Can Anyone Give Me Any Ideas To Stop My Cat From Scratching The Stairs?

An Example Of The Red Carpet I So Badly Want! - How bright is that red carpet? Love it!
@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
March 4, 2010 3:26pm CST
As with most areas of the house, the stairs have a carpet on them - an old, but nevertheless a very good carpet. I am convinced that this carpet would have major holes in it by now if it had not been a high quality one when it was new. It's definitely over 10 years old as my hubby inherited it when he moved in during December 1999. Nowadays, due to Flojo's scratching it's gone a bit "fluffy and tufty" where she has scratched, probably on about 3 stairs now. Flojo will scratch when she is in "fun mode" whereby she will leap and run all over the house. She is (mainly) an indoor cat so I suppose it's a way for her to let off steam and I honestly don't have a problem with it. We have a leather suite that my hubby paid a lot of money for and I would say there are only 2 minor scratches on it. I had visions of covering the whole suite up once we got Flojo but we've not had to do this. So I make allowances with the stair carpet. The thing is though; what will happen when we buy a new carpet (which we will do, one day) as I am worried that she will be so excited at seeing a new one that it will be ripped to shreds in no time. As far as the current carpet is concerned, she will pick out the larger stair near the top and scratch that, or she will pinpoint two more and scratch right at the edges at the front, so she is stretching out to scratch, basically. I know there are scratch mats around but what are they like? Would they look a bit unsightly placed on every single stair and are they practical? We are planning on a bright red (adventurous, eh?) carpet in future. Would it be a good idea to ensure we have "left overs" from the original roll? A new carpet is a long, long way off at the moment but I suppose it's a good idea to plan ahead! Over to you my fellow cat lovers!
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15 responses
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 10
1. trim their claws 2. convince them to scratch somewhere else (ie scratching post) 3. put something there that scares them off, ie bad smell, electronic noise maker 4. squirt them with water if they scratch there I have scratching posts all over the place, and Oreo uses them, but Jason has gotten attached to my old sofa. Thank goodness it's the old sofa and not the good one...
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 10
Jason's my little sweetie. Cary named him after a boy in his class.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Aww how cute!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
4 Mar 10
Aww Jason is such a cute name for a cat, I love it! He seems to be a good boy too..well, sort of! Thanks for the advice!
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@pandaeyes (2065)
5 Mar 10
You could try a citrus spray. I think you can get scented sprays and cats really hate the smell of citrus fruits. I would think that you could make some if you cant find any commercially just by using the type of sprays for pot pouri and diluting it in water. I wonder if the cat would use a scratching post in preference if there was one right near the stairs? Ours likes to scratch outside mostly but my in-laws had several cats and they used to love scratching the carpet tiles till they pulled them up. they got one of those rope wound posts for theirs and it did seem to lessen the occurrences.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
5 Mar 10
Using a citrus spray...good tip there, for sure..
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Mmmm it is isn't it? So many great suggestions, it's wonderful that so many people care about my cat, thanks. Over the weekend we shall have a look round Pets At Home (which is a great store as people are allowed to take their dogs in there, they love it) and I'm sure there will be dedicated staff like on this website that can help me out with this. I'm determined to sort something out in the next few hours anyway so I will keep everyone posted as to how I get on.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Mar 10
There are sprays made for repulsing cats from scratching furniture and carpet. I've never used the sprays because I had a cat that was allergic to chemicals. You could also use cyanne (red) pepper sprinkled on the areas that she scratches. The little fiends I have now don't claw the carpet or furniture so there isn't a problem. Also get a really good spray bottle or water pistol and each time she starts to claw the carpet let her have a healthy squirt of water. After a few squirts she'll get the idea, and she won't hold the water against you. Does she have a scratching post? Cats like to stretch when they claw, so a short post doesn't really do all that much good. I'm not too sure of the things they have on television as they're too expensive for my budget. I would invest in one of the "cat condo's" that they sell at pet stores. They give the cat the exercise they need, a high place to sleep, a place to claw without causing problems, and it is they're piece of furniture.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
7 Mar 10
Thank you so much for your respone. The Cat condo has been mentioned a couple of times. Unfortunately, this house isn't the biggest so it may take up too much space. However, the spray idea is a good one and I have a multi-purpose spray that is about to run out so when that happens I will rinse it thoroughly, fill it with water and point it at the moggy if she misbehaves lol. No, we don't have a scratching post. I have thought about placing one at the foot of the stairs or on the bigger, corner stair. I have a lot to think about!
