By alexysabelle
@alexysabelle (905)
March 9, 2010 6:42pm CST
Driving along a busy street in the city where i live in, i notice this pick-up truck in front of me - what caught my attention was not the nicely built truck but the sticker attached to the glass panel it says: I LOVE MY COUNTRY, WHAT I AM AFRAID OF ARE THE PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.
When i reflected on this, somehow i agree. My country is a beautiful country, we have hospitable, friendly, sympathetic, hardworking and most of all WE ARE A FORGIVING people. but somewhere along the way, when our people hold a position in the government, they tend to abuse rather than use this power to uplift the morale of the society. To UPLIFT those who needed to be uplifted. But it does otherwise.
I have several transactions in government offices, and one common denominator you will notice, people queuing for their turn,sometimes under the HEAT of the sun, waiting to be served. and these people in the government does NOT extend and extra mile to serve the people as soon as possible, we are made to wait until they are ready to resume office.
I do love my country. i teach this to my students and to my children. i want to start teaching loving the country and its people with my students and children, hoping that they soon will become an epitome of nationalism.
can you relate? do you love your country like the rest of us? you can share your thoughts here.
God Bless everyone 

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5 responses
@rsa101 (38318)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Very nicely written post in here. Yes it made me pause and read your post from beginning to end. How I wish too that the people holding very important position in government should act to correct the system rather than joining in the bandwagon of becoming a part of the system. I also love my country very much but what I am seeing is really despair and so much corruption that almost make our country standing still because of these. We as a nation, need to move on and stop this system from doing the wrong things and start to move progressively towards a better Philippines.

@rsa101 (38318)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Again a very nice reply in here. You must be a very good teacher because you write very good in here. I wish I could be like you.
I sincerely hope that we could contribute something to society and I have a parent just like you they were both school teachers as well and by the way I am married to a teacher too.
That is why I have high respect to teachers like you that toil their life in educating and trying to mold our youth to be responsible enough and contribute to this country as well.

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@alexysabelle (905)
• Philippines
17 Mar 10
hi rsa,
i looked at your profile you have a very nice one. can you please teach me how to have a nice layout for my mylot homepage background. i don't know how to do it.
please teach me...
take care

