Denied life insurance

United States
March 6, 2010 12:09pm CST
Since my Mom passed I thought it would be wise since his company has a supplimental life insurance to ask for additional coverage for him & get me covered as it would be pennies a week literally to have us covered. Well it took forever for us to get a response back after the enrollment period. And I guess I was foolish to think that they'd discriminate so much but they do! OMG I'm TOO FAT to qualify for insurance benefits. I'm not on any medications. I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes NOTHING. But cause I"m over whatever guideline they have we were denied. Somehow they must follow stereo types that anyone who is over 200 has tons of medical issues and that just isn't true! But of course you know if I drop the weight & keep it off for 6months they'd reconsider. Sure and they can pay the gym membership and child care premiums I currently cannot afford if they'd like. My hubby the smoker wasn't declined either just me. Anyway it's been bugging me for a week now... I haven't really been discriminated cause of my size in so long it's mind blowing I guess. And sadly it was bullying by my peers as a teen & a very depressed Mom that said.... "here eat this..... you'll feel better" knowing know that's how she coped with her depression and not knowing any differently that's what I did too. Oh well life rolls on I suppose. But that's my soapbox @ the moment!
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8 responses
• Canada
6 Mar 10
Awwwwwwwww sweetie I am so sorry to hear that! I am a VERY self concious woman about my weight and my looks and to me that is just rediculous that they would do that! I am 5'10" so for a woman to be as tall as me plus be under 200 is pretty damn iffy. I think the part that really got me about your discussion was that you have no health problems otherwise and you don't smoke BUT your hubby does and he would have been accepted WTF? Like society doesn't make women insecure enough about "what their supposed to look like!" Grrrrrrr Now Im mad and disgusted!
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• Canada
7 Mar 10
Wow! Them giving you numbers and everything is just harsh! As for my post before about being self concious in a gym I really think that if I had a WII fit or something here at home I would definitely lose the weight! I just hate feeling like the fatty in front of a bunch of better looking and more fit people! That just fills my head with all kind of negative talk (you should like look that, your a pig, your too fat, your disgusting, and that's just the beginning!)
• United States
6 Mar 10
They said the max for my height that they could even accept me at would be 243. I wasn't 243 before I had kids try 260. It's not like I don't know I'm heavy I've known for a long time I"M NOT BLIND!
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• United States
7 Mar 10
Thankfully I'm in WI and there are as many thin folks as there are chunky folks so one doesn't stick out a whole lot. The only way you stick out is if you are say 350+ then you'd stick out of the crowd. But you know negative attitudes and bullying is one of the puzzle pieces as to how I got to be this weight in the first place. But you know winters here stink.... we eat fairly heavy meals here in winter (aka comfort foods) but don't do alot of activity outside but once spring hits a person can really get out and do things.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Your journey into the realm of the overweight sounds a lot like mine! Have you seen the insurance charts? If I weighed 110-120 as they say I would be unhealthy and all skin and bones. My oldest son was turned away from the Army (thank God!!) because their charts said he was overweight. He's 6'3" and 230, they said he should be 165-180. Looking at him, he is NOT overweight but he has about 50 pounds of muscle in his body from working out and trying to stay healthy!
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• United States
6 Mar 10
Yeah here's one of those fancy charts When I was 130 I wore a 16 @ age 11! I'd love to know if I got down to 130 now if I'd wear a size bigger than a 16? Eh but I'll never find out. Yeah I know about th emuscle I hate that cause you are big you are weak. Don't tell my DH I posted it on here but he's abt 190-200lb @ 6ft1in and I can carry him across the kitchen. He's so embarassed that I can lift him. But if I do get to a gym again I want to get back into weight lifting I really enjoy it, but just on machines of course. I loved beating out him & his buddy on the leg press... kinda funny... cause I think I was able to do 300lbs+ (if I remember) and I could kick their butts under all this fluff. I wouldn't think @ 6ft3in your son would be considered fat @ 230 especially if he was muscular. But like you said it was a blessing they rejected him especially with the way things are now days.
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• United States
6 Mar 10
you think that's bad..try getting a policy with manic-depression. my mom went company to company before she found one that'd insure her. i could imagine her trying to find one now..manic,overweight and smoker. she'd probably be uninsurable by today's standards.
• United States
6 Mar 10
I have one from my work I could sign up for but you know you toss in the weight factor as part of insurability as usual I may as well skip it. I'm glad she eventually found one. But you know the fact that it would cost us like under $2 a week for both of us is why I thought why not? Can't buy term life insurance for that KWIM?
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• United States
7 Mar 10
yup.for 2 people,that's a pretty good price. i think she pays 100 a month just for herself.
• United States
11 Mar 10
exactly! I can't spare $100 per person a month..... but you know now days you have to be able to pay in full on your burial expenses before they even render services. Seriously who's going to be able to come up with 10,000+ unexpectidly. KWIM?
