Women are also responsible little bit....?

@siliguri (4241)
March 10, 2010 6:18am CST
This is a controversial question that i'm asking...Now a days we see the rapping cases raise in every country of the world in higher rate...What u think...the reason behind this...Yeah! i fully agree man are responsible for it..but u don't think..little bit responsible women also...the way they dressup...ooops...wearing so much small clothes..I don't want to go in detail in clothes aspects...u better know...U don't thing by wearing this type of dress..will attract the man...and all the man are not of good character..and they doesn't hesitate to do nuisance thing. ..sorry if i hurting you..my motive is not to hurt you..i'm keeping my view..i'm queer to know u also think that i think on this matter...I'm correct or not...?Please tell me...
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6 responses
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
10 Mar 10
we hear that its part her fault because of the clothes, and ive even hear once and this about my own daughter who sexaul assulted, that is was part her fault she could have fought harder or screamed even though she was on pain meds when a friend of the family tried to take anvange of her. no means no matter how you look at it, and i dont care what she is wearing it dont and shouldnt say hey i want rape. that is stuipd. when female is rape other need to stop making excuses for the dogs why they did it. there is no excuses for any dog to rape any female. i have even heard when i asked my nephew who claim that my daughter had fault in it, that if a grown man or woman rapes a baby or child its part their fault as well. he is a jerk for saying that i wanted to slap him silly. rape is rape, clothes or whatever isnt an excuse, and the females have no fault in it what so ever.
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@siliguri (4241)
• India
10 Mar 10
@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
11 Mar 10
Woman are just as responsable as men for their behaviors and actions. It all depends on how you go through life. I am a woman and cringe when women get away scott-free when they are just as responsible. Only time woman even seem to get in trouble is if they sell themselves, or if they are involved with a minor. Most often men get the bad wrap.
@siliguri (4241)
• India
11 Mar 10
Thank you kaylachan for understanding my feelings in better way..and i'm good to know that you are also women which is accent with me...if the body of a women is fully covered with clothes then the chances of getting rape is reduced then a women who doesn't do that...
@siliguri (4241)
• India
11 Mar 10
If they live in neat and clean way and wear the same dresses then see the result...and bananamen i think u taken my view over this wrongly...
• Bulgaria
11 Mar 10
Oh really? Then why we just all don't wear hijabs and head scarves? May be then poor men won't be provoked to rape us. Or may be then again women will be guilty because they'll provoke men's imagination and poor men just want to see what's under the clothes?
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
10 Mar 10
Dear friend, I do have heard that some well dressed or not so procative dressed women too get raped. But in most of the cases those procative types of dressing and acts of women do attract men. It would be better to be well dressed or to avoid such provocative actions so as not to get men provocated. May be women do have to be careful in avoiding rapes.
@siliguri (4241)
• India
11 Mar 10
This types of dress wakes the lust of a man..which in result...this thing were happen..if they avoid to dress up in such a provocative way..then i'm sure...the rapping cases will also reduce...thanks friend for the response...have a nice day...
• Philippines
10 Mar 10
There are many cases of rape and each has a unique story and we cannot generalize it and say that it also is the fault of the woman.
@siliguri (4241)
• India
10 Mar 10
I haven't say all the fault is from women side...i said man are responsible for this..but little bit there is erroneous in side of women also..think about it..friend...
• United States
10 Mar 10
women have no fault when they are rape at all. that is crazy.. here's a story when i was in school me and friend was walking down the hallway, as a female friend walked by us, he said i want to rape her. so i push him down the steps, picked him up and then threw him down more steps. he asked why i did that, i looked at him now you wont be able to rape no one today or ever.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
10 Mar 10
hi! Moonbutters is really right, because rape is a very bad act to other person- in most cases women, but you Siliguri may have right too, because some girls, especially here in my country dress up so provocative and so scantily, that sometimes you just can think they are street-walkers. I really can't understand those girls, but the most of the rape victims are girls like that!
• United States
11 Mar 10
The most common article of clothing found on victims is blue jeans not skimpy clothing. Assuming that skimpy clothes is what drives rapists is assuming a whole lot as victims can range in age from 1 year old to 99. I don't know any babies or 99 year old women going about dressed like hookers.
• United States
11 Mar 10
You are completely and utterly wrong. The one and only person who is ever responsible for rape is the rapist who makes the choice to rape. Nothing a woman can possibly do makes her the least bit responsible in any way for the rapist's choice to rape.
@siliguri (4241)
• India
11 Mar 10
It is your thinking..not of all the persons...any way thanks for the response...have a nice day...
• United States
11 Mar 10
Someone who thinks anyone other than the rapist is responsible for the rapist's choices will have to explain why that is, and what other choices a person makes for which they are not responsible. I doubt, however, that such a case can be successfully made. Moreover, and I specifically hold in contempt those who blame victims for the chocies their victimizers make.