What is the connection of your Avatar to your Username?

March 6, 2010 3:14pm CST
I came to this question from time to time I have to look for an avatar to match with my username... This avatar was successfully uploaded the early morning last day. I've looked this from images in the web. I matched it with my name... I just type there 'prime' and selected some nice images that would be good for an avatar... and I am happy one of you here complimented this latest one... perhaps this is my permanent one... How about you? Are you matching you avatar with your usernames... I found some of you here that the usernames and avatars are obviously matched, how about the others?
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18 responses
• India
9 Mar 10
Hi, I have already made a discussion quite similar to this. Truly speaking there is no apparent connection between my username and my avatar. But my avatars are always related to some or the other traits of my personality. I usually put happy and joyous images as my avatar. This is because most of the time I feel happy and contented. I seldom feel sorrow no matter what situation I am in. I stay happy as I try to be happy. This avatar is mine is a cute kitten running. The expression of its face only suggests happiness. I am also a self seeker, a seeker of happiness. God bless you
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• Philippines
9 Mar 10
Thanks my friend. I know you are a happy tough person, Aren't you???? And I love your running kitten----very cute. If I love dogs, I also love cats.... and---------symbolizes your traits, how I wish I could see myself happy to all the time like you...
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• Philippines
9 Mar 10
Oh-------thanks for coming again my friend... I am trying to make my gf and sister smile all the time so that we all become happy always... and thank you so much for the secret. I am faithful to Him, there would be no worries and everything would be always fine and all my days would be always happy.... This is great!!!!!
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• India
9 Mar 10
Oh dear, you are a happy person. To be happy one needs to be with happy person. We will always be good friends as long as myLot exists. Let me tell you this secret. True happiness comes from a firm faith in God. Take care
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• Pakistan
6 Mar 10
Hi prime actually you are quite right your avatar wonderfully suits your username as i read the name prime aqua and saw your avatar i literally said perfect your username actually suits your avatar but in my case ma username is shahbazkharadi its my name it has no meaning actually so i cant look for an avatar that suits my username i have to find an avatr that suits my interest for example i upload avatar of god of war which i love and that avatar can clearly say that iam a fan of god of war but i think thats cool to find an avatar that suits your username beacuse after logging out from my lot i will probably not remeber your name but ill remember the picture because picture can be learned more quickly and by the help of that ill easily memorize your username
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• Philippines
6 Mar 10
Thanks my friend... you really take time to search for it... You are right my friend... sometimes you can easily remember user by it's avatar... but it's not a problem, you can still use the one you've said... even if it would not suit your usrname but then it would suit your personality or your character... as soon as you get to know with other here and as they get to know you then it would not be a problem... we can remember you always by your avatar and username... well, your personlity would be reflected on your responses... And I can say now that you are really a nice person... and if in case you are not yet familiar hoe to change your default avatar to your selected avatar I can help you. Just PM me.
• United States
7 Mar 10
Sarah Ruth Beth is the name I wished I was given at birth. I hate, hate my real name ( If you send me a private message I'll tell you my real name.)Well at least I get to use my favorite name here. As for my avatar, It is my favorite symbol.I love music!
• United States
7 Mar 10
Is there a name you rather be called? I'll use it! and yes I can sing. I also play violin and guitar.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
I guess I should PM you right now sarah because like you I also hate, hate, hate my real name... hahahaha!!! and I guess further you are gifted with a golden voice... I still love music but I am not gifted such...
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• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Just call me prime... almost all of my friends now call me by that. And I guess I must continue calling you sarah, is that allright? oh, how I wish I could hear you sing and see in my eyes you are playing violin and guitar... I guess you made your love sleep with your voice!!!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
7 Mar 10
My avatar says it all and suits me down to the ground. It is me so it suits my username which says it all too. I am very open about everything here.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
I bow to you diana... Great!!!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
7 Mar 10
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Mar 10
Ha that's easy. My username has my name in it and my avatar is me...
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
But I miss your avatar now dawnald... I guess that must be your little angel... have a nice day to you my friend... I wish you are completely allright now... God bless you...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
hahaha, oh??? that's why it's black and white...oh gosh, I love that picture... how I wish to have mine too... but I am afraid I have no pictures left in my childhood days...
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Mar 10
Actually that is me at 1 year old. :-) Your talking about avatars made me decide to change it!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
7 Mar 10
been here for almost two years, prime. and i have used a lot of avatars. there was this image of our first hero lapu-lapu which i used for i guess a year. then there was a real photo of me, that i photoshopped so it will not be a clear image. i just don't want to go in the open yet. i used it for a short time. there was also one that i tried, to see how the lamb did to his avatar which looks like, it's missing. short time only. now this one, my son's photo. i have lots of images of my son that i already used as avatars. but with my username, i just used one real photo of mine.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Oh, lapu-lapu? Then the two us are PILIPINOS neil... anyway, I never seen you in that avatar... I just saw the last one... and maybe I would love to see your real pics too as soon as you are ready to come out... I am sure you have seen me already in my last avatar... but I love your present avatar now... it is not just so clear because of the water... Just last weeks I decided to hide, hahaha... for me it's more exciting to hide from an avatar body...
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Oh, thanks for uploading the photo niel... I have used mine last 2 months when I came back here... well, I like more your avatar now so maybe you can use that for a long time...
