How would you encourage someone not to resign from his/her work?

March 5, 2010 2:10am CST
I am greatly encouraging my friend not to resign from his present job because he is only working for four months there and his employer is willing to give him an increase in his pay just to keep him. He said no matter how high the pay he would get, he wanted to be free of the stress his job is giving him. He wouldn't listen to me so I thought my encouragment is not at all effective. I told him he needed at least a year of experience to be able to land on a better job because this is his first job. I also told him that it is very difficult to find a job now a days. He wouldn't listen still. Do you know how to encourage him not to resign? What else should I tell him just to make him keep his job?
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8 responses
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Well, if he is feeling stressed and not happy, I think nothing you say can really change his mind. I am actually for him when he resigns, cause I really think that no amount of money could really pay for the stress you get and the sleepless nights you'll have because of your work. I don't think it's ever going to be worth it. So let him be, and just hope that he gets another job that will pay him and he would be happy working.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I thought of that already, and yes, he seem so stressed, maybe it's time for him to relax a bit..
• India
5 Mar 10
I will not encourage my friend we also work hardly 4 months but environment of our company is not so good we are employee but we are treated as servant we get absence in twice in month then our salary cuts and we can't tolerate them so instead of encouraging him/her i tell that leave this job and try another one which i'm going to do for both of us.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
so, it's okay to leave his job? but there's a high risk of not finding a new and good one..
@techgurl (451)
• Greece
5 Mar 10
It amazes me how some are so willing to throw away their jobs, whilst others are struggling to get one. If it is stress that bothers your friend, you can tell him that even if he changes his job, it would be even worse. As he doesn't have working experience and he will also be the "new guy" at the new job, he will have a lot more work to do for maybe a lower salary than what he has now. It will take him awhile till he proves himself in the new working place and maybe the new employer might not be willing to give him a raise as the current one is. Hope this helps.
@kaylachan (67399)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Mar 10
In reality you can't force someone to stick around. While it is next to impossible, stistics aren't going to matter if a person tries and really wants to quit. The best thing you can do is talk to him, find out why he's considering it. Chances are he's venting and in the back of his mind he doesn't really want to quit, otherwise he would have done it already. But considering this looks like a real possibility then I would stop and think, what could be the reason? What exactly is stressing him out, and tell him to be honest with his employer. tell him or her the real problem and see if a satulition can be reached.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
5 Mar 10
hi! WEll, first of all i want to say, that if this person is really not satisfied with its job, and I see that the job is really not good and he/she doesn't feel well there, I will not try to encourage him/her not to leave it, i even will help him/her to find a new one. But if he/she is not right, then I think I will say to him/her all the advantages of that job and that it is really good and he/she will never find something better than it! that's what I am going to do
• Pakistan
5 Mar 10
Ill just say few words to him i think that will convince him ill say to him these things 'if ull resign then u'll be called a looser because loosers run away from the challenges this is a challenge for you proove it that you are eligible to conquer the difficulties in this job if ull find another job than although ull get the job but people will call you a looser because you ran away from the job ' ( when u call some 1 a looser he obviously hates this and will try to prove that he or she is not a loser
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
If your friend has made up his mind better respect his decision. What you're giving is just an advice. At the end of the day, your friend is the one who makes the decision. If stress is his primary reason of resigning then i think he is doing the right decision. Stress is part of our daily lives but if it's too much that it affects our well being then the earlier he quits his job the better for him. health should be our primary concern. if he's boss is willing to increase his salary just for him to stay means he is good at what he is doing and therefore he will not find it hard to look for other job somewhere else.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I think your friend understands all the points you've made, but if the stress of the job is getting to him, I'd stand behind/support him in his decision to resign. I'd also offer to help to find a job that is less stressful and would offer new opportunities.