Do you ever feel like too much is asked of you?

By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
March 7, 2010 9:18pm CST
Do you ever feel like people ask too much of you? Do you get overwhelmed easily or does it take a lot to push you over the edge? Specifically, I know at work a lot of times I feel like I have a lot on my plate, but normally it takes a lot for me to become overwhelmed. How do you handle these types of situations? What is your "breaking point" at work or in other situations where you can't possibly handle anymore requests? Thanks for sharing!
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13 responses
• United States
8 Mar 10
Yes! all the time. What i find worst is when alot of things happens at the same time and it's so overwhelming. My problem with my busy schedule is that after awhile I would drop everything, just give up and quit alot of activities. Definetly not a good route in my experience, because it led to depression and didn't really Solve the whole situation. It was more like taking the easy way out and running away. What I've decided to do is to just get as much as I can done and relax after. If I fail or don't get some things done, just let it go. You must take care of priorities first.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
You have a great way of looking at things now. In the past, running away for you was easy, but it's not the best. I think the best is the way you handle things now. If you're doing you're very best to get everything done, but you don't finish, at the end of the day you can go home with a clear conscience because you did your absolute best, and no one can ask more of you than that! That's an excellent way to look at stress and being completely overwhelmed. I'm so glad to learn that you've conquered your depression. Stress can absolutely lead to depression, but you're a pro at handling it now! Good for you. Thanks for your encouraging response. It goes to show others that they can do it, too, even if it's overwhelming at times.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
8 Mar 10
Many of my former co workers were on medication for depression or other mood disorders. It was not uncommon to hear them talk about having their meds increased so they could work. I refuse to do that. I began having anxiety attacks and waking up at night and being unable to sleep. The only reason I held on as long as I did was so I would have benefits for this foot surgery. Up until about a week ago I still cried every time I mentioned work. That is not a life.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
I couldn't agree with you more! In this situation where anxiety attacks are related to your job, that is the time when I would say goodbye! It's time to find a new job. It's crazy how stressful jobs can be! So much is expected of us, but the pay is so low sometimes that we have hardly anything to show for our time and effort (except for medical benefits, as Gerty mentioned). It's insane.
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
There are times when I feel that my boss is asking me to do a lot of things, like you, I usually don't break under pressure, actually I work well under it.. It's just that sometimes, you would need to extend hours at the office just to get things done, which is not at all fun. Hahahaha. Even with my relationships, I don't feel that my friends, family or even my boyfriend expects a lot from me, I think they have learned to accept me for who I really am, and not make me the person that they want to be. I guess I'm really lucky for that.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
You're very fortunate that your family accepts you the way you are and don't expect changes because that's what makes you YOU! I don't mind the pressure at work because, like you, I work better under it. I think that's my best motivation at work is having so much to do. Yes, it adds hours to our workday, but it's worth it to get things done. Now if those hours tend to add up to where there's no longer a balance, and we never have time at home, for instance, then something needs to change. I say that if you have pressure on you, but you can handle it then it's ok! Thank you for sharing your experience. I enjoyed reading your response!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Balance is key to living a happy and fulfilled life. I know for me, I always get frustrated when I'm spending too much time and work and too little time at home or with my family. It's all about getting our priorities straight so everything gets done in the 24 hours we have each day. Best wishes to you, my friend!