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
4 Mar 10
I have scratch posts and stuff around my house too.....They do work but my cat has a fansy with shoes and he will scratch at them.....He does this mainly when he is excited or playing or ticked that I haven't fed him NOW lol...... All I do with my cat CoCo.....Is sternly call his name and scoop him up point to where he scratched and say NO or yell his name it doesn't stop him from inttially doing it but when I hear it he runs lol and generally gets the idea....There may be products you can use to discourage the cat from scratching there I'm not sure good luck and happy mylotting.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
4 Mar 10
Thanks for that last suggestion. I do shout "no" at my cat but, unfortunately, she doesn't like being picked up for me to show her the error of her ways lol. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't scratch us to ribbons or anything, it's just she has her own quirky personality...and the stair scratching is the only quirk she has that may be - potentially, the carpet!
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@kaylachan (65380)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Mar 10
Chances are if she doesn't like the material she won't cratch it. But, you can get scraps of that material and place it in areas that its okay to scratch. Put some of it on a wooden box and the cats will love it. Its cheeper then a cratching post.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
4 Mar 10
Unfortunately, I can't do that with the old carpet as it's covering the whole of the stairs so no spare bits. However, your suggestion is a brilliant one for a NEW carpet we may buy in the future, thanks so much.
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• Canada
5 Mar 10
Hello Janey, wish I could help you but I dont have a cat. I have a dog and when he tried to chew on things, I caught him on time and said NO, when he'd stop Id give him a treat and it worked! Now even if his toy is on a low coffee table, he'll whine for me to get it and he wont touch it as its not on the floor. I dont think training can work well with cats though.....or maybe it could?
5 Mar 10
Some people say that you can train a cat.. but only if the cat agrees to be trained
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Yes, I would go along with that...and my cat falls into the "I don't want to be trained thanks" category! She will come over to hubby whenever he beckons her to do so..but not every time! It's quite funny when she just sits there and stares at him. Haha!
@jwfarrimond (4473)
5 Mar 10
One of mine does scratch on the stair carpet and I've not been able to stop her so the carpet is now in a pretty sad condition If I hear her scratching I yell and she stops right away, but she'll be back at it another time. I've pretty much given up on the carpet now.
5 Mar 10
It's not actually in bits, but there are holes here and there and in some places she has ripped it down to the backing. Sometimes I think that it might be better to get rid of it and just use pieces of carpet nailed down on the treads with carpet tacks. Those could be easily replaced if there was further damage but obviously that's only possible if you have wooden stairs.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Oh dear. Our carpet isn't in bits but is looking a bit tufty in parts. It's the same with me. Sometimes I hear her scratching in the middle of the night and I shout out "Stop it Flojo!" and she does...but not for long! She doesn't scratch for a long time as she actually sleeps on my pillow for most of the night. Then she is in Cute Mode!
5 Mar 10
Flojo sounds a lot like Moomin, hun. He just loves to scratch at an area of the carpet right by the door and the only way I have found to keep him off it is to use a citron spray. I use an orange and lemon spray every now and again which seems to keep him off the area, it makes the carpet smell nice but it also seems to stop Moomin from getting too destructive on it.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Is this the kind of spray you get from places like M&S or is it something from the local pet shop? Thanks for your suggestion, I shall give it some serious thought.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
5 Mar 10
Flojo's the name is it? That's really cute.. I think Dawn's tips might be trim shorter the claws or something.. Or if you can get those cheap plastic to run over your stairs.. those disposable plastic wraps, might be a good idea. It sticks to any surface when you use..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
10 Mar 10
Thank you for telling me about the history of Flojo, the name.. Citrus spray? Perhaps that might work, you may try that who knows.. very much welcome, Janey. Always a pleasure.. oh yeah, cats can get clawy, chance of trimming the claws.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
I'm glad you like the name! Flojo is named after the great American female sprinter (sadly, no longer with us) called Florence Griffith-Joyner. Her nickname was Flojo. Our cat reminds us of her when she flies up and down the stairs at great amazing sight! I'm not so sure about trimming the claws as she can be quite vicious with them if you get my meaning. The idea that's coming out on top at the moment (I would say) is the citrus spray but I am open to any suggestions and thanks very much for yours, it is much appreciated.
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@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
5 Mar 10
give ur cat a better alternative. that is why i do and it works. for instance, to make ur stop scratching ur stuff or furniture, get the cat a scratch post and scratch boards. my cat loves them. my cat used to climb the blinds. so i eventually bought him a 6 ft cat tree, which he loves and prefers. he lounges in it all day. i placed it by a window because animals enjoy windows. so now he has a room with a view. and buy ur cat certain toys that he/she would love to keep ur cat from playing around with ur stuff. animals r very snoops.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Those are some brilliant suggestions, thank you for taking the time to tell me about them. It is interesting what you say about windows. My cat does like to sit on the windowsill at certain times of the day. Most of the time she's asleep though, lol.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I think you can give him something to scratch like a piece of wood or anything that has a solid but soft surface. This is a usual for cats and they will keep on scratching your carpet if you will not make a way for him to find something new to scratch. you can also avoid him from doing that by giving him a not so hard beat or shew him away. Its hard to remove a bad habit, just like people struggles. They also require someone to discipline them somehow :)
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
I have decided to go down the "spraygun" route for now, see if that helps. The bottle isn't empty yet but when it is I shall fill it with water. Should have fun with it if nothing else lol.
@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
5 Mar 10
Buy a good scratch mat for your cat and make shore it doesn't move or you could try to give her a piece of tree trunk some cats like to scratch that. Our tigi has a mat and it's also torn to pieces in one year and she also scratches the wall a bit but we don't really care because we love her so much. Check her out
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
How adorable is Tigi! No wonder she gets away with stuff! Glad that wasn't a real mouse, wouldn't stand a chance would it? Thanks for sharing and for the advice too, it's much appreciated.
@udayrao2 (781)
• India
5 Mar 10
Poor Janey!!! I have had the same problem with cats and that habit is something inborn and will stay with the cats, no matter what you do. From my cats mats, sofa-covers, quilts, shoes etc whatever good surface has been around have all been scratched at times beyond recognition - no, scratch mats do not help much as they will add that too to their list!!!! In fact you have to live with this problem with cats, no matter whatever you try, and bear it smilingly. So don't worry and be happy.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
5 Mar 10
Well I love my cat no matter what she does as she keeps me sane!
• Germany
7 Mar 10
My Scottish Fold have sracthed on our walls. I put scotch tape or transparent packaging tape on where she has scratched and it stopped her. I bought her a tree to scratch on. She loved ti and uses it often. I also have a scratch board near my bed to invite her to scratch everytime she woke up. But sometimes when i catch her scratching on the sofa, she'll run away when she sees me grabbing the water spray.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
7 Mar 10
Yes,I think my cat will run away if I spray her (or at her) lol. It will be interesting to see what happens. Thanks for your response, it's much appreciated.
@BarBaraPrz (46492)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
4 Mar 10
Harmony scratches the carpet, too. I got her one of those scratch bars "imbued with catnip" but she won't use it. I guess we'll just have to break down and get some of that spray stuff that's supposed to deter the little darlings.