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Are you kidding?? I know I was around 200 the 2 times we got medical insurance through hubby's work, and he is around 270-280. I don't recall if they asked for our weight, and if they did, we were not denied.. although I probably would have put 190 for my own because that was my usual. We're both smokers too, but that is the extent of our health risks. We don't drink or anything else, we wear our seatbelts, etc etc. So what are you going to do? Go without, or try to lose weight until they accept you? I know from experience it's pretty impossible to lose weight just because someone else wants you to... for me it would have an opposite effect, I'd probably end up gaining over a situation like this. Thankfully now I am pretty close to a healthy weight for my height, so I won't have to worry about it. If you do decide to try to drop a few pounds, let me know, and I can help you out as much as I can.
• United States
6 Mar 10
I"m where your husband is at I haven't seen under 200 since I was 13 & I'm 33 now. I did loose a chunk of weight 10yrs ago... I was also going to the gym 2-3hrs a day, low carb diet (veggies & meat mainly) & working full time. FFWD 10yrs and I"m 55lbs heavier and 3 kids under my belt as well. I just need to hit the gym but I can't afford the gym membership & then add the child care on for 3 kids so I can do it KWIM? But I will be starting to go walking in the next few weeks as the temps get above freezing. My #2 is in school 2.5 hrs so if I go walking w/ #3 while the girls are in class it'll help. I hate winter!
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• United States
6 Mar 10
Yes Winter does stink!! I can't wait for Spring either. Do you have a YMCA near you? They usually offer subsidized memberships if you can meet their income qualifications, and they offer free child watch during certain hours. If it weren't for the Y, I would not still be losing weight, and certainly would have given up ages ago.
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• Canada
6 Mar 10
I HATE going to a gym or anything of that sort because I always feel so self concious especially if a fit knock out walks by me or if a really hot, toned guy walks by me!Then seeing how fit they are and how I look just depresses me more! I really really really want to get the WII Fit! That way I can get the "games" to work out, and they help you get toned and lose weight! Plus the best part is you can do it all in the comfort of your own home! Also I can almost guarantee that my 3 year old will be right there beside me because she is full of energy like most 3 year olds and she'd be like "mommy this is fun!" And she'd probably be my motivation too because she'd keep bugging me to do it again! I too know how it feels to have 2 kids under the belt (I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old) and the 5 month old baby fat is what has got me down right now!
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Mar 10
I can't believe that they denied you of life insurance solely because of your weight but they didn't deny your husband despite the fact that he is a smoker. That just doesn't seem right to me. I know that with health insurance weight and previous medical history, as well as a history of smoking will make your premium more, but I've never heard of life insurance declining a potential client solely on account of the fact that you are heavier than the average person. If it makes you feel any better, I too would be declined for life insurance from this company on account of my weight as well.
• United States
11 Mar 10
Yeah I know. I was thinking perhaps they are being super fussy cause the insurance premiums are so cheap thru that place that they don't want to take a chance? Or maybe because his company also his this "lean" program they will reduce your medical insurance by a whole $2-4 a week (Impressive savings right???? but they'll give you like $150 for weight loss or something else like that) but hubby can't join it because he's a smoker so he won't do it & of course I have no child care to go to a gym or money for a gym+child care to do it. But he said for that program they do count using the Wii fit & you keep a fitness record of it. I dunno worth a shot I suppose?
@sknsknskn (393)
• India
7 Mar 10
I've had problems in the past finding life insurance, or couldn't get that much. It was always my epilepsy they'd want to charge a lot to insure me. I finally got some life insurance from Lincoln Heritage life Insurance and I got it in 2004.
• United States
11 Mar 10
I'm glad you were able to find something to suit your needs and your medical condition.
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
6 Mar 10
I too am overweight.......Your lucky not to suffer from the health issues as I have it all type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure......And doesn't help I'm a smoker lol but am trying to change all those bad habits to be healthier....Back when I was with my husband he put me and our kids on his insurance and we were not denied whatsoever I think that is just plain right out discrimative if I spelt that right HappyMylotting.
• United States
6 Mar 10
I feel it is too! Especially since I don't have any health issues other than my weight KWIM? Oh wait I have sinus' in winter & some slight carpel tunnel from my pregnancy w/ snugglebunny #2.
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@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Mar 10
They simply don't like the idea that over weight can pose a laundry list of health risks. And, you don't need a gym member ship to reach a healthy weight. Simply eat right, eat less portion sizes, and do some simple excersises that don't take too much of your time. I do therputic exercises and streaches almost every day, my previous physical therpist recommended them, and they are a great form of exercises and will keep me active seeing as how because of my Cp, I am limited on what I can do.
• United States
6 Mar 10
Yeah I do need a gym membership I'm 120 over where I'm supposed to be according to a chart of where people should be to their height. I can reduce portions all I want but I need to burn the excess fat on my body and you can't burn that w/o doing something cardio.