Master of None...

@twoey68 (13627)
United States
March 4, 2010 11:38am CST
Most ppl have something they are the master of in their homes. Masters of cleaning, masters of decorating, masters of cooking, masters of organizing, you name it. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that was the master of everything in their home, though I’ve seen them on TV. For me I’d say I’m not really master of any of them. I do organize pretty well, I can do basic cooking, cleaning, decorating and sewing. I could probably stand to do better but I’m somewhat content where I am…though I am working on learning to cook better. I want to eat healthier and to do that, I have to learn how. What about you, what are you the master of? What drives you to be the master of that particular thing? How did you learn that particular thing? [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
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33 responses
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I'm fairly competent in cooking, organization and gardening. General cleaning I'm passible in, but I fail miserably in dusting. Probably the only thing I'm a master of would be procrastination. Could write a book about that...if I ever got around to it.
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• United States
4 Mar 10
Ha ha ha clever!
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Hello my friend I must say I am the master of anything I do only because I am a perfectionist by nature so whenever I do anything I give 110% of me, I am a good cook of course there is always room for improvement like cooking any/everything cleaning I am great at this etc etc I always give alot of myself in whatever I do, I think this is a great quality to have, am I perfect heck no but I give the best of me, which is pretty darn good. Thanks my friend.
3 people like this
• United States
4 Mar 10
I may not deserve the title "master" but I am the equivalent.."The Best" at everything I do in my home. This is easy to achieve as I live alone with my pets. Although when I still has my family living with me no-one dared to challenge my Master status!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Mar 10
hi twoey68 for a long time while I still had a home I was the master of cooking spaghetti and meat balls par excellent. Now I am not in a place where I can cook anything sob sob. boring tiresome retirement center.I learned that barelli has the best spaghetti plus with extra protein added and does not have the ability to make my blood sugar rise. I prefected cooking it til al dente, and the sauce was to die for, its so good.It had omega 3 and 6 and not only tastes good but is really good for you.
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• Lubbock, Texas
4 Mar 10
I just couldn't resist responding to this. I'm with whiteheather39. I live alone, so I'm soley responsible for my house, but I must say that I'm the master of letting the house keep me instead of keeping house.
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• United States
4 Mar 10
I am a jack of all trades yet master of none! I am no master at anything! I struggle through most things that I do
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Mar 10
dont know that am master of anything but what ever it is it came naturally!lolololol
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4 Mar 10
I guess I would have to say that I am a master of apathy. LOL I know jobs need to be done around the place but I find myself sitting at the computer in MyLotLand and end up more drawn to typing that dusting.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
4 Mar 10
i guess i am like you though i have a strong creative side and that is what i do. everything else i visit the library for. if i want information on how to do things or how to be better at something, that is what i do.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I think when it's a necessity, you have no choice but to muster these things over time. I mean, if you keep on cooking (cause you need to) sooner or later you'll develop a particular style and taste for it. Similarly, if you need to clean house all the time, then you'll form a routine for it, don't you think? We are bound to be good at something we're doing for well over a number of years. I cook a lot, which makes me a competent cook. I don't sew a lot, thus making me a mediocre seamstress. But the most detested chore I ever come across with is ironing. My mom is good with it, but I just hate that chore.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Mar 10
Hubby and I don't iron his mom does. When We moved out for a bit we didn't iron, never really needed to. Well when we move out again we're going to get that ball you put in the dryer that they show on commercials. Also, I'll make it a habit to get the clothes straight from the dryer and hang them up... even if that's just above the washer and dryer, I'll hang them up and deal with putting them up later... lol.
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• United States
4 Mar 10
Add me to the list! I've asked my hubby what do I do well at? He only ever says I make cute babies (our kids)! But that's nothing marketable I can turn into a career unless I want to be a surrogate and that's not happening! There's just so much to learn and I'm not particularily strong in any of them or atleast in my opinion... eh but what do I know?
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Mar 10
Hi Twoey, I don't know that i'm a master at anything but anything that is done around my house i do.. i love to cook & i like a clean house.I started cooking when i was very young so i at least ought to be half way good at that. lol.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I am never a Master, always a student and I intend to stay that way through out my life. From my point of view there is always something new to learn.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Mar 10
I don't believe that I am a master of any household task. I am a fairly decent cook, but there is still a lot of things that I could stand to learn when it comes to cooking. I've definitely never been a domestic goddess when it comes to cleaning, but I'm getting better at that as time goes by. If you could be a master of raising the children then that would be the one thing that I would say that I'm a master of, I've raised my two children pretty well to this point and as my mother says, I spend more time with my nieces than their own parents do.
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@urbandekay (18278)
14 Mar 10
Master of avoiding chores! all the best urban
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
4 Mar 10
Morning...twoey...I am the Master of my own destiny...I take full charge, and I have learned to be good at it...and it makes it easy to become a Master of many other things, like over time how I have learned to be so self reliant..and self sufficient. Sounds like I am pumping myself up...that is NOT true...but I know that I can count on me...and rely on me! Take care and Cheers!
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• Australia
13 Mar 10
if i had to choose which i was best at i would have to pick cooking ovver cleaning!! I don't have the motivation to keep EVERYTHING spotless at all times, but i do like things to be clean and have there place. However i quite enjoy cooking and preparing a delicious meal for my family to eat.
@comfort55 (1574)
• India
4 Mar 10
Hi twoey68, well I am not a master of anything but yes, whatever I do, I do fairly well. I give my 100% to whatever task I take in my hand...but still I've a feeling that had I been a master of anything, I would have made it my full time profession...never mind, I am grateful to Lord for whatever He has given. Have a nice day!!!
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• United States
23 Mar 10
Well, I had to stop and think about this for a while! What am I the master of???? Well, the only thing I can come up with is I am the master of doing what everyone else wants me to do. I am the master of giving in! Example - My daughter tells me at 9pm last night she needs pants fixed for her concert tomorrow. What concert? I get's she forgot to tell me that too. Anyways, she works and pushes my "mommy-your-the-best" buttons. So, of course I give in I figure I will work on them to night and in the morning I finish them. They where done by 6am. She wore them to school. I stayed up all night! Why do you ask because I wanted to be a good mom! Anyway, I have hubby buttons and sister buttons and all kids of buttons that ppl push to get me to agree with them. So, I am a master of buttons and getting them pushed. I do have two skills that I do for myself. I write and I paint! I am very good at them and I taught myself out of books. *Peace and Love get's you through everything in Life*
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
22 Jul 10
I have heard the expersion jack of all trades but a master of none. I do think that one applies to me is some way. I am not realy good at anything around the house but I can do some of the most basic things. my gf says I am smart becase I have figured out how to do a few things around the house but that was thur learing by trail and error. then using the brain that god gave me. lol. but I suposed my speicalty would be to be a master of home entertament. like hook up the dvd, vcr, and sat to the t.v.