God Told Me To Write This Discussion
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
March 8, 2010 6:07pm CST
What if I told you that I have a message from your God and if you do not believe the words that I am writing you are all doomed to torture for all eternity. How many would believe that what I would be writing to you is divinely inspired? I would hope that most of you would use critical thinking, you would read my words and decide for yourself that the chances that my message is not divinely inspired. Yet when it comes to your holy book there is no critical thinking. How do I know this? Because of some of the answers I read here on the religious page. Answers like because the Bible says so, the Quran says so, or what ever other holy book says so. The only reason you reason you accept that your holy books is divinely inspired is because you are told that it is. What would be the difference between your book telling you that it is divinely inspired and someone writing a post and saying that the post is divinely inspired.
If you want to know what the divine message is God wants everyone to send my a thousand dollars. What is the difference between someone on TV saying that and myself?
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27 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
9 Mar 10
I agree with you that people shouldn't take someone at their word when they say they speak for God. To do so is foolhardy and not at all what God wants people to do. Listening to just anyone who says they have a special message from God can lead people into a lot of trouble. It happens far too often.
As a believer, I know that God says to test the message against His Word. But also, God provides the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.
I know you aren't a believer, but I can only answer as to my own personal reaction and ways of determining if a message is divinely inspired. First, if the message is contrary to the Word of God, I would dismiss it. If it was contrary to the nature of God, I would dismiss it. A less tangible test is whether there is a witness in my spirit to the message. This is possible because I know God, and I know when God is speaking to me. That is something I can neither explain nor prove, it just is.
Certainly, even common sense should tell someone that God doesn't require a cash payment in exchange for His message. Unfortunately, some people are so desperate and some other people so dishonest that this does happen. Some use God and religion to manipulate others and gain control over them (or their finances). But unscrupulous people seem to exist in every area of life.
As for the Bible being divinely inspired, I know this because I have met God, He has spoken to me through His word, it has been made alive to me in ways that I cannot fully describe here. I do not expect you can accept that, and that is alright. No one can experience something for someone else, but then, no one can argue someone out of something they've experienced. I do not accept that my holy book is divinely inspired because someone taught me so, I have experience of the divine inspiration behind it.
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@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Oh my goodness! Preach it brother! I don't have that beautiful gift of speaking like you do, but God uses me where He knows I can help. Bless you and your loved ones.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Knowing you and your relationship with my God, it's hard to imagine He would send you a divine message to me. As far as the Holy Bible goes, we read and study the scriptures and test them, not in part but the whole. It's true that there are many who depend on others to do the studying for them. Those people have faith but not knowledge. As a result, they miss out on the blessings God has promised His children. The scriptures say, "...my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 That's why we should not leave the studying of scripture to others, but get into the word ourselves. The difference between the scriptures and a posted message is that the scriptures have stood the test of time. Your divine message for receiving a thousand dollars has no mention of how that money will be used. A television evangelist will say the money sent to him is for the work of the Lord. Some may not be honest, but the people giving are giving in good faith. That is another reason why you should know the scriptures yourself, then you'll know if the evangelist is truly preaching the word of God.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Oh Bestboy we meet again. In our last meeting of the minds you cleverly told me "Why don't you start proving, to my satisfaction". The reason for this statement was because you felt that anyone that responded to one of your discussions had to play by your rules. Well Bestboy who's discussion is it now.
So far you have not proven anything to my satisfaction that the Bible is divinely inspired or any more divinely than any other holy book. You say that the scriptures have stood the test of time, well the same could be said about the Quran. I could ask you to elaborate on those scriptures standing the test of time, but I know that I would not get anywhere with you.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Do you mean the Koran? Is that what you are talking about? If you are also going to insult the Muslim religion as well as all the others at least take the time to spell it right.
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
9 Mar 10
You have a good point. People do say that alot. "Because my book says so." But they have no other reason for doing what they do. To really understand your beliefs, you have to go outside your book, outside your places of worship, and really think about everything. If there wasn't a book to tell you these things, what would you believe? If I remember correctly there is a saying in the Christian bible that goes "Man cannot live on the word alone." Test everything. So basically what you're saying is if you want to prove your beliefs, use another method, other than just running to your bible, right? Its kind of an easy escape from having to really argue your point.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
9 Mar 10
We have any other winner, someone who gets what I am saying. Unfortunately no prizes though. If there is a God then God gave us all logic and reason. What a sin it would be if we do not use our gifts. I would believe that a loving God would have more respect for on of his creations that used their gifts than just someone who just went through life believing everything that they are told.
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
9 Mar 10
hmmm you might be joking with this topic, but I think maybe God did tell you to write this, because its really going to get people thinking. Good job.
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@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
9 Mar 10
You make a valid point. It is important for us to keep our brains engaged in our religious practices. It is also important to know our god personally... that helps!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
God's words were written in the Bible...and i only believed in the Bible,and what the Bible says.
There were lots of false prophets to claim they were God's send,and will use the word of God to deceive even the chosen ones.
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@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
Well gewcew, it depends on the message or your message... People have minds and many people are saying many things to cheat others too... It is a fact, that is why people are having a hard time to believe all that are being said or heard... Most of the time proofs are needed. I know cheaters are alive 1000++ back years, but they are more rampant now... That is why people are very careful and don't believe that easy.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Mar 10
LMFAO of COURSE it was!! how do I know?? I READ IT IN A BOOK so it MUST BE TRUE 