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
that's true. I love it when you have so much to do, cause it makes me more efficient. And yes, we do have to think about being balanced in both work and family at all times.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
10 Mar 10
I felt like that as a child. And I felt like that as a teenager. When I started college at sixteen, I felt it even then. I think it was around the age of twenty when I became so overloaded I thought forget it, I can stand with disappointing other people. Or not being on the timetable people seemed to think I needed to follow. It's not worth my sanity. Of course I don't have kids and am not married. That would be SO much more pressure.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
10 Mar 10
I understand completely where you're coming from. When I was a child, I had a lot of pressure on me to get the straight "A" report card. If I didn't, then there was something wrong with me because I was supposedly capable of better - this continued through high school and even college. I, as you did, decided not to be pushed around by others' expectations of me because we can't always achieve according to others' expectations, and that's absolutely OK! Their expectations and our performances shouldn't match because that would just be scary! Thanks for your honest response. I'm glad you don't seem to mind what is expected of you as long as you're doing your best, which is perfectly acceptable. I can appreciate your attitude and wish I were even more like you in that way! I'm glad you also don't have the negative pressures of what a husband and kids could bring, but perhaps someday that is a challenge you will be able to take on. I'm sure you could handle it! Thanks again, my friend.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Mar 10
Hi JJ4Ever, I get most of my hours in at work on the weekends and I have 3 days off during the week and so this makes me available while many others would be working. I do a lot of running for people. Sometimes I feel like Taxi cab driver is a 2nd job for me. I don't get what you'd call overwhelmed by it but sometimes it does get to be a bit much as I have my own things to do as well. When it reaches a point where I'm feeling a bad attitude coming on then I just tell them all "NO". I know most of them don't drive so I let them know a day ahead that I'm not going out tomorrow so if they need anything it will have to be today are the day after. They are mostly family and people I know real well and they understand. Saying NO is hard for some people. It used to be for me but you just have to do it.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Mar 10
It took me a lot of years to reach the point where I realized that it is better for me and everyone that I care about to just say "no" or "enough" when it all starts to feel like it is too much. If I don't then I start having negative feelings and its just not a good thing.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I really think learning to say no is key. People who don't say it enough are overwhelmed. People who say it too much have no opportunities presented to them anymore. There's a good balance that we all have to reach of knowing when to say know and when enough is enough!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
I admire you for setting limits to your responsibilities so you don't end up getting overwhelmed. Good for you! You've set a wonderful example for all of us.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
28 Mar 10
This is a really good discussion and I know everyone has times where there is a lot on their plates and they get overwhelmed and I know there are times at work where I get overwhelmed and feel overworked especially when it is really busy and I am the only one out there to cover the whole big parking lot which is never fair,and sometimes I feel like they ask too much since I always do my best,and when I do a really good job,all they seem to care about is doing better,doing more,and making them more money,and there are some days I feel like I am so overwhelmed I end up having panic attacks,that and I do not want to lose this job since me and my wife have a lot of bills right now.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Apr 10
I agree with you there, where there can be many times we're overwhelmed because while we do our best, there's still so much expected of us. Do you ever feel like because you always do your best, people expect more and more of you? Sometimes I almost want to know what it's like when I don't do my best just to see if it'll lower people's expectations of me - LOL! For instance, I kind of slacked off a little, (which is what others' performances would be normally), and my boss pulled me into her office to ask what was up? I was so surprised that she thought my performance was lacking because I hadn't done anything wrong. I just took some shorter days due to much-needed doctor appointments because I thought the other two employees on my team would be ok those days for a couple hours each without me. It's a long story, but I feel like too much is expected of me a lot of times when I'm at work, which is why I'm looking for a better place to work because I know I can do better than where I'm at!
• Mexico
9 Mar 10
Greetings to you JJ4Ever. I exactly feel like that today. I had to do several household chores, buy food stuff, cook and make a summary of about ten newsletters and edit it to make a small gazette. All of this between 9am-1pm. It really was too much for me, I couldn't finish to clean up all the house and its a small one. Sometimes I feel there is much asked of me in so short notice, its horrible to make things under so much pressure, nothing goes well and I do it with no such joy that I use to do things, specially cooking. I've not worked at mylot for several days because they're too much things to do this days and I need time to relax and have more strength for what goes next. Well, about my breaking point, I'm not yet near it, that happened to my a lot back then when I was at school. Those situations and all that pressure took me up to my breaking point but I never did something worth regretting. Have a great and relaxing evening, Libna. Take care.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Sometimes when the pressure gets to be too much for me, I've got to do the same thing as you. I just have to sit back and relax. It's not giving up; it's more like a recharge. I can't function when I'm at the boiling point and about to burst with way too much stress. I find that I'm much more productive when I take a few minutes to get a hold of myself before diving into another project. After all, isn't that why they give us paid breaks at work? I really wish employers would follow through with those a lot more than they do by making sure their employees take all their breaks. It's not fair to have to deal with all the stress all the way through the day without having any breathers!
