Pinoy in a foreign land with foreign language, how did you cope?

March 4, 2010 3:08am CST
Had been away from home for almost 6 yrs now but now & then i still feel the sting of discomfort not being able to express myself as exquitely as i can in English. I am here in Germany and in the city where i live, most people do not speak nur understand English words except for a few young ones and students who have taken an English language in school. Most times i find myself out of words for their language and it is really frustrating. I am not used to not being able to voice out. But now like i am imprisoned in a language barrier. Even with a number of Certificates i made in school (yes!i studied the language here), i still find my knowledge not enough. And i still can not speak with their tone - you know - its hard to sound like them. lol Anybody have undergone or is undergoing now this kind of dilemma? How did you cope up? How did you feel too? how did you finally get rid of the discomfort?
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12 responses
@bnx2212 (712)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
I know what you feel since I felt that also before when I visited Qatar, But what's good with the place is that, there are so many Filipinos and the natives there already knew how to speak our dialect, and most of them are struggling to speak in english to be understood.
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• Philippines
5 Mar 10
WOW,. i also wan tot go to singapore,. good luck tiger lily,. it tkaes a lot of courage and strength to leave your homelanda and yeah,. you sure do have that for you now live in a place where the language most people speak is not that undersatandable. Don't worry,. am sure on due time you would be able to speak german as if it is your tongue,. as they say practice makes perfect what more, as you said, its the only language everyone there speaks,. best of luck
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• Germany
4 Mar 10
I had once a stop-over in Qatar. Flew with Qatar Airways via Singapore to Cebu.
@bea_29 (320)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
hi tigerlily!! we are in the same dilemma. am also working overseas wherein english is not even considered as a second language not unlike in the Phllippines that most can speak fluent and some broken english. its really frustrating if i cannot express myself and when i cant understand what they are saying. so difficult for me since am in a hospital wherein communication is a very important factor in dealing with patients.
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@bea_29 (320)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
as for coping i really dont know if i did cope. am still learning. here they have 3 sets of alphabets, 1 alphabet consists of 48 characters, other 1 is 49 and the other 1 is 50, 000, but in those 50 thousand characters you need to know 2 thousand characters to be able to read, however in specialize field like in medicine we have to know 10 thousand characters. 1 character sometimes have different meanings, depending on the next character.. whewwww.. studying while working is a BIG S for me as in STRESS!!!
• Germany
4 Mar 10
it is really frustrating, right?
@mareca11 (212)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Guten Tag :) I took German classes and my professor told me that Germans don't usually speak English. But German is close to the English language because they came from the same language family. I think it's easier to understand German than French or Italian. For me, I think you should speak to them even if you don't understand them very much. I mean, it's obvious that you are a foreigner and you don't quite get the language much so I think they would slow down a bit for you. You don't really have to sound like them. You just have to understand and talk to them, that's the important thing. You're not German so you don't need a German accent. And I suggest that you expose yourself to more German people. It helps
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• Germany
7 Mar 10
Such a wise answer! Thank you for the lift up. :-)
@myramae19 (667)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
Hi tiger I know exactly how it feels, I went to korea last 4 years ago.. at first I really find it hard to understand and to make them understand what im trying to say, they can't speak english.. what i did is I bought dictionary and later after 2 months the management enrolled us in korean language school..and after 5 months of studying their language, we could talk " hangul " really well I was happy with that experience try to learn a little by little so that You won't find it difficult talking with them. God bless and Ingatz
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• Germany
4 Mar 10
Thanks! will try.