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
8 Mar 10
lapu-lapu - lapu-lapu monument in mactan islands, lapu-lapu city
this is the avatar i had used for more than a year, i guess. before, mylotters would know that this is neildc if they see this photo. i guess, no one here had used lapu-lapu as avatar before. this time, i just wanted to use my son's pictures as avatar. i have seen your photo but i never had the chance to see you using that as your avatar.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Mar 10
When I first started, I had a different avatar, after about a week, I remembered that I had my smiley kitty picture in my folder. I'd only been using the MsTickle username for a short time and when I linked the two on this site, to me, they were a purrfect match. That was nearly 5 years ago. "MsTickle" is another way to spell "mystical" and the cat in my avatar is a derived from the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland who can disappear at will....if that's not mystical then I don't know what is. The combination of my username and avatar for me is magical. I don't think anyone else gets it though...unless I explain it of course.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
Thank you MsTickle. As I received this response of yours an hour ago, I tried to figure out first what is the connection of your avatar to your username---it's hard really. I have no idea till you explained it. And honestly I have no idea at first it is a kitty smiling, well, it's unique and beautiful. And 5 years ago???? You are then a certified myLot Pro... I must bow to you MsTickle.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
7 Mar 10
My avatar is different symbols of love. I fell in love when I first found that picture and have been using it everywhere ever since. It is really beautiful. I want everyone in the world to spread love and there should be no fighting and blood shed. If every person starts thinking positively the world will be come such a lovely place to live in.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
To tell you this is one of my best responses dbeast... and I love that avatar, small hearts that symbolize love... and you use that everywhere ever since? It's just further proving you a loving person...and you are right, if everyone is loving each other, then there would be no more fighting and blood shed, and world would prosper and people would dwell in peace!!!
7 Mar 10
I didn't match up my user name with my avatar. My avatar is a a blue dragon as I love dragons of all types. My user name came from my nickname.
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Wow... I like your avatar my friend... sometimes username is matched with avatar but many of you here use avatar according to your personal interest... I like dragons too...
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
My avatar is a picture of a character in a role-playing console game that is in one of my favorite console game series ever, Suikoden. This character shares exactly the same name first real name with me so I chose his picture as my avatar. My nickname here however is a combination of my nickname, choy and my girlfriend's, bel.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Hi choy... I've been figuring out that avatar the last time I saw you in my past discussion... now I know... Nice One
@Chad525 (349)
• Canada
7 Mar 10
Mine is pretty simple. My name is Chad, I'm born May 25th (5/25) and my avatar is a picture of me. Simple.
@Chad525 (349)
• Canada
7 Mar 10
Yup, my little girl :-)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
wow, I like yours chad... and your baby?
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Wow... you are blessed with an angel my friend... how I wish I could have a little angel soon. God bless you and your little baby girl...
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
11 Mar 10
Hi primeaque86, My name is thezone and my avatar is the Zone. Simples
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
Hi thezone... very good . Love it...
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
6 Mar 10
I have discovered with age that I´m past the time in life when I needed masks of any thig. When I answer or post here, I say what I think. The same thing happened to me when I thought of an avatar. Nothing would do but a picture of myself. I could change it for another picture of me, but I would not use anything else. It has not been like that always though. I used to have a darling witch flying on her broom as an avatar some time ago ( not at mylot though). My username isa subtle change of my own name too. Probably I would even forget it if it was too difFicult. Take care!
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
Hi my friend marguicha, Thank you my friend for sharing your views... Long before I enjoy my face pics too... I am just in the mood to hide... but I just like this now... and oh... how I wish to see a darling witch with her broom... that would be lovely too... but then your avatar now is so beautiful... I guess your in a boat... am I right?
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Wow, I've always hear about that wonderful Caribbean sea my friend, how I wish I could be there too... well, let me add some: a very adventurous pretty witch...
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
7 Mar 10
Yes, that picture was taken in my last vacations, on January 2009. Some friends invited me aboard a sailboat to the Caribbean. It was awesome. I´m a very adventurous old witch.
@xixuegui (10)
8 Mar 10
i still didnt upload any avatar, so still no connection between avatar and username
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Oh, and if you have some problems in doing that... feel free to ask anyone of us my friend... I hope to see your avatar soon...
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
7 Mar 10
max was my dogs name who sadly passed away last august, 1950 is the year i was born
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Mar 10
hi primeaque86 I finally found out how to change my avatar and tried several of my own graphics and finally found the one I called leafgarden and its colorful and natural, I guess it connects with me as I am the graphics maker. I had a passion for making these and never really used them until now. I used to use some in stories I wrote and stored on my computer, unpublished of course. he he.
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
Hello hatley my friend... several times I figured out what's there on your avatar... well I love that...and oh, I love your talent too... I know how to draw but I am not really good with graphics... I only rely on the web for my avatar. And you are a writer too? How wonderful... I hope that one day you could able to publish that and be a known writer... It's not too late my friend...
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Hi prime, I think you're quite familiar with my story, Obviously, my username and avatar matched. I put a tiara and the word princess stamped to it coz my parents often call me their princess because I'm their only child. Hence, I came up with "onlyprincess" as my username and my real picture as my avatar to match.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Hi my friend onlyprincess, Yes I do onlyprincess... I guess I have memorized it already... 100% matched... I guess I would ask your permission to pm you... --??
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
7 Mar 10
My avatar matches my username perfectly, because it is me about 3 months ago. I haven't changed my avatar, because I'm not sure what to use: a clown, a dog, a dolphin, me and my mom... Until I come up with something cool, I'm just going to use my picture as my avatar.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Well, that is okay hoffer... and you avatar is cool... a nice face pics of you...