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
8 Mar 10
At the job I recently left I felt like whenever I could manage my caseload adequately, they felt like since I was successful they could add more duties. It did get to me, I went on medical leave for a scheduled surgery, and then gave notice. They are required by federal law, to hold my job for twelve weeks, but I told them I would not come back in any capacity. I tend to be the type person who will get it done or die trying. I try to do anything that is asked. When I speak up, and am ignored, I begin looking for a way out. I am often not adamant or forceful when I offer objections and so I do get ignored. When I find myself making mistakes, I have to say it is enough. That is my breaking point.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
I know exactly how you feel in the workplace - being given too much (or too little) responsibility and so on. I hate being given so much work (that I get done without a problem, by the way) and never acknowledged again whatsoever. I could go on and on about things at work that frustrate me, but I will spare you the details! Good for you on sticking to what you wanted by leaving that place for very understandable means. I'm not forceful at work either, but I go for what I believe I deserve. For instance, without getting into all of it, I'm overworked and underpaid. I understand the whole economy situation, but I believe I can do WAY better than where I'm at now. I've been looking for a job and have had several interviews and serious prospects. I'm the one getting to be picky, which is so nice! I've found that I'm not being so picky because people love my experience and expertise, and are more than willing to hire me. (It almost makes me wish I'd started looking for a better job a long time ago!) So be it - I guess all of this goes to show that we have to fight for what we want! I'm glad that everything worked out for you. Thanks so much for your response.
8 Mar 10
I have found myself in that situation so often that I should be used to it by now. I take on too much, can't refuse to help when asked, as a result I get buried under the load. These days I have had to distance myself from things, just to keep my danity on occasion. I need to learn to say no :-D
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
That's just what I was going to tell you - just say NO! (LOL) I know because I was the same way, but it's not worth it because you eventually get overwhelmed and end up getting nothing done because you've taken on too much. The good intention of always saying "yes" is great, but a balance is definitely needed! Thank you, my friend.
• Trinidad And Tobago
8 Mar 10
YES!!! They asked me to corrupt & destroy the world... but it's so hard!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Aug 11
So, how is that going then? LOL!
@Detrox93 (106)
• United States
9 Mar 10
I feel that I always have someone that's wanting more and more of me. It's hard because I always give it my best, but some people do not realize that. Sometimes I am tough on myself, because it is necessary to keep yourself in line. I have problems when someone doesn't give me time, and expects me to magically do something that takes a long time, because I am not the quickest learner. Sometimes I remove myself from the situation or go to one of my close friends and ask them for advice.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Oh, I hate that when I do my very best, and then someone asks me to do something for instance in ten minutes when that's not even humanly possible. I think people need to think about it and have more reasonable expectations of those they work with.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
9 Mar 10
Its really tough being overwhelmed with doing so many things. Sometimes I just need to take a break from all that. Then I would ask my co-workers or friends to help me with certain things to help ease the workload burden on me.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Mar 10
That is the best thing to do when overwhelmed at work - ask others for help - because they would wish the same thing, that others would help them when they have too much to do. I used to take on way too much at work and get so overwhelmed and then wonder why! When I finally learned not to take so much and simply ask for help, the day went a whole lot smoother for me! Thanks for sharing your experience. I think the two key things to staying stress-free are learning to say "no" and learning to ask for help. That's all there is to it! It works in life, too, not just on the job.
@MrKennedy (1978)
8 Mar 10
I regularly feel overwhelmed and over-burdened with stuff I do think that too much is expected of me, and it can get tough sometimes
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Aug 11
That's not good if you are overwhelmed continuously. Too much stress is not good, medically speaking, either.
• Brunei Darussalam
8 Mar 10
Yes I do feel people are asking too much from me. Especially my parents. Since I am the first-born, my parents expect me to achieve great things so that I can set good examples for my younger siblings. Sometimes they expect me to do things without the help of any others. But when my siblings are doing the same work, my parents expect me to help out. Where's the fairness in that? Also, sometimes lecturers expect me to produce outstanding exam results just because I am an active participants in class discussions. I can see that from the way they talk to me. Most of the time I can still handle these pressures but with the amount of work I'm having now, I think I'd snap if somebody is asking more from me.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Mar 10
I can definitely understand how being a firstborn child can cause your parents to ask a lot of you. That's no fun when teachers expect a lot out of you either since sometimes you're not always capable of their expectations - you only need to do your best. There is so much pressure in life, but when we find the balance to where people don't ask too much of us, then we know what is expected of us on a reasonable level. I hope that you find this balance instead of becoming overwhelmed because stress is not helpful at all! I wish you the best in all of your endeavors!