforceable.
@Makro74 (591)
4 Mar 10
Hi, Here in the UK, we have a fine and 3points on your licence(max 12) before your banned on the road - this is for just having the phone in your hand. However, many people ignore it, but alot use bluetooth handsfree.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
4 Mar 10
Hi LilyoftheThorns, Over here driving while merely holding a mobile telephone is an offence and you can face a fine, three months jail and a six month driving ban. I am surprised that a law similar did not pass where you are.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Studies have proved that, as far as being able to handle normal occurrences in normal traffic, texting and using a cell phone while driving is comparable to driving drunk. It's obvious that in order to text, you must remove your eyes from the road and, at least partially, your grip on the steering wheel. There is no question that this activity endangers everyone on the road and is the direct cause in an increasing number of collisions. Why legislators decided to defeat this measure is anybody's guess, but I would say they are definitely NOT acting in the best interests of the people, therefore they should be voted out of office at the earliest opportunity. It should be publicized and the ones who voted against it named publicly and have it used against them in the next election. Use of cell phones while driving should be looked at and possibly banned but texting while driving DEFINITELY should be made illegal in every state.
@hotsht2 (71)
• United States
4 Mar 10
ya, i guess texting while your driving isnt really a good thing and maybe should become a law, but on the other hand if youve had the phone for awhile and have texting you usually get used to the key strokes and the button configuration therefore memorizing the pattern and not needing to look at the phone when you text. for me? ive become pretty good at it. having a blackberry i need both hands, but i text so fast, that it doesnt take but a few seconds to send a message. all in all the law should be passed i guess tho.
@skbrence (475)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
Hi there LilyoftheThorns... It all depends with the person driving... You have only said the negatives of this one... What if the car owner/driver is in business transactions? He/She would really use his/her phone... What if there is an emergency? And What if he is being chased by those bad guys... Of course he or she would ask for help using his/her cellphone... It all really depends...
@series6 (294)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
texting while driving is the most adventurous of them all. i see a lot f 4wheel drivers texting.... but there's no exciting than seeing someone in a motorbike texting... how i wish i was able to get some pictures of these acrobats...
• United States
4 Mar 10
It is very dangerous, I agree. I also have the same question
@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Mar 10
I think there are alot of people out there that still text whilst drive the sames as they still have their phone up to their ear while driving which i think alot of these people are the ones who always never get caught.The law is there for a reason and there are alot of lorry drivers aswell as other professional drivers that are always on the phone while driving.
• Germany
4 Mar 10
Here is also not allowed. If the police will give me cash for reporting someone talking to his handy while driving, i would be rich.