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@alexysabelle (905)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
thanks rsa,
one morning when i was watching UKG (umagang ky ganda) with Pinky Webb and Anthony Taberna, what they talk about is actually happening in reality in our society right now. they talk about people, good people, principled people, people who seemed to be brought-up by their respective families with morale and good values. and they said, when running for a gov't position they bring with them the best of intentions for the people - their constituents. however, once THERE, Pinky said: KAKAININ KA NG SYSTEMA. true! it's hard to remain who you really are by heart when you are in the position.
so how do we solve this? overhauling the system take a long process and i think we have to start it with our children. reviving the value of good old days, letting them understand the importance of loving our country, of the role each Fipilino make in our society. once we become successful in molding our children, i think ONLY then can we have the leaders in the likes of Manuel L. Quezon, Ramon Magsasay and even Ninoy and Cory Aquino.
what we can do with the leaders we have how? HOPE. to hope that they may be enlightened and be sensitive enough to the silent cry of every Filipino. beyond hope and prayer NOTHING else i think.
let us continue LOVING and TAKING CARE of our country Kabayan, let us not despise it and most of all don't despair. let us do in our own little ways to create change in this country. I did my part and i will continue doing my part, i educate the youth here in our school, i am sure you can do something as well.
God Bless Kabayan...
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@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10
We're from the same country. I also observe that. Even the holiest candidate for presidency can change skin the moment they get the power and authority. In other countries, running for a government position means "public service", but here in our country, it's considered a business or a way to accumulate wealth and power. It's no longer about public service.
But do you believe in the old Golden Rule? Do unto others what you want others to do unto you? Now, we have now a new Golden Rule: He who has the Gold makes the Rules! Now, here lies the solution: I have read in a book written by a professor in Asian Institute of Management in Manila, that for our country to improve, we must nurture our entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurial countries like Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong put the power to the citizens, and to them, politics are just a form of entertainment, while here, almost all citizens depend on the government...
In entrepreneurial countries, the citizens are businessmen. Wealthy. Powerful. They are more powerful than their governments. In entrepreneurial countries, the governments depend on the citizens. Wealthy citizens establish wealthy nations. And that should also happen to us, here. Look at our neighbors. This is not to belittle the talents and abilities of our neighbors. But the truth is, we are more talented than them. They depend on us, on our talents. But we are just slaves to them. They are the employers. We are the employees or servants. It's no different to the classic "master and slave" system of the past. Look at our OFWs. They study so hard here. Then after graduation, their talents are being used by foreign employers. They work abroad. They use their talents abroad. Not here. Why? Because of lack of opportunities here?
Why is it instead of creating opportunities here, smart Filipinos go abroad to look for opportunities? Is it because of the government? The change that we need should come from us, not from the government. The government people will only give us empty promises, promises that are made to be broken. So why not instead of waiting for the government to do something for us, instead of waiting for the government to create and give us opportunities, why not create our own opportunities? We are as smart as our Asian neighbors. If they can put up mighty businesses, businesses that conquer continents, just like the electronics businesses of S. Korea, why can't we?
I'd like to ask every Filipinos here, have you envisioned our country like this? The opposite of what's happening? Instead of OFWs going abroad to work (and oftentimes going back home maltreated by their foreign boss), instead of this, have you envisioned foreigners coming to the Philippines applying for work here? Applying for work in businesses owned by Filipinos?
I think it's now time for change. In coincidence with Presidential candidate Noynoy' clamor for change, his promises to fight corruption (which I doubt he can accomplish it when he become president of the republic), in line with this, I think the real change must come from us, citizens. It's time for Philippine Entrepreneurial Revolution. It's time for citizens to become more business-minded. It's now time for citizens to become employers and not much of employees. It's time for citizens to become wealthy. It's now time for citizens to become more powerful than the government people. It's now time for us to be educated on what to expect from the government. Let's grab the power by becoming rich and wealthy through business/entrepreneurship. Our Asian neighbors are quick to grab this idea. Why can't we? Remember, there's a new Golden Rule in the new global economy: He who has the Gold makes the Rules. :)
@alexysabelle (905)
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
hi Kabayan...
it seems that i hear a cry of a revolutionary Ka Andres Bonifacio, only this time on entrepreneurial Pinoy!
joke lang...
seriously though, as Noynoy said (para kming close noh?), "dati na taung masipang, dati na taung matalino (we've been industrious, we've been intelligent), correct! but you know just like what Gordon said, we need a paradigm shift, a SHIFT in THINKING. because take a look at this: history would tell us that from the spaniards' colonization, to japanese occupation, american influence, and until now, we Filipino's have not change at all. we love to serve, we make ourselves available to serve the foreigners, and even to our moneyed fellow. we take pride in being able to do service in exchange of money. have you notice in some of us, loyalty can be trade with money, a sad reality but its happening. why is that so? Because Filipinos i think has the hunger for something we don't have, money included.
now, let's go back to Gordon and Nonoy. these two icons has a point. Gordon pointed our MIND SET, "we cannot do it, we cannot do it" "i'll just wait for a guava to fall into my mouth" you see. that is the aim of Gordon, PARADIGM SHIFT, mighty as it is, but it has a sense. we are so consumed by things that we don't have, we are so grandiose in our dreams that if we have money we can be this, and we can be that, and we put ourselves to a pedestal expecting everyone to respect us. because again we love to be loved. and we can only do that once we have what the rest of the people don't have - MONEY - and on the process w/o us noticing it we became slaves. we would like to be slaves again in exchange of money and comforts of life.
we've been intelligent (and indeed we are intelligent people), no question about that. we are industrious, we can work and work, as evidenced by our fellow working abroad having several employers -no question about that - but for what? because again we want to have what others don't have - MONEY - for what? we want to be loved and we want respect. and MONEY plays a bigger rule in that. now, can we earn that much in our own land? NO, (except if you are running the government) why, because we are deprived. sometimes, we are even discriminated by our own people. what we need? a SHIFT IN THINKING. that INDIVIDUALLY, we are a potential people, we can do something to recreate ourselves, to be useful individuals. that we can alleviate ourselves from poverty, BECAUSE it is the RIGHT THING TO DO. because that IS WHAT I WANT TO DO. because THAT IS WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF DOING.
it's our THINKING that hinders us. it's our thinking that ALLOWS us TO BE SLAVE by other countries, even by our OWN PEOPLE. It's out thinking that DEPRIVED us the potential for growth. it's US. Because we ALLOW that to happen.
so if there's a REVOLUTION i want to happen Kabayan? it the REVOLUTION OF THINKING. EXACTLY A PARADIGM SHIFT. that i think if happens is the start of our being a rich and wealthy individual, as a nation even. Unless we do that, we will remain or even worst than we are now. so... PARADIGM SHIFT Kabayan..., PARADIGM SHIFT... and LET'S START NOW...

@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Mar 10
I agree fully with that sticker. I do love my country but the government scares the heck out of me. I believe that they are trying to fundamentally change everything that makes it great! Crazy huh?
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
10 Mar 10
I think that abuse and corruption is not confined to one country all. I have learned that Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's very hard to be in a power position and not be mixed up in some kind of corruption. I am not saying it is impossible, but the temptation is so great that you ll get carried away so easily.
Yes I do love my country too. Sometimes I am not in favour of the government's decision but if he tried to please every single citizen wish I think we would end up in anarachy