@yra1026 (47)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
i know how does it feel dude! its not really that easy, especially if you're talking to someone who couldn't speak with your native tongue. sometimes its annoying! specially if they don't get you and you couldn't discuss it thoroughly with them coz you were running out of words to use and they mean different from yours. hahay soooo difficult to restrain things like this! all i can say is just be positive and be polite so that if ever they don't get what you mean atleast they will stay calm and they will hold their tone towards you... this is how i handled things here dude... :)
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• Germany
4 Mar 10
yeah, you have a good suggestion. Though it gets in my nerve not to find the correct words when it is so easy in English, i will stay positive & be polite. thnx
@jmeangeL (66)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I know what you feel. Working with a multi-national company and having dealings with people from all over the country; it's sometimes very hard to express yourself because of the language barrier. Having conference calls is not a problem with me, if I'm having it with people who can speak english well. But try having a phone conversation with chinese people. I'll assure you that after spending an hour talking with them, you'll get nothing resolved. Not because the problem is unsolvable but because half of the time you end up having somebody translate what you're trying to explain to them. I'm really glad the English is the second language that the Philippines had adopt. It's easier for us to communicate, even if at times it's frustrating. it also helps that we have the same set of alphabets.
• Germany
7 Mar 10
Heheh i can a little Chinese. Went to a chinese school for 10 yrs. Me, too is thankful that English is Philippine's second language. I admit i get tongue tied in Tagalog but feel so comfortable using English.
@ElicBxn (63834)
• United States
7 Mar 10
One of my friends here, Bombshell, is a Pinoy married and living in Germany
• Germany
12 Mar 10
got it ..thnx
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@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
That's is really hard for you, but don't worry..With practice and constant listening I know you can speak their dialect well with the correct tone.. I know you can do it.. Try also to find fellow-countrymen of yours, maybe they can help you with the language and how to learn them fast.. Good for you, you are in a progressive and nice country..just enjoy it and always have dedication in your work..
• Germany
4 Mar 10
I have & is still using the net to listen how they talk. Tried to imitate the tone but i simply sound funny. lol About our fellow countrymen? oh..most speak incorrectly too. And when they are with me, they'd prefer to speak Tagalog. way to learn there. But i'll take your advice. Thnx!
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Guess its really hard to learn there language....Say my regards to all the Filipinos in Germany,,hope i can go there someday...
• Germany
7 Mar 10
for beginners and already in age ( not young )it is hard. The language has many words with the sound of kh know that sound when one tries to spit out the slime from the throat? LOL
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
I have never been out of my country here in the philippines and haven't been experiencing in living in a foreign country but i can relate with how you feel right now. It's very hard to live far from home,you have to adjust in everything, not only in language but to their traditions and attitudes, i just hope that you could cope up and adjust faster so your life will still be worth living there.
• Germany
4 Mar 10
yes! you are right! Its not jsut the language that bothers. I am also irked with the food! German foods does not taste in my tongue. There is also no asian store near the city where i live - its really choking. I wish to love their foods ... how. But life here is really a lot lot better than my life in the Phils. And i love Winter. Now we are approaching spring & the birds are starting to chirp & sing..lovely!
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
It's really hard to be in foreign land where you can't either read nor write their language and many don't understand English. I was living abroad for many years and I find it real frustrating when you can't express your feelings and you can't explain the things they'd ask, it's hard to communicate and every day is a challenge. How I did cope up? Umm... I befriend with many foreign people and as much as possible I tried to learn something from them. I'm a bit observant so little by little I get used on it. It takes years and practice. I'm sure soon with constant practice and interaction you'll perfected their language. Best wishes!
• Germany
7 Mar 10
Everyday practice is the key ... thnx for sharing ur thought.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
oh really? I know in time you will perfect that language. Just don't stop believing in yourself. I think you are really smart. For you to learn another language and for you to travel miles away from our country is really something. I never been in that kind of situation but if I will be, I will try my hardest to learn the language even more. Just set some goals, read and watch movies on the said language and practice everyday. I know it is easier said than done, but you are Pinoy you can definitely do it. Happy Lotting! and God Bless!
• Germany
4 Mar 10
Thank you! I read alot and talk the language everyday but guess i need more time. Watching movies is something i do not like so much. Besides the next movie hse is an hr's drive from the city i live. TV yeah ..programs for kids. They talk slow & clear.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
Practice makes perfect.
• Germany
4 Mar 10
Üben macht den Meister :-) You are correct.