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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
9 Mar 10
Hello gewcew23.......I wish God would really come and talk to us not in dream and not alone but in public, in front of all ........I hope the blue sky really turns red and some strange thing happen, so that people will start believing in God....It should happen that whenever evil man kills innocent, God should appear and bring the innocent back to life and burn the evil right there in public, so that people will have fear of God and they will be afraid to do any kind of sin or crime.....I wish this could happen.........
Why has this world is becoming such a hell of a place today, because nobody believes in God....and those who believe have no way to prove existence of God to these sinful people.........and all this is happening because God is not doing some big miracle that will make people be live in God....This miracle should be strong like thunder that will shake everyone.....because the daily small miracles that God is doing , nobody is noticing and also there is confusion if this was Gods miracle or not.....so now the time has come for God to really come forward and show himself and his powers. Only then this world will be heaven or else we have to keeps suffering in this hell.
I am sorry gewcew23........I know this is not the reply to your discussion, but I took out all my anger here and now I am feeling better.......thanks to you.

@kiel_d_01 (136)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
if you people really tried reading the bible, then try reading this ...
Luke 4:1-13
@apocalypsereturns (368)
• India
9 Mar 10
Well i would not argue with you on this case..
God really did tell you to write this article (think about it where did the idea come from)
On the other point you have raised yes there are people who think that the books are inspiered by the gods, well even if they are not they do depict the qualities which would elevate you o a much higher position than a normal man ..
people persuiing their lifes following hte rules of suh holy books lead a good righteous life ..
One would want to adhere closely to the books even if they are not divinly inspired
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
9 Mar 10
My Dear Man: Don't you know that the Bible was Divinely Inspired? Yes it was, and that explains how it could be passed down for hundreds of years, from generation to generation, and not one word lost, added or changed! To say nothing of the authors- All Flat Earth University Grads, who learned the equivalent of today's 6th Grade student. And never forget that wonderful word - "Faith" Its been said that Faith will move mountains, and that's a proven fact! Given enough Bulldozers, Earth Movers, and lots of diesel fuel, Faith will certainly move Mountains! My check is in the Mail!
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@jimeny (640)
• Israel
9 Mar 10
gewcew23, you asked a question, he answerd it. There is no need to contempt what he believes in.
barehugh, the bible was divinely inspired according to your faith, and if he don't believe in it it means nothing to him.
Also, the bible (in it's Hebrew form) had minor mistakes between different versions, the reason was probably because it had been copied manually.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Well then I would say you must be the Anti Christ which are people who use God to gain profit for themselves like asking for money for a message or evil like David Keresh. Just some fyi I don't just believe whatever I read in The Bible. God has been a part of my life since I was a child. There are many occasions all throughout my life that God has shown Himself to me. I feel His love around me daily I have met amazing people that God has brought into my life. I will never give someone a answer saying well The Bible says so. In fact I have also read a lot of posts of people saying how God has been in their life. God would never send a message through someone asking for money to have it revealed. Yes we have had people on tv claiming a lot of things in the name of God. True believers know what is real and what is not. The Bible is a guide to getting to know God and Jesus Christ. It is a way to read His word meditate on His word and to try and live a Godly life. Now I could go on and on about all my experiences where I have felt God right by my side. To be honest there is not enough time in a day to list them one by one. If you are waiting for one day God to come knocking on your door and say Hi I am God nice to meet you that is not going to happen. You need to be seeking Him and once you do then He will reveal Himself to you. In fact He is with you now just waiting for you to come to Him. And He will never give up on you no matter how much you are fighting not to believe in Him. Yet you keep asking questions about Him which says you do want to know Him but aren't ready to be honest with yourself yet. God is very patient,kind and loving. He will never give up on you and is willing and able to show you all He has to offer. He has many blessings just waiting for you. And this is what God told me to tell you and you don't have to pay me a thing.
Peace Be With You
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
9 Mar 10
I am the Anti-Christ, well I have been call a lot of things here on MyLot, I will just add Anti-Christ to that list. The Bible is the guide to get to know God, what about the Quran, or an other holy book. How is your book written by multiple people than a book written by one person? You have all these experiences with God by your side, well I have a lot of experiences with God not by my side. I bet my experiences where funnier than yours.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
9 Mar 10
to gewcew23- You are such a angry bitter person I am going to pray for you. Clearly if that is all you got out of all that you very much missed the point.
@kiel_d_01 (136)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
i don't know about you so- called Anti-Christs but that do you get with being an Anti?? why are you like this?? why are you doing this?? and about God being not by your side... He was there... you just ignored Him...

