What Religions believe in "Mother Nature"

United States
March 5, 2010 10:42pm CST
Someone told me that some pagan beliefs believe in Mother Nature, is this true and why do you believe in her and what does she actually do.
4 responses
• United States
6 Mar 10
Many Pagan beliefs center around nature, and "Mother Nature" is certainly one of the forms in which the Goddess reveals Herself to us. I'm Wiccan, which is only one Pagan (please note proper capitalization) religion. Someone who belongs to another Pagan religion may well have a different answer. Is it accurate to say I "believe in her?" It's rather like saying I believe in rocks -- nature is right there. It's rather odd to ask what She does, too -- She is All. What does the Universe do? It exists, it has cycles, it gives us a place to live as corporate entities.
• United States
6 Mar 10
Ok so it is not so much a belief in Mother Nature per se but in what she represents such as the nature that is all around us. My question is that is she seperate from God made things or a part of them. Keep in mind I believe in God (masculine) so I mean no disrespect to you or the Goddess you believe in. However, does this means that nature is a seperate entity from God.
• United States
6 Mar 10
Refer back to our discussion of animism: Just as a cup, or the art of pottery, or an animal have a spiritual existence, so does nature. "Mother Nature" is one of the names that people have come up with over the centuries to describe her. She has a thousand other names. I can't answer your question about Jhvh, because I do not accept the premise that Jhvh made things. The Lord and Lady are Original and Uncreated, reflections of one Another upon the Void. They are all, and there is no such thing as being separate from Them. I recognize Jhvh, whom you call "God" as one of a million names by which people know God, but I do not recogize Him as God in the sense that you mean it.
• United States
9 Mar 10
Again I have learned something from you. I am going to work on my project, what I am working on is telling the world about world religions unbiased, I am not going to let my own biases get in, instead I am going to describe each and write some of the things that I have heard from the people of those religions. However I will ask a lot of questions too. I will invite everyone who contributed to read them later on the site, this will not be spam either because I wont be selling anything. Just want to have a truthful understanding, you know I say there is no peace because we dont try to understand each other, that is why I think talking about it, having debates on the points, and reaching out to each other is so great. I remember a long time ago when I was a Muslem, one of the teachers said that God gave every religion the truth, when the languages changed each formed new religions, when that happened they took with themselves part of that truth and until we unify under that one God we will never know the whole truth, while this may sound far fetched, I believe that (what I get) is that until I understand other religions, and understand why they believe what they believe, I cant tell them my truth without alienating them, nor will they be willing to hear my truth if I dont at least show respect for theirs so I try too.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Mar 10
I am Pagan (a Witch to be a tad more specific) and I PERSONALLY dont see "Mother Nature" as a being...To me "Mother Nature" is just another term or way of saying "the Earth and all its creatures"...As for Pagans, yes we are very "Earth-based", "Earth-loving" ppl but even so not all of us believe the same..I'm sure that SOME Pagans do see "Mother Earth" as a being/Goddess etc but certainly not all of us do..
• United States
6 Mar 10
I see. I will definitely have to start a discussion on Paganism in the future, but I am trying to understand why people believe the way they do, before I write about it. It is important to get the facts.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
6 Mar 10
Ravenladyj pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. Again. lol
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
I love the nature, but I do not worship it like pagans do. The worship is credited to its Creator, God. The nature makes it easy for me to believe in God and His power.
6 May 10
Hi i was wondering what u would call my belief i believe in like rocks r rocks and water is water and fire is fire and so on so im not to sure what it is called my mum says its called wicker (not sure thats how u spell it) could u please help thankyou :-)