how do you understand that you are in love??
By Lata_45
@Lata_45 (217)
6 responses
• India
4 Mar 10
My experience was a strange one. I saw one girl joined our company, and I was asked to interact and introduce our working group and its activities to her. She was to work with me. This is the first reason for the possibility of love to develop. Proximity and possibility of interaction. Second, her very reserved nature attracted me. Initially she wasn't very attractively dressed. But I am one who looks at attractions beyond what external dressing and other accessories could do. Just three months into her being with me I started dreaming of her. Initailly it was very innocuous. But then the dreams were frequent. Now I had to express this. I use what is called as surrealism to express my feelings. I wrote out my dreams of her and asked her to read them. She read them and 2 to 3 days later when I asked what she felt, she said she felt I am a mad cap. So,as for my tipping point was concerned it happened within 3 months. If you ask me the real reason is connection through lifetimes.
As for an answer to your question I must say if you find an unreasonable pleasure in the presence of a person, and an equally unreasonable pain in the absence of a person, then you are at least nearing the tipping point. It takes, IMO, greter time for the woman to find that she is in love, I mean, even to acknowledge it to herself. Well, this is my generations' idea. The current generation may be more outspoken and unihibited about it.

• India
5 Mar 10
This is a vaery old story. It didn't materialize into marriage though she did do izhaar-e-mohabbat. Our society is too complex but I do respect the sentiments of people if they want to be with it. It was a quarter of a century ago. Remained as sweet memories in my life. Then you know I went the traditional way, and got married to my present wife. Well, this is also an interesting life. God rewarded my pure intentions in a different way I must say now. You asked for experience. I recounted.Since I was trying to tell you about how one feels when one has fallen in love, I supported my"experience" with something anecdotal. If you are in love and have chosen well, I bless you with success. If you haven't chosen well, I pray God to do you the right thing.
@frozenfire (208)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I commented on the original before i read the other posts. coming from my generation, my story was an example-i wouldn't say it's a guy or girl kind of difference because that's sexist, but i'm a girl so..- I don't usually realise how i feel until i let go of a person. somewhat along the lines of "you don't realise what you have until it's gone" theory.
@frozenfire (208)
• United States
5 Mar 10
to each their own perception right? lol but i think..its love when that person means more to you than you know, when you dont really expect it but theres a point when you sense it. When what they want or say mean to you more than your own feelings.. i think i first realised i loved my ex when we were talking. and tho he had feelings for me, i couldnt ask him to leave his girlfriend, but i was his first love..but when he became mine, it was to late. it doesnt make it easier, it still hurt and was unbelievably hard, but it wwas more important to me to hav what was best for him. I would have done anything he asked, helped make his relationship work just because..of love?
@Lata_45 (217)
• India
5 Mar 10
I respect your sentiments and love
But if he loves u even now and you love him then why you both r ingnoring this fact . I think you both should be together if u r still on love. I agree than love doesnt only mean to be together but still if it means that is more lovely wts say
@frozenfire (208)
• United States
6 Mar 10
thankyou..well we couldn't be together because we had to consider the situation. he didnt want to leave his current girlfriend for another girl, he didnt want to be that kind of guy and i didnt want him to make that choice-he might have resented it later on. i know if i gave him an ultimatum, it would have stressd him out and hurt. i told him how i felt and he told me how he felt, but sometimes thats not all that matters. :/
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
11 Jun 10
You just do. You meet someone and then you know soon after. He becomes all you can think about, you are focused on him, he is in every other conversation you have, and to hear his voice makes you giddy like a school girl. However there are some more substantial things that happen,you start thinking about the two of you in terms of a family, you stop doing the things you know make him mad even if you enjoy them. You change you patterns to fit his and you start wondering what would make him happy in every action. This is when you know you love him. Unfortunately this is not how you know he is the one, and I am afraid there is no such thing as the one. If he loves you and respects you and is there for you through good and bad, he is the one. However if after years of marriage he cheats on you, he will quickly become just another one of those guys.
@wolfhound663 (25)
• India
4 Mar 10
i love the girl who was my best friend when in school. seriously would sound unbelievable....but you really don't know when u fall in love wid som1. it jus happens...wid me too it jus happend...but i think u actually realize it when u go a bit far from him/ that time u feel, that somthing is wrong...and why m i missing her...only her of all my frnds??...and thats LOVE....just an awesome feeling!!
@wolfhound663 (25)
• India
5 Mar 10
thr are different ways of missing som1....and i think u do undrstand which way m talking,if u dont hav any special feelings for her...y wud u miss her??...thts obvious...isnt it?
@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
4 Mar 10
This is very good question, and i have answer. I first fell in love when i was a children. I was moved to new home, and on my neighbors lived a beautiful girl. Will it say i love at first sight. We are study in one school, and she didn't look to me. I was like invisible, but when i came at home next day, she first time looked at me. I was so surprised, i went to her and said hi, she replied hi. We have talk........
We learned about each other closer, and after some months i said to she: I love you. She smiled and said: I love you too. And then i realized that i am in love. It just fell that you are in love. Everyday when i wake up i smile, just kept thinking only for her. When I saw her, my heart was moved faster, and a am worried.
@mydfyang (30)
• Bhutan
4 Mar 10
there are many kind of love situations.two people may fall in love when they first see each other;two may become lovers as they have been friends.
for me,i am the latter one. i and my girlfriend have been friends for a long time. one day, i find that i couldn't seperate from her.