@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
9 Mar 10
Oh yes I remember Waco, but what is the difference. If most of the prophet who wrote the Bible, then they were not prophet but just historians. Also how do you know what you are saying is true. First of all how do you know Jesus was here. Second of all how do you know what those prophets wrote was accurate if they were not alive when it happened.

@mslena75 (561)
• United States
9 Mar 10
God has given us reason and intellect...unfortunately, not everyone chooses to use them. I am not a person who believes the literal Bible though. I think we all believe in the same God, although we may refer to that entity by a different name. I guess it really is hard to discern, which is why reason and logic still have a place.
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@mrrome (73)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
I have written this point of view many times before, that people saying something "that God spoke to them" saying this and saying that... believing that God like you to do this and to do that... God did really spoke to you? maybe yes, but did you really understand what he meant? Reading the Bible is a very dangerous thing to do. Bible is not meant to read, to believe in... but to inspired. At the beginning of the Bible there you will read about the creation and when God created the man next to that is the the first command of God, not to eat the fruit of one single tree in the center of paradise... and the story goes. Every body believed that that is true, maybe yes or maybe no, or maybe it is the warning to everybody who's going to read it that... that book is the fruit of knowledge. whom ever who read it will open-up his/her mind to know the right and wrong, that the true fruit that was said is the Bible you're holding... listen those who have the capability to listen.
My God maybe not your God... Why? because God is what you believe in. If you Believe that your God will torture you for all eternity and that's your God. One time Jesus ask his disciple who am I to you, they answer... they say... but Jesus say it again who am I to you? According to the Bible Jesus say that he is humble and Gentle and he will not forsake you. Now the question is my God is your God?
The Bible is been written of those men whom inspired by God that is true, but the Bible re-written inspired by the devil. Each and every time you open the Bible the mark of the devil is in every side, the mark of blasphemy, crawling over and over again and again, inhibiting your mind and make you believe that you're the only one who understand the Bible... listen all those who can hear...
The Bible say that a wise man will know the name of the devil by the number 666, what could it be? maybe just right in front of you. What I say maybe true or maybe not.
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@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
You do not fear God. If you do fear Him, you would not write this kind of discussion criticizing the Holy Bible without even reading its content. Please be informed that whatever you say or write, you will account for them when the time comes. I hope and pray that you will be filled with fear to God because fear to God is the beginning of all wisdom

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@machivado (528)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 10
Only mindless people will do such a thing. Everyday, sceptical people just keep increasing and I don't know anymore if that will make a better world. If God says He would send divine torture then I guess some people will get furious. That's just how this world has become...full of thick headed people with mindless and sceptical thinking.
@kiel_d_01 (136)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
i should say you really dared post something like this... idk if you're really serious with what you say or just for the sake of earning a lot of responses.... i don't mean to be like this dud but we're talking about faith here ... its like ... how do i put this... uhh.... you disrespected the 2 faith (Christianity and Islam) for writing this and even mentioning the names of the books... God for one thing is not responsible of man's actions... HE gave us the free will to live according to our preferences... just because someone said that what he says is from GOD or whatever... hello!! common human sense!! do you really have to believe that!? any wise man knows when it's a bogus or not!! i think you're over the top with the examples you enumerated... a man's mind cannot grasp the whole meaning of the Bible and the Quran ... the books ara vast seas of great wisdom and knowledge ... what we know is just a basin of all that is written there .... how do i know this?? because i have the so called COMMON SENSE ... and faith ...
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@enix119 (101)
• China
9 Mar 10
You are right that critical thinking is very important because we have to create new ideas of ourselves after we have absorbed something from authorities. However maybe critical thinking is not important in some occasions like when we are reading bibles. We don't care whether it's real or not, we just care the belifes. So critical thinking should be used depending on the context, I think.
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