street children in your eyes

@advokatku (4033)
March 4, 2010 9:59pm CST
may our has familiar view child's of street in major cities, which in their daily lives are always on the streets and mingled with harsh street life. … a scene that was very usual, see they approached the motorist who stopped at a red light, just to ask for mercy from people who were passing in front their. indeed, insistence economic regardless of age. It's really very unfortunate, unlike the children who live more normal, should the street children be in lap their parents, not in lap of street. They thirsty compassion, education, special attention and proper nutrition. so, my friend .. what you usually do when a street kid approaches you, do you feel sorry for them?
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10 responses
@Reyk22 (131)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I don't feel sorry for them. And that's the truth. Nowadays parents expect children to stay indoors much more then when they were children. And it is unfair. People are all worried about predators and rapists and bad men because they are overemphasized on the news. Id prefer to have a been a greaser in the 40s because of all the freedom of movement. You would not have to ask just for the ok to go walk down the street. In this day and age there is not very many 'street kids' in the sense that they are too poor for food/water, at least not in the US were there are streets. Certainly there are poor people in 3rd world countries and a lot of them, but they're not street kids because they don't live on the street.
• United States
5 Mar 10
I'm sorry but I'm just going to say this because I was homeless when I was a little girl, but how do you feel as a person that you have no compassion for a CHILD that is hungry and has to beg for food or money? Open your eyes and realize how many hungry child there actually are in the US and perhaps your heart could grow a little and you could show some compassion
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Yes, I feel so sorry for them. In fact, I sometimes don't look at them because their situation just makes me cry. However, the more I feel sorry because most of them are being used and abused by syndicates. That makes me more sorry for them.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
5 Mar 10
yes, that's right friend, their poverty sometimes used by some people who are not responsible. on the suffering of street children, they danced and laughed delightedly ... exploitation of suffering and poverty of street children is the exploitation of the worst crimes
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 10
I don't think I've ever seen a street kid except maybe in Mexico...
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Mar 10
I have not been approached by a child on the streets but I do feel bad for the children that are exposed to it. It is a true shame. Most of them resort to crime because they know no other way to provide for themselves. I think that there should be more done for these children and maybe they will one day have the chance to live full and productive lives.
@vince06 (98)
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
this scenario is very common here in our place(cebu city philippines)..there are many streets children in the streets..but in my case if i have extra money i will give them a small amount but if i dont have i will just say NO to also afraid if i give money to them because there's a law here in our country that person who is caught giving money to this children will be punish..i think they make this law so that no one will give to the children and those street children will no longer ask because no one will give them..soem of them ask what you have in your hand like your eating something and they will approach you and ask for that some ask in a rude way thats why i will choose the one who is not rude in asking....
@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
5 Mar 10
Seeing the street children, I always want to cry looking at them. I try not to look at them whites and sad faces. They are children who have lost parents and homes, refugees. Sometimes I would like to help them, but they are so much. I always give them some money to buy something eat. Child's who has a homes don't now how feeling this kids. Child's who has a home don't knows that it is, because they are accustomed to normal life, normal food, and all amenities. Do you help that child's?
@fianne (1057)
• United States
5 Mar 10
well ye, i really feel sorry for them. I always do what I needed to do. They don't need to come to me though, just to ask for help. No, I don't wait for that, I usually come to them and offer my hand. One thing is that it made me happy like no any other happiness can ever replace it, not even a wedding with my husband's happiness I felt can be compared with it. It's really amazing how I felt happy and made my day. I just hope and wish I can continue doing it. It's hard to feel happy and sorry too, it's a mixed emotion and a very opposite feeling so, I really hope I can continue helping street children and street people. So help me God...
• United States
5 Mar 10
I have never seen a "street child" before because I live in the USA but my heart goes out to any and every child that is poor or homeless, because I was when I was a little girl and it is extremely hard to be hungry or not have a roof over your head, and it hurts, it really hurts when people are cruel about it and have no compassion. Its extremely sad that a child would have to beg for money and I will always have sympathy for them.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
yes of course i really feel sorry for those street children running and begging for money wonder what their parents re doing. sometimes they will grab your hand just to get your attention which i hate the most and just took the foods you carry. sometimes if they ask for money from me, i just told them to go home and ask money from their father instead or tell their father to work for them. i really hate those irresponsible parents who just let their children do like that, its their fault anyway.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
i feel the goverment city is corrupt when i see street children ang parents of street children is irresponsible..