Should the Seaworld killer whale be killed??

@wigima5 (904)
United States
March 4, 2010 9:23pm CST
We've all heard about the killer whale in Seaworld. in case you haven't, a killer whale ended up killing its trainer during a show at Seaworld a few days ago. She fell, and when she came down, he grabbed her ponytail n pulled her underwater, ending up drowning her. Many ppl have argued, should the whale be killed? Should it be let to live? Some have even discussed if it should be let go into the wild. This is what I think: I think NO. under no circumstances should it be killed. These are wild animals, and as such, they are unpredictable. The trainers know the risks when they decide to trian with the animals. You can't keep an animal in captivity, and then decide to kill it when it acts like an animal. They act on instincts, and like i've said are unpredictable. killing it would be extremely unfair and wrong. And as for releasing it into the wild, it's been living in captivity all its life. If you release it into the wild it will die because it has NO idea how to take care of itself, hunt, or survive. and its instincts have dulled a bit from being in captivity.
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11 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Mar 10
To be honest I am not real sure what to think. You bring up some very good points. First, the trainer should have known the dangers. Though it was tragic what happened to her, the whale's name itself shows how dangerous it can be. The whale was just acting on instinct as you said and did not know any better. Sure he was trained, but who is to say he is happy having forced captivity? I think that the whale should not be left to go free because as you said it's senses are most likely dulled because of being in captivity and tended to. Whales are not like dogs, they can not be trained in the same way, and they can't be certain to understand the same commands. They are not domesticated though they are trained.
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
5 Mar 10
This whale has lived at Sea World for 30 years and is not going to be killed. Sea World has already stated they will continue to take care of him. I have posted many times this doesn't happen a lot and yes it is a risk trainers take. It was a tragic accident. I still am going to Sea World as I am sure many lotters on here will. Even though you mostly hear from the ones who don't think whales should be kept in tanks. And you are also right this whale would not survive in the ocean if it were released and would be killed fairly quickly by the others. Killer Whales are in packs they form early in life. Can't see them accepting a new one just like that. Sea World has also a great breeding program there and they do know what they are doing. I do see both sides cause of course what is best for all wild animals is to be in the wild. But the selfish side of me loves going to the shows and watching the tricks. Orcas are beautiful animals and I love going to Sea World and seeing them. I still remember as a child one time they had a killer whale in the petting tank. This whale would stay at the edge and loved to be petted. He would move a little and roll over so you could pet his chin. The dolphins you couldn't get to but this whale loved the attention. He stayed like that all day whenever he walked by he was always at the edge getting attention. It was a awesome experience that I will never forget.
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Aww that is adorable. :) I DO agree, I have never been to seaworld, but I have been to aquariums many times and I do not oppose to the animals in the tanks. Just like in your story, they are often content with their lives. In the 1800's there was no such thing as television or a computer, and today sometimes ppl say, how did ppl not get bored back then? But if you never KNEW something, you can't MISS it. Its the same with the animals. It is kinda sad they cant be out in nature, but if they never KNEW nature, they cant ever MISS it. In fact imagine you were that whale and you were dropped back into the big dark cold ocean. You would have NO idea what you were doing there, WHAT to do, HOW to survive. He would die quickly and suffer, not to mention he'd be freaked out of his mind. And I didn't know about that pack thing. So interesting! Thanks. You bring up really good points.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
6 Mar 10
I love Orcas and have watched some specials on them. I don't like when they show them killing seals and other animals. I can't watch animals eating animals in the wild. I know they have to circle of life and all I can't watch it. I know Sea World is getting a bad rap right now but they do love these animals and I know a lot of people may not agree but I do believe these animals love them back. There have been some videos of this trainer having fun with these whales. Animals do bond with humans wild or domestic. It was a accident even her family has done nothing but talk about her love for these animals and how she was dreaming of working at Sea World since she was 9 years old. How many of us really do get to have our dream job. I do hope she didn't suffer much and I believe this whale didn't know he was killing her. When he saw the pony tail I was thinking and this is my own theory I have nothing to back it up but maybe just seeing it hanging in the water maybe he thought it was food since it was long and straight like a long fish or something. Or just playing around. I hope one day you do get to go to Sea World I would go more if I lived closer to it.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I don't think it should be killed or let loose for the same reasons you stated. It's not the animals fault. And since it has been in captivity for it's whole life, it ought to be just put in a tank for people to look at and never given the opportunity to do this again. Poor woman and poor whale. Great Discussion! ~Have A Blessed Day~
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
6 Mar 10
I agree. They should keep it in seaworld, but they SHOULD change it into another seperate tank for the whales that don't perform shows.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Mar 10
Since the whale grabbed her by the ponytail, he might have just been playing, not knowing she could be drown.I like the set free better than killing this animal.
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Well Seaworld has already stated that it will NOT be killing, or releasing the animal. Yes, better to set free as opposed to killing. But still not too good an option. And exactly what I was thinking. It pbbly saw the long ponytail waving in the breeze and decided to play with it.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
5 Mar 10
This Killer Whale has killed now killed three people. If they had released it when he killed the first time the other two people would still be alive. When are they going to realize that what they are doing is just not right. These animals need to be released into the wild to be free and at peace. It's an absolute outrage that they continue to keep animals caged in captivity.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
5 Mar 10
One of the three deaths was by a man who hid out in the park waited until the park was closed and was found in the killer whale tank. He was clearly on suiside mission. It would be nice if everyone knew all of the facts. The whale is not going to be released or is it going to be put down.
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
6 Mar 10
I agree with snoopyfan. People need to see all the facts and the real truth of the stories. As for the three deaths, i had slightly heard about that, but I also heard that this was the First ever trainer killed by a killer whale. Probably the other two did stupid things to agrivate the whales.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
You are very right. With people like you, i know that wild animals who are voiceless has a chance of survival in this cruel world. I think some people think that they are the masters in this jungle called earth, when the helpless animals wants is co-existence and be accepted for who they are . We cannot always expect wild animals to think the way we think,that's impossible. Their unpredictability has been their trademark and we should let them be such and be free to exist for who they wild creatures.
@wigima5 (904)
• United States
6 Mar 10
thank you, I'm sure you are the same way and will help defend these animals. :)
5 Mar 10
I don't think the whale can really be held responsible, it's essentially a wild animal and, if anything, should not be kept in captivity at all. There have been many incidents where people have kept wild animals only to have the animals turn on them, surely it is better that in this instance the whale should be allowed to live.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
5 Mar 10
I think this is a very complicated situation as well.. I think what one responder said might be a cool idea. To just tank it to let people see, so that no more harm can be done. That might not be bad after all, but of course, there will be no animal shows..
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Mar 10
hi wigima5 No turn it loose back into the ocean it will soon adapt agin,, and this time forget the act, a killer whale is called that because why? it kills, duh. How stupid and this accident was bound to happen sooner or later, Sea World should have figured that out by now, killer whales are not called Killer for no reason.It will soon adapt and it would be cruel to kill it for something that is its very nature. Sea World has trained biologists there and they should have known better. no acts with killer whales, the idea is stupidity in itself.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I completely agree with you, if you have wild animals in captivity on display for people things can possibly go wrong. In this case it doesn't seem like the whale even meant to kill her and it was kind of an accident. Whales are huge animals and I don't really think they are meant to be kept in tanks for humans entertainment.
@Mike4me (567)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I definitely agree with you. These are animal and not humans, its their fault in the first place why they captured them, they should know about the risk and the possible